LOL. Yeah.
And speaking of putting a foot down, my brother's boss went and totally blew it. While he did call to give a weak apology to my mother (undermined by a load of excuses on why life is so hard for him blah blah blah and he crap-talked the employees to my mother-- who was having none of it), he also retaliated against my brother for something he didn't do. I don't know who did it or why or if it was an employee who did it-- but someone unplugged half the computers and the phones after my brother locked up and left for the night. There were only 2 other employees on shift (both of whom despise the boss-- but one is his step-son) that night. Anyway, the boss blamed my bro for it even though my bro had no idea WTF he was talking about and had no reason to do it. But the boss took his keys away, demoted him, and sent a letter to the district manager accusing my brother of doing it. My brother has never even been written up before and he just got demoted for something he didn't even do and the boss lied to the DM. So, he's putting his foot down. His pay even as a shift-lead sucked. He's put in applications for multiple other places and is telling his boss to f- himself. Said he can go ahead and fire him. The other employees are trying to calm him down and saying that the boss will change his mind, but my bro is tired of the crap. He gives zero hours to people he doesn't like, fudges the books to make it look like everything is great on paper, and pays some employees under the table to come in so the store doesn't log their hours and the $ doesn't go to their SS. The dude is just an idiot. He complained that "When the boss is away, the mice will play". The store runs better when the jerk isn't there bc he is rude to customers, gets in the way, and screws up more pizzas than anyone else. He panics when they get busy and they have to tell him to STFU and get out of their way. I think the boss was trying to scare my bro into being more submissive to him, but all he did was piss him off to the point that he will no longer tolerate his crap.
Meanwhile he's going to Houston later tonight for a Baby Metal concert. I just hope his truck doesn't have any problems. He has a brake light that isn't working, his cruise control and VTM aren't working, and his headlights look like the bright are on even when they are in the lower setting. I don't want him to get pulled over. I'd want him to take the CR-V but the DMV didn't send us notice about the registration expiring and I thought it was this month but when I looked it was in March.