WTF? This is exactly why some people are terrified of cops.
So many violations from the cop. Yeah, I know cops get annoyed when people don't immediately answer, but it's also valid for a person to want to know why they are being questioned. Instead of de-escalating and explaining that it's a high crime area and they just want to see if there are warrants (which is probably the real reason for asking), he escalated by making threats. Yeah, threatening to taze someone is going to make them relax. What an a$$hole!
And they called him a "big baby" after they tazed his testicles. WTF? At least they didn't hurt the kid, but he's probably traumatized after that.
That guy's kid is probably going to hate cops or at least be terrified of them for a long time (if not for the rest of his life).
Cop should have gone to prison for that. No way he should still be on the force.
This is worse than the corrections officer who pepper sprayed a woman's vagina twice.