I have plank installation documentation but there is no documentation for installing the stair nose pieces themselves. Being that the stair nose pieces have a groove and no tongue, tongue nailing like the planks is not an option. Is surface nailing the norm?
Where exactly is the best location on the nose pieces to fasten them and what style fastener is best to do the job and be the least obtrusive?
You're a better man than I. I would have just used the overlap and been done with it especially for just a little three foot step like that.
Yes ........I am.and the step is a full 4 feet wide.
There are 16 steps, do this was also, in my mind a safety issue............ hence, no overlap molding.
The room as I recall is about 27 by 35 and being so large, I just wanted to play it safe. I had no other work going on, so another day messing with this gave me a customer for life. He knows why I did it. He was fascinated by my attention to detail, as he also does everything way overkill.
This job was a few years ago. He has had me working steadily for over two months now because of what I did on that wood floor.
................in other words. It was worth it.
I thought about this for a while and I suppose my question is why didn't they just have you install hardwood and you wouldn't have had to go through all that trouble especially since he gave you an extra $500. I don't get people sometimes. Penny smart and dollar dumb?