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Stepped wrong last night. Back to cane. Had to back out on the job today. Wonder if my body is telling me a too old to install? AT this point, I am ready to put the tools away and restore my van.
Ouch! I hope you recover quickly. I'm still being a wuss about my ankle that I twisted. It's mostly recovered but gets a little sore if I step certain ways or if the dogs ram my foot.

Did a church school, several classrooms and a couple of large halls.
One was three fifty two foot shots..room was 22 by 52. It was all shaw 26 oz
unitary. The two big rooms had to have glue removed for two days. Finished 3 am Sunday !


all day

not done
Wow! that is a lot of stuff! Makes me glad that our stuff hadn't arrived yet when we had our flooring done. Our flooring guy only had to move a few things-- although one of the things was a very heavy solid wood desk that once belonged to the Smithsonian Institute (they auctioned it off to get some $).

This is what I did today
Pulled up about 5 lin m 2 m wide cause another layer made one hell of a job with the floor prep. Looks like he used a shovel instead of a trowel
That is Feather Finish
Should have taken a before photo
Nicely done!!

I've been hanging out with friends and playing Dungeons & Dragons. One of our friends is going to some sort of comic con or something and she's trying to get her cosplay outfit together and practice dance moves from some online videos and my brother has been helping her. I stood in the background looking lame and trying to follow along a little-- but there is a reason I only passed Dance class on the written exams in high school. LOL.
Made the mistake of eating chicken tenders from the local chevron station and my digestive system is regretting it.
I'm also having sympathy for my brother because he had a laptop with Windows 8 that forcibly updated to Windows 10 and now it is crashing and running slow. I still have Windows 7 and am happy with it.
Csason, cog and Jon...... I'd go nuts working on the stuff you guys do. Looking back in time, I recall some big jobs my brother and I did in the 80's. One was a new furniture store with 6/75 foot shots of unitary backed carpet. I recall it being 4 days, the last day being 20 hours. I hate seeing a sunrise as I leave a job site.
Csason, cog and Jon...... I'd go nuts working on the stuff you guys do. Looking back in time, I recall some big jobs my brother and I did in the 80's. One was a new furniture store with 6/75 foot shots of unitary backed carpet. I recall it being 4 days, the last day being 20 hours. I hate seeing a sunrise as I leave a job site.

I did a big furniture store, once. Once was enough. I spent a year doing churches, don't want that again either.
I've just had 2 pets die in 2 days.
I smelled something dead at night when I was heading out for D&D but I couldn't locate the source. When I got home in the morning I found my oldest cat, Captain Fluffy, lying on her stomach with her tongue hanging out and flies all over right next to my truck (one that hadn't been moved all day). She wasn't there in the afternoon so it must have happened sometime after dark but before we left the house. There were no visible signs of injury. I stuffed a tissue in my nostrils and buried her right away. Mom was upset because she was her favorite cat. We had her since December 2002.

Then last night I heard one of the dogs yelping (well, it was a bark but a yelping quality to it). I had to take a flashlight and found the dog lying belly down in front of the truck in the grass (about 5 feet away from where I found the cat). She was completely limp and her tongue was hanging out. The only movement was when she would tense up and her neck stretched out as she yelped a few times as if in pain. I carried her into the house and put her on her favorite cushion and covered her up to keep her warm. Even the emergency vet was closed so there was no chance to get her any help. I sat with her and tried to comfort her until the end.
I'm waiting for the local vet to open so I can ask about having an autopsy done. I need to find out what is going on before it kills any more of my pets.
I took her body to the vet for a necropsy. The vet said there were no visible signs of injury or cause of death externally and it sounds like poisoning to him. He asked if it would be unusual for someone to come all the way out here and put out poison. I can't think of anyone who would do that since the neighbors haven't been pissed off at us and we haven't interacted with them in a long time. Nobody we know has a grudge (that we know of).

Only poison I know of that was out here was when they sprayed for mosquitoes a week or week and a half ago, but they've been doing that for years and as far as I know it never affected my pets. Although, this time instead of just turning around at my gate, they drove in to my yard spraying the whole time, turned around, backed up so far they almost hit my truck and sat for at least 20 seconds spraying poison directly on to my truck before they left. But I didn't smell anything and the animals didn't have bad reactions then-- although I went and brought the dogs in to the house right away.
What kind of saw do you use to make those 45 degree cuts?

A skilsaw 3600 hooked to my shop vac with an auto switch.

From what I can find, some mosquito sprays can kill dogs and cats. It depends on what they are using.

Whatever they used in the past made me sick a few times. Horrible smell. I always brought the pets inside. But it was over a week ago when they sprayed and I didn't smell anything out there. I wonder if it got in to the water they drink or something-- but then, the other dogs would have been affected and the cat doesn't drink the water out front. She drank water inside and was very picky about her water-- she wanted filtered water.
Bought a Roberts seam iron at a garage sale yesterday. Figured if the price was right it would be a cool backup unit. It didn't have a tray. It looks better then the one I have. Hey, who could say no for $5. :D
OK, he also had a pressure washer and a couple of mowers. I asked him if the pressure washer starts. He said "I don't have a clue" "I'm never gonna tinker with it because I work too much, so I just want to get rid of this stuff cheap"
I asked how much and he said ..............$5 I like that number for some reason. :D
The pressure washer had a non usable hose and no wand, and I couldn't even tell who made it.
(it was a wee bit dirty and oily)
Hosed it down last night with a degreaser and discovered it's a Craftsman. Neato. It said 2000 PSI at @ 2GPM. Nothing industrial, but certainly usable. It has a Briggs 5.5 hp engine.
Except for some funky racing decals, the unit looks really nice. I spent all day cleaning the oxidation from the engine's exterior and cooling fins and cleaning the carb.............. man-O- man was it in bad shape. The carb is clean inside now with a lot of work. I had to go to town and get some non alcohol supreme gas just before dark because I wanted to know if the contraption would start.
I hooked up a garden hose to the unit, pushed the carb primer bulb a few times and ................ It's Alive!:birthday:
I've never heard an engine run so steady and strong... way, way cool.
So for the $5 initial investment and another $10 or so for carb cleaner and a new spark plug........ even without a hose and wand I done really good. A day well spent.
It cleaned up well and no real; rust to worry about. I almost wanted to take it back to the guy that sold it t me so he could hear how well it runs....... NOT!

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