So that's a Halloween 2nd amendment getup?
I'll check NBC, CBS, ab, MSNBC and CNN to see it they saw this one.
That's good zannej. Ya have to admit she had her smarts working the entire time............. you know during that drive, she was planning on the right moment to take control............ and she did it perfectly.This is one of the reasons I immediately lock my doors on my vehicle. I hit the lock button as I'm closing the door. Also, an expert on serial killers and murderers said to never let someone take you away in a vehicle (theirs or your own) because they were most likely going to kill you.
Glad the woman escaped. Just goes to show that a criminal doesn't need a gun to intimidate/injure/kill a person and that having a gun can save a person's life.
News to me......... so I'm gonna go look at the news.When I think Assault Truck, I think armored vehicle with weapons. LOL. But really, guns don't kill people (unless they are used to bludgeon them), bullets kill people!
So, what do you guys think about the mess in the Middle East right now? Just heard that Saudi Arabia arrested 11 princes and over 30 high officials. And someone launched a missile at the airport (but it was intercepted). Not sure, but I've heard the people arrested were friendly with the US and the current leader is not.
Some idiot just killed 25 people in a church in Texas ..