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Did they say what their excuse was for the price hike? I mean, they just got huge tax breaks and one of the companies got exemptions from all sorts of rules and fees. I know there is a pipeline leaking like crazy, but what is their justification?

I haven't gone to the gas station yet-- need to go get gas later when I get milk. Speaking of which, I went to make hamburger helper stroganoff for Mom and discovered we only had 3/4 cup of milk and the recipe called for 2 cups. I found a can of evaporated milk & some sour cream to substitute and she ate a LOT of the stuff. LOL.
Congrats to her .. Shame she did all that work for a scam CEO..

Anna Maria Chavez, the Girl Scouts’ “cookie monster” CEO, isn’t making crumbs.

New tax filings peg her yearly salary at $393,380 — nearly four times the $104,000 she made annually heading a scout council in Texas, and more than her predecessor, Kathryn Cloninger, an eight-year CEO who made $356,911 in 2010.

The hefty pay package comes despite her tenure being marked by staff layoffs, membership and cookie-sale declines, budget cuts at headquarters, and local chapters under fire for selling or threatening to close campgrounds in 27 states.

And while the Scouts are cutting to the bone, Chavez spent $65,000 on a comfortable new throne for her 17th-floor Fifth Avenue office.

She ordered the renovation of the executive restroom to include marble and slate finishes and new glass doors for the shower, a source told The Post. Some of the money went to new office carpet and other work.

Victor Inzunza, a Girl Scouts spokesman, confirmed that the bathroom and executive offices were renovated, but would not comment on the cost or whether Chavez requested the work.

“If she is making 400 grand and everyone has to tighten their belts, that’s disgusting,” fumed an employee at the organization’s Manhattan HQ.

The worker said cookie sales declined by at least 5 percent and budgets are expected to be cut by about 10 percent.

Chavez came on as CEO on Oct. 1, 2011. She was paid $98,000 for three months of work in 2011 — out of a salary of $393,380 for a full year. She also got $71,906 in “other compensation” that year including expenses to move to New Jersey and retirement-plan contributions, according to tax filings.

Inzunza said he could not discuss the budget and that cookie sale numbers were not final.

The Girls Scouts had 3.18 million girl and adult volunteer members in 2012, down slightly from 2011.

The Girl Scouts’ headquarters has been in disarray since Chavez, 45, took over, with employees complaining about her dictatorial style and a climate of fear. Letters have gone to the organization’s board of directors seeking help, with one writer calling Chavez a “Cookie Monster.”

“If you want a lesson in workplace bullying, come right on down to GSUSA,” a writer said in a recent missive.

The organization’s problems have spread beyond Fifth Avenue.

Protests, lawsuits and even boycotts of cookie sales have sprouted nationwide as Girl Scout councils — which oversee local troops — announced plans to get rid of campgrounds. It is an effort that some believe has been orchestrated at the top.

Inzunza said camp decisions were made on the local level.

Among the camps on the chopping block is Eagle Island in the Adirondacks. Advocates sued the New Jersey council that runs the historic landmark in order to keep it open.

The CEO of the New Jersey council said the group needed to sell the camp in order to pay pension obligations and other employee benefits, according to court papers.

Local councils are being squeezed by rising contributions to the Girl Scouts pension plan, which is in such bad shape that the organization sought congressional assistance.

The plan faces a massive deficit — at least $340 million, according to a 2012 lawsuit filed in Tennessee.

The plan’s finances nosedived after more employees were added to it beginning in 2006 and other workers were offered early retirement packages, the lawsuit claims.

The changes came as the number of Girl Scout councils nationwide were consolidated from 312 to 112. The early retirement plan was offered to avoid layoffs as the groups merged.
We been getting over 200 cars of crude a day for the last two years .. There is no more room at the train station to store them ..

Kicker is we have a refinery a few miles away.. GREED!!
We been getting over 200 cars of crude a day for the last two years .. There is no more room at the train station to store them ..

Kicker is we have a refinery a few miles away.. GREED!![/QUOTE

I think it was about a year or so ago they said there were tankers lined up in the gulf but no where to dump them, all the tanks were full. Also we export more oil than we use.
I remember when i lived in NY , and we had a gas shortage ... There were hundreds of ships anchored out waiting for the price to go up one cent ..
They were sending the crews in by helicopter for shore leave ..
We had even and old days you could get gas .. People were shooting at each other for cutting in line ..
Went to awards ceremony for our granddaughter. She sold 1511 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, most in the district.
When I was in Babe Ruth Baseball league at age 13 they wanted us to sell pens for a dollar. That would have been 1973.

I sold 0ne pen after going door to door to at least 100 homes.

Not only would I never try to sell anything door to door again I never allowed my kids to do so.
I prefer to just pay the sports league, school club or association cash for that expected expense. It's a reasonable alternative for MOST families that cant just write a check OR can really raise a lot of money through sales for the cause. These are good causes. 100%

I buy the Girl Scout Cookies every year. They come to the house and I by them out front of the local grocery where I shop. Of course they're overpriced but at least they taste good.
When I was in Babe Ruth Baseball league at age 13 they wanted us to sell pens for a dollar. That would have been 1973.

I sold 0ne pen after going door to door to at least 100 homes.

Not only would I never try to sell anything door to door again I never allowed my kids to do so.
I prefer to just pay the sports league, school club or association cash for that expected expense. It's a reasonable alternative for MOST families that cant just write a check OR can really raise a lot of money through sales for the cause. These are good causes. 100%

I buy the Girl Scout Cookies every year. They come to the house and I by them out front of the local grocery where I shop. Of course they're overpriced but at least they taste good.
I ate some of the best Girls Scout cookies ever made today...... still warm, just out of the oven. This particular Girl Scout is married to a ship pilot that I have known since I was a kid. Really cool family. He's a grade ahead of me, my brothers age, and he learned his trade from his father, who co-owned the local ship pilot company.
Last night my brother and I went to a 'talk' at the local history museum. The talk was about our local ship piloting history and was presented by the people I'm working for.
A few years ago they wrote a book about the local ship piloting here since it's beginnings back into the mid 1800's in they hey day of the logging and coal trade. They donate all of the proceeds from the book sales to the museum. Really cool, especially since they spent 4 years researching and writing the book including numerous trips to the east coast interviewing long lost relatives of the local pilots from those old days of this trade.
I learned last night during their talk that there are only about 1500 ship pilots in the USA................. so he's one of the rare and few men who do this sort of work. He steers those 1200 and 1500 ft long ships up the Columbia river into Portland and Vancouver.

That's gotta be one scary occupation. Unlike flooring, mistakes are not allowed.
The equivalent to us would be:
One bad seam and you are going to lose your entire carrier.

These people I'm working for are one of those literally perfect down to earth families where every one in the family is super smart, super nice and super generous to the community. No flaws or bad sheep anywhere. Really cool people and every day working there is a good one.

Back to the Girl Scout Cookies............. cookies at noon fresh from the oven, then a bag full when I left today. Life is good.
..........did I mention, I work for food? :D
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I remember back when I was taking business classes in college. They discussed how the oil companies drive up demand so they can justify higher prices by limiting the number of refineries. We have a surplus of oil, but because they regularly shut down refineries (or refuse to open new ones), they keep the refined oil supply low. It's a scam. Diamond sellers do something similar. Diamonds are actually very common, but they control almost all of the mines as well as some of the gold mines so they can control how much is sold. They limit the sales so they can charge higher prices. Although, I would never deliberately buy diamonds from a mine. A lot of the people my father interviewed for asylum had come from those areas. The people controlling the mines were absolutely brutal-- raiding villages to kidnap children to use as slave labor, randomly mutilating people (cutting off limbs) and/or torturing them just to keep them scared, and killing people who wouldn't cooperate or who they considered to be threats.

I need to figure out if my friend has my weedeater (he's borrowed a lot of my tools & stuff) and see if I can tolerate being outside long enough to clear the weeds in my front yard near the sidewalk.

Meanwhile, the new dog has decided she doesn't like one of the cats. He's one of the newer ones my brother brought home and he fights with my other cats. He tried to come back inside day before yesterday & attacked one of my smaller kitties, Itsy. The dog ran out and broke the fight up and stood between them to defend Itsy. I put him in the room with his kittens & he ate but then he ran out again later. So, yesterday he tried to get back in and got into a loud disagreement with my older cats. The dog decided she'd had enough of him, started barking, and chased him out of the house. She did the same thing this morning when he came back in. While I don't want him fighting with my other cats, I don't want the dog to chase him out, but she just ignores me when I tell her to stay or stop. She hears cat yowling and runs out to investigate. Fippy (the little dog) still isn't fully accepting of her, but he's gotten more used to her. It drive him crazy that she runs up his doggy steps and climbs on my mother in her bedroom. He's very territorial and possessive of my mother. He growls if I go near her sometimes. I just start singing "shut your piehole, shut your little piehole" to him when he does that. Since I mentioned Itsy earlier, she either really hates my singing or thinks I'm in distress when I sing "The Last Rose of Summer" because she comes running over to me and meows at me. I've found that if she gets into a room and runs to a spot where I can't get her, I can sing and she'll come over to me.

I went to the store yesterday, got gas (didn't pay attention to the price per gallon but it was around $15-- not too bad), got some rotisserie chickens and tore all the meat off of them to store for later use. I'm going to have to clean the microwave today because my brother cooked something that splattered all over inside.

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