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I think I found the weight you guys lost. I was up to 227lbs today. My bloodwork was good though. And my doctor let me ramble on about plumbing code and how DWV system works.

I was up most of the night with my dog. She stopped eating and was having trouble getting up without help again. I had to keep bringing her water bowl to her and she drank quite a bit. I then put a diaper on her. She got the first one off. I give her about 45min to an hour after drinking water and then change the diaper. It is really helping with the floor problem. Another bonus is that bc she's not peeing on the floor, it isn't getting slippery and making her slide and fall. She randomly started barking for help because she couldn't get up. But after I helped her a few times and got her some water, she was able to get up again. Unfortunately, she's not doing well at all now. I couldn't even get her to eat table scraps. She turned her nose away. She was able to get up and walk around on her own this afternoon. She's moved from my brother's bedroom door, to my doorway, and then next to the foot of my bed (she moved there after I left for my doctor's appointment around 1:50pm and has been there ever since). Now she doesn't even want water, isn't seeming to take comfort in being petted, and doesn't want to lift her head. I think she's done. If she's still like this- or worse and still alive tomorrow morning I'm going to have to take her for one last trip to the vet and say goodbye. :-(

Meanwhile, a guy who owes my mother $ just lost his job bc the job was one of those temporary things and it ended-- He said it was without warning. So, he's in a bind. He wanted to come out and do some work for us and reduce his debt in lieu of paying $, but my mother is not agreeable to that. She might be more forgiving if he hadn't admitted to her that instead of saving $ to pay her back, he went out and bought a truck and two iPhones that were $900 each. I can't blame her for being annoyed. Glad she said "No" when he asked to borrow more money.
Got these at a yard sale for $2. The brace and bits are common, I have several. But the drill on the left is a Craftsman. Never seen one quite like it.
I haven't seen those sizes in 30 years. I was 34 when Karen and I got married 34 years ago and 180 Lbs. Was told I was still obese by a doctor and he wrote that in my chart which really caused a problem with my life insurance company. Accordingly to the charts I'm should be about 160. But when in the Navy I flew and weighed 180 and the flight surgeon said I was fine with the weight.
That BMI stuff really is stupid. I don't know who they based them on, but it's not very realistic. Maybe people with bones like birds. I have thick leg bones and used to have more muscle mass. In high school I was slim and had a flat stomach. But I lifted weights so I had toned muscles and weight 150 to 155.

Speaking of insurance, my brother just got two separate letters from Medicaid with BS excuses on why they were canceling on him. One said he failed to respond to them before June 4-- I know for a fact he talked to them in late May because I handed the phone to him. The other one said that he was making too much $ to qualify based on one week where he got overtime pay-- which they applied for every week of a single month and said his gross income was too high. But, he already contacted them to let them know he no longer has an income because he got laid off. He has a medication he really needs that he can't afford without Medicaid. He's still waiting to hear back if he got approved for unemployment and has been applying for more jobs.

He carried the dog for me when we took her to the vet for a wound cleaning and antibiotics. Well, I had already cleaned the wound and put antibiotic cream on it, but the vet gave it a more professional cleaning, bandaged it, and prescribed oral antibiotics. So, I have 3 meds to give her now. She seems to be feeling a bit better. She doesn't whine as much now that she has diapers to keep her from saturating the floor and then making her feel icky. Had the AC blowing on her in the car to keep her comfortable. Vet said to keep up with what I've been doing-- diaper changes, washing, making sure she doesn't lie on one side for too long, etc. I gave her some rotisserie chicken to make up for the vet visit and she was happy. She can't wag her tail anymore (doesn't seem to be able to move it at all) but she gobbled it up.
Havasu, that looks like a great dinner. Love the pic of the little doggy. Adorable to have the plate and wine glass in front of him/her?

My old doggy, Brenda, had a rough morning but is doing better now. She woke me up very early this morning with a very loud howl of pain/distress. She'd gotten her bandage halfway off and then managed to fall down next to the cat litterboxes and her wound went right on to some spilled litter and she was unable to get up. I had to move her and clean the wound thoroughly, get some fresh bandages on, and change her diaper. I set her on a dog bed in the hallway. But it got too warm in the hallway so she crawled in to my room. My back has been a little sore from all the lifting and bending, so I finally decided to just move her on to my bed on top of a waterproof mattress pad. I took off her diaper and bandage, cleaned her up, put her in clean bandage & diaper, gave her food with her meds in it, got her to drink some water, and then set my desk fan to rotate and blow on both of us instead of just me. She seems much more comfortable. This way it's easier to change things, she has a nice breeze, and I'm right near her if she needs anything. The newer dog, Princess, isn't happy about it because I think she's afraid of Brenda, but she's coping. She's on a pillow next to me with the fan blowing on her when it turns.
I think they allow higher res ones on this system? I'm not sure.

My dog is doing better. She napped for a long time on her doggie bed on the floor, ate, drank, got up and walked around a bit, etc. She hasn't been slipping and falling, although she loses her balance a bit. She seems much more alert and enjoys being petted. She even cooperates more when I change her diapers. Her leg wounds seem to have closed up, and she isn't whining/whimpering anymore.

My brother has a job interview on Friday. His former boss is about to get fired because one of the new employees reported him for the crap where he changes employees' hours in the system to screw them out of pay. He did it to her and she desperately needs the $ so she immediately reported him. I believe she reported him for some other violations as well. I'm so glad that someone finally did something about it- so now Pizza Hut can verify the things I reported to them. The district manager already told some employees that the jerk is being fired and asked if they want the job. Only downside is, the jerk boss decided to defame my brother even more. To cover for not having done some mandatory paperwork, he accused my brother of having ripped the pages with the paperwork out of the manager's book. Not only did my brother not have a reason to do that, but he wasn't even there when it happened bc he'd already been fired and he hasn't been back there so he couldn't have done it. So jerk is doubly deserving of being fired.
My brother's new eye doctor is very nice & all of the staff at the office were very nice and helpful. It didn't even take very long. We ate at Panda (Chinese Buffet) afterward. My brother got a call from his prospective employer and was told that the college transcripts he got will suffice instead of his high school diploma (since he graduated 20 years ago overseas & getting the diploma now would be impossible).

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