Gotta be honest, those customers can go fly a kite. If you really wanted to save your hardwoods, you wouldn’t be installing carpet over top of them. Besides, they were paying $3.50 a yard, same thing as the I’m gonna use a stinger on your floor crews get paid. So don’t get pissed when I do the same, cus that’s all they were paying for! Chedda speaks louder than words. How about those customers that put up that cheesy thin ass paint masking paper over top of their baseboards then expect me to ‘be careful’ for, wait for it…, the same price as the I won’t be careful with your baseboards crew. No such thing as a free lunch, either pay up or shut up. I’m over it. Guilt is like a sack of bricks. I’ve heard that somewhere before. Lol.
It was the court case back in the ‘20’s?, 30’s? that gave corporations all the same rights as human beings, or something to that effect. A corporation is basically an entity with no soul. Tell me if a specific individual, as opposed to a corporation, made the decision to light that train in Ohio on fire that somebody wouldn’t be going to jail by now. Who you gonna jail with a corporation? There is no actual being to hold responsible. Sure, you can fine the corporation, but that’s just the cost of doing business anymore. What is a $5 million dollar fine to a corporation that just made $500 million off of the offense. I’ll bet somebody got a bonus off of that because in the end they still made $495 million. Somebody using a stinger or kicking a room in is no different as far as the actions go. Only difference is there is an actual soul in the equation.
You live in a small town, things are different there. I live in the city. It’s expensive here so money is my end game. Always has been. In fact it’s the only game. Why did you get a job in the first place? To make money. That’s why I got my first job. Why do you still have a job right now? To make money. Me too. That’s why I get up and go every morning. It’s life and to not recognize and accept that fact is, IMO, doing yourself a disservice. You don’t have to be a dirtbag about making money but I think we can all agree that money IS the reason for the season, and I have no shame in admitting that. If you want a good price, call Jose before he gets deported.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts. We all live different lives. Different towns, different regions of the country. What works for me here won’t necessarily work for me somewhere else and vice versa. I know that first hand. That’s why I’m here and not there. My attitude wouldn’t fly too well in a small town