Thought of the day .

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Dang, this is getting ridiculous. I think it ends tonight ...a little rain ro warm things up.
Everywhere in the state was 25 degrees or less. I had 23. Lots of 26's and 28's for the past few weeks. We are normally 35 to 40 this time of year. 98% humidity doesn't help.
I thinking in logic, not emotion.
Nice post ! Now we are making some progress , because I have a better understanding of that view point. This is the conversation all humans need to have with each other that addresses each other’s fears. Like you said, I can’t make you feel emotional and you can’t make me think logical, so what do we do in order to accomplish a mutual task. Dare I say, logical thinking tells us to help each other learn about each others strengths or is that weaknesses 🤷🏻‍♂️ ….it really doesn’t matter, because all humans have emotions and logic just at different levels. If you continued listening to the program, you would have heard John Anthony speak about how emotions are there, to tell us when something is wrong. Once we understand the emotion, then it’s time to think analytically or logically to take steps towards healing the emotion. The program is pure, but our biased against it, because of our experiences or learning style can be a hurdle for us to over come. In your case highup, it makes it difficult to hear all these emotions when you align more with logic.

So! When your eyes get tired of looking at all those funny YouTube videos, take a break, close your eyes and listen to John Anthony for Six minutes longer until you hear him use the word analytical. Then report back the findings.

Nice post ! Now we are making some progress , because I have a better understanding of that view point. This is the conversation all humans need to have with each other that addresses each other’s fears. Like you said, I can’t make you feel emotional and you can’t make me think logical, so what do we do in order to accomplish a mutual task. Dare I say, logical thinking tells us to help each other learn about each others strengths or is that weaknesses 🤷🏻‍♂️ ….it really doesn’t matter, because all humans have emotions and logic just at different levels. If you continued listening to the program, you would have heard John Anthony speak about how emotions are there, to tell us when something is wrong. Once we understand the emotion, then it’s time to think analytically or logically to take steps towards healing the emotion. The program is pure, but our biased against it, because of our experiences or learning style can be a hurdle for us to over come. In your case highup, it makes it difficult to hear all these emotions when you align more with logic.

So! When your eyes get tired of looking at all those funny YouTube videos, take a break, close your eyes and listen to John Anthony for Six minutes longer until you hear him use the word analytical. Then report back the findings.

I understand the point. I just don't think about that kind of stuff. Philosophy probably says if we all spread kindness, respect and love, eventually the world will live in peace and harmony like the 1970's Coca-cola song.
Reality (logic), knows that will 10000% never happen. It will never come remotely close to happening.
Therefore I live in a logical mindset.
I mean, we can't even get a dozen of us friends here to agree on much.
Let's try 100 people at a city council meeting.....
100 people coming to agreement on the color of a park fence has a one out of 100,000 possibility.
Getting 50 Muslims to agree that Jews are human probably has those same odds.
That's why I think the way I do. If something isn't impossible, (pigs flying unassisted), I don't keep trying to do find a way to make it happen.
People living in Mars has an exponentially higher chance of becoming realty.
The guy in the podcast.... It doesn't matter how convincing he is, or even how correct his theories are.
I simply can't think on that level of consciousness. It's like asking me to knit a sweater or do soap carving.
Piston rod clearance .. ring end gap clearance, steel or aluminum pop rivets.... That I can relate to.
You know my signature line "will work for food" ?
.......well, I'm not working tomorrow, but I'm getting dinner tomorrow night
The lady from whom my signature line came from 20+ years ago..... Well, their daughter and son in law moved here from Texas recently and I've been invited over for dinner.
Logic tells me the food will be excellent.
.....see why I think logically? If I think emotionally, the food will probably be good. I just can't think that way. 😁
understand the point. I just don't think about that kind of stuff. Philosophy probably says if we all spread kindness, respect and love, eventually the world will live in peace and harmony like the 1970's Coca-cola song.
I like the Pepsi commercial: have fun, stay young, drink, Pepsi 😜

Yes, philosophy does say that stuff but what we fail to understand is that philosophy also talks about the opposite attributes. So let’s list them ! ….what is the opposite of kindness, aggression. What is the opposite of respect, disrespect. What is the opposite of love, hate. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in the center where we can feel the kindness, respect, and love, but yet the aggression, disrespect, and hate, are far enough away, not to cause harm and dysfunction with us, and our fellow humans 😉

When we live in opposites, we live bipolar lives 😜😢 and that’s what we have today So ! ….let’s start a national campaign to understand each other through the safe class program or something similar. The sooner the better the improvement starts to happen.

When we live in opposites, we live bipolar lives 😜😢 and that’s what we have today So ! ….let’s start a national campaign to understand each other through the safe class program or something similar. The sooner the better the improvement starts to happen.
Just for debate...

Who is leading this campaign? Seems the left is campaigning for the right to be more understanding. How about the right campaigning, to ask the left to be more understanding and realistic, and not see the world in "Rose" colored glasses?
I like the Pepsi commercial: have fun, stay young, drink, Pepsi 😜

Yes, philosophy does say that stuff but what we fail to understand is that philosophy also talks about the opposite attributes. So let’s list them ! ….what is the opposite of kindness, aggression. What is the opposite of respect, disrespect. What is the opposite of love, hate. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in the center where we can feel the kindness, respect, and love, but yet the aggression, disrespect, and hate, are far enough away, not to cause harm and dysfunction with us, and our fellow humans 😉

When we live in opposites, we live bipolar lives 😜😢 and that’s what we have today So ! ….let’s start a national campaign to understand each other through the safe class program or something similar. The sooner the better the improvement starts to happen.

What you speak is true. Everyone here gets a long even when we don't agree, but we still have respect for each other. That said, if we all thought the same, we'd be no different than candy popping out of a PEZ dispenser.
That would be boring and uneventful.
The world needs M&Ms, Raisinets, Mike and Ikes, Skittles and an occasional Heath or Butterfingers bar in the mix to make life interesting.
Oh crap, everyone hide, here comes Big Hunk 😁
Welcome to AI.
Here's what it says about where I live
In the second paragraph, not one single word is true.
Where is the Google disclaimer correcting this? Because of the tectonic plates which will eventually give us a 9+ earthquake, our coast isn't subjected to the tiny amount of seal level rise elsewhere in the world. Our storms are NOT getting more intense.
Welcome to the new age of AI robots telling you what to think. 🙄
1000006533.png with that said, our month long streak of 23 to 26 degree morning lows has returned to normal. At 9:00am, were over 20 degrees higher than the previous 6 days. 45 degrees instead of 23 to 26 is sweet!
Damn ...all this climate change sucks 😂
Just for debate...

Who is leading this campaign? Seems the left is campaigning for the right to be more understanding. How about the right campaigning, to ask the left to be more understanding and realistic, and not see the world in "Rose" colored glasses?
We are 🤔 😉🤣

but since we are dominated by media and social media, we will need to recruit the big players. As of now, the closest thing to reasonable is news nation, and Chris Cuomo. and I’m sure there are some social media influencers who are also promoting ‘ reasonable ‘

Maybe Chris could have John Anthony and a few pupils on his program, describing how the tools have improved their lives for the better. We are not looking for change. We are not looking for complete change, We are looking for improvements in social skills, and that would be a good starting point.

Someone Has to start ( model) the process and it probably will not be the leader of the right or the left asking their people to extend understanding to the opposition. Politics and politicians are looking for power not social improvements, and in today’s media and social media world, we, the people are being sucked into the power struggle with them. And it is because of that fact, we must demand more than just seeking power from our politicians.🤔

I came up with this little math equation this morning while sipping coffee.” Differences, + conflict , is supposed to = understanding, but only if the conflicted are willing to accept differences as a whole number. 🤔….So ! that poses this question : can we give what we don’t possess, value or understand ?

That’s what the understanding campaign is all about. To bring awareness and empowerment to the people.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America, and to the republic for which it stands one nation under the power of the universe, 😜indivisible with liberty, justice, and understanding for all. 😜😉

What you speak is true. Everyone here gets a long even when we don't agree, but we still have respect for each other. That said, if we all thought the same, we'd be no different than candy popping out of a PEZ dispenser.
That would be boring and uneventful.
The world needs M&Ms, Raisinets, Mike and Ikes, Skittles and an occasional Heath or Butterfingers bar in the mix to make life interesting.
Oh crap, everyone hide, here comes Big Hunk 😁
I remember that commercial now that you mention it but wasn’t it big chunky or big chunk? 🤣 … darn. We ate a lot of candy as children. I had a dentist appointment every three weeks with a new cavity. My mouth is still filled with amalgam fillings.😜 that there explains a lot. 🤣

The Understanding campaign does not want to make Stepford wives or husbands. We can all be ourselves with our own different opinions, convictions political views, so on, and so forth a colorful Pezz candy dispenser. 😜 all we want is for everyone to be on the same social respective page or value system. That way when we have conflict, we move towards resolution in an orderly fashion.
Are we talking pianos or politics ? Or none of the above 😜

I googled Steinbeck and Mr Pink, and ran across this thought provoking article. However, I must know how far out in left field am I ? 🤪 or could I be on the right page, whereas Mr. pink, the accelerant, the pink lid, is a clue to a more thought provoking puzzle piece to be found ? How’s that for brain power stretching 😉

Anywho, here’s the interesting history article on Steinbeck the writer and who I’m calling the Accelerator Colonel William Joseph, wild Bill Donovan.
As my brain continues to stretch outward, I ran across a few more thought provoking google Finds. Not sure if it means anything but maybe 🤔 it could ? And if it does …. O-Boy possible big lesson learned coming to America and a reinforcement of that phrase “ Sometimes the devil you know may be better than the devil you don’t know “ 🤷🏻‍♂️ SORRY ! Not much we can do about it now except watch, wait and see how absolute power COULD corrupt absolutely….. I hope not 🤞


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