This was taken about 140 miles down the coast and eastwards, up into the hills. I miss those drives into no man's land trying each weekend to get lost. I was never good at getting lost.
I hiked for 20 minutes to get to the bottom of a steep ravine because the steady noise of rushing water got the best of me. There wasn't a river on my map, but dog gone it, there had to be a pretty big creek down there with some waterfalls to make all that noise. Put on the backpack with my camera gear, slung the tripod over my shoulder and off I went, zig zagging my way down the hill. I wasn't on any sort of trail. The hike started off easy............ This was a grassy, 5 year old clear cut with lots of new trees growing on the hillside. It was noon and the sun was straight up. 2o minutes later as I neared the bottom, the brush got really thick and the last part of the hike was more like a drop off into this mysterious unknown river....... I was 30 feet from it, but still couldn't see it.

I found a hole through the brush and there it was in all it's glory. was a good 6 feet wide in some places, and well over a foot deep here and there with an occasional 3 foot tall 2 foot wide "waterfall" This is what was making all that noise.
I had hiked all this way down the hill, so I had to shoot something. Not sure what kind of tree root this was, but it sure was clean

The second shot has me wondering......... at first it looked like a hand reaching out of the water, but now I sea fish, a snake and a pig depending on the time of night, and whether its a week day or week end.

The little creek was so small and brushy, I really couldn't go up or down stream to see what other little treasures it had. I recall the area that I had climbed down into was probably less than 20 feet by 30 feet till I hit brush or the opposing hillside, and I wasn't packing a machete, so this was it.
The long trip back up the hill had me wondering if it was worth it. It was pretty steep, as are most of the hills in the area.
That's what I miss most about those little gold colored rolls of film. Dropping them off on a Monday, and eagerly awaiting their arrival on Thursday to see if I hit pay dirt from my weekend adventures. There were weekends when I walked and drove a lot, but never even took the camera out of the back pack. That was fun too.......... just being out there, somewhere.