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I have a PITA job Monday. When you do something for a friend, the jobs are always a PITA.

I just finished a PITA job this afternoon. 3 days for 51 yards with one 10ft one piece seam. Cheap cheap ass berber 2 colors white and brown pattern. Stuff was so cheap when you cut the yarn it blossomed out like the seed ball on a dandelion, Then to top it off when you tried to tuck it in under raised baseboard the yarns would fall off the side back 2-3 rows. I ended up restretching the cheap **** 3 times and try to keep the pattern straight. I had cut down one corner on the cheap **** and ended up having to put in a dutchman to cover the corner. Then had to put that cheap **** on a stairway that wasn't straight so where it curves in and out the lines come and go. Cheap ****!! Did I say that **** was cheap. Pure cheap **** I tell ya! Well it pretty much made up my mind to get rid of my tools.

Daris :machine gun:
My Monday job is replacing a hall carpet with three bedrooms leading off it on a concrete floor. Fun trying to get it tight. A cat pissed all over the hall carpet. The bedrooms are packed with furniture.
I just finished a PITA job this afternoon. 3 days for 51 yards with one 10ft one piece seam. Cheap cheap ass berber 2 colors white and brown pattern. Stuff was so cheap when you cut the yarn it blossomed out like the seed ball on a dandelion, Then to top it off when you tried to tuck it in under raised baseboard the yarns would fall off the side back 2-3 rows. I ended up restretching the cheap **** 3 times and try to keep the pattern straight. I had cut down one corner on the cheap **** and ended up having to put in a dutchman to cover the corner. Then had to put that cheap **** on a stairway that wasn't straight so where it curves in and out the lines come and go. Cheap ****!! Did I say that **** was cheap. Pure cheap **** I tell ya! Well it pretty much made up my mind to get rid of my tools.

Daris :machine gun:

How do you really feel about it Daris ? :D

You're better off doing your trow rugs .
It wasn't today, but the other day I surprised my friend (who'd had his stuff stolen and smashed) with some fruit, bread, and a 4TB hard drive. He stood there and blinked for a moment, speechless and trying not to cry. Then he threw his arms around me and cried a little. Poor kid isn't used to having people do nice things for him. His own family did things to screw him over constantly. He was having a particularly hard time since not only did he get robbed & cops didn't even try to catch the culprit, but McDonalds shorted him by half his paycheck when he really needed the $ to pay rent. And now the landlord is pulling some crap saying that no pets are allowed-- even though it doesn't say "no pets" in the written lease and the landlord said they were allowed when they first moved in.

The good news is that my other friend who had the house burn has finally been given the property that his late grandmother verbally willed to him (but his mother initially took it and refused to give it to him because there had been no written will). She probably did it because the roof is leaking badly no matter what my friend does to stop it and he tenants who have trailers on the property aren't paying rent anymore. Unless she screws him over and takes it back once he fixes it, he can have some friends move their trailers on to the property and stay there.
Stepped wrong last night. Back to cane. Had to back out on the job today. Wonder if my body is telling me a too old to install? AT this point, I am ready to put the tools away and restore my van.

all day

not done




You get the good jobs
Were there staff from the building working there as well or do you do it outside normal work hours?
Suppose you were told the place was empty

School is closed and the next area to be done is the library of a high school. There are some custodians, coaches and teachers but basically not kids. The library staff emptied the shelving and boxed up the books for us to remove and replace. We only move the boxes and slide the shelving units aside for the demo machine.





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