This is an out building about 50 feet away from the lake, which is in the sand dunes. This bathroom also has an outdoor shower. Shower is the green spot located on the exterior wall. Inside is a toilet, vanity and changing space. I suppose a built in bench is going to be installed in the room along with some wall hooks for towels and cloths. It's got a 52 gallon water tank, so that would work to wash of a lot of algae and sand...............................
Doesn't seem like a room could be that small and include a toilet and sink. My previous home had a bathroom that was 15 square feet----3x5. I couldn't shave there because the 3' with the sink on one was OK to wash your hands but when you shave you need to bend down to rinse your face off and your ass end didn't have enough room---------it was already too close to the wall.
Not a huge lake, but big enough to water ski in. It's for the owners kids and grand kids mostly and for family events. The main house is probably 250 feet away.