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I still have my Wilsonart repair to attempt, but I need some work so I can afford to do it. I need a couple of new router bits some aluminum flat stock for template material and a few days gas money. My last job was Tuesday hacking in some flatbar to replace naplock where carped was loose and no other fix possible. Found out customer lives out of town. Told her Tuesday I do mostly small jobs and need a check asap. She texted me this morning to confirm my address............ which was on the bill that I emailed to her the day I did the work........... last Tuesday. :mad: Glad I didn't give her a break on my $125 minimum. The repair was 1 1/2 hours plus 45 minutes drive time.
Get some upfront money from them ..
I had a 1995 Chevy Lumina minivan with a lot of problems. When my wife inherited her Nissan from her mother, I got her 2006 Caravan. Right now I am driving my 85 Ford Econoline van. It only has 123,000 miles. But with the 351 4bbl. it gets lousy gas mileage.
Get some upfront money from them ..
I don't normally do that. I planned to do the smaller of the two repairs first. If that one turns out successful, only then onto the tricky one.
I did a 5x7 practice repair today with a piece of laminate flooring that I had on hand. Turned out pretty good for a test.
The router lift I made worked pretty well. I used angle aluminum and clamps for the fence. This trial repair gives me some confidence and tells me the procedure. The hardest part is routing the floor and the repair pieces perfectly square. I wish I had a large machinist's square to align my template strips.
Started some classes again. Keeps me from going nuts and it pays a little. I get grants that pay for the classes and I get the extra. Only thing being a veteran ever did for me that was good.
Man, I hope you guys can find some customers that actually pay. I can understand a customer being worried about paying up-front because they don't know if the contractor will actually return. We had that happen before when we first moved back here-- guy asked for $ up front to buy supplies to fix our water pump, stole a part off the pump claiming he was going to replace it, and never came back-- never answered the phone. We later found out he used the part he stole from ours for another job (for a family member of his) & he had a reputation for stealing & screwing people over. Fortunately, it wasn't a lot of $, but it still sucked and we didn't have running water until we found someone to fix it. There is a lot of need for skilled tradesmen here, but not many people can afford to hire professionals now.

While I was typing, my old dog just shoved my door open & staggered in to the room and peed on the floor. Fortunately it was on a blanket that I put down for her rather than on the carpet so I can just wash it. More laundry. Fun times. LOL.

I was visiting a friend earlier today but he had to go get his daughter from school bc she got suspended (for a 2nd time this school year-- and school just started). First time was bc the teacher punctured her milk carton all the way through (accidentally of course) & the kid was upset & didn't want to drink from a leaking carton. Teacher insisted that she had to so the kid pitched a fit and ran outside. This time the kid got upset about something, started throwing papers and then started throwing chairs. Makes me glad I don't have kids.

It's hot as hell today-- it was already in the 90s before 9am. Heat index is 106.
Our R/H has been 90 % the last two days..
Ugh. It makes me wonder how anyone can stand saunas. It's just awful. I know it could be worse, but I would rather have cooler weather (at least I can bundle up & cuddle with pets to stay warm).
I hope it cools off soon, but I don't expect it to. Dog decided it was too warm in here so she left & is sleeping under an air vent.
Got an east wind today and tomorrow. High was about 80. That's above normal. The whole state is covered in smoke from all the forest fires. Smokey here on the coast too and the fires are over 100 miles away in different directions. Thick enough I can feel it a little when I breath, but not enough to bother my eyes. On the bright side, a colorful sunset and a nice orange moon tonight.
Man, I hope you guys can find some customers that actually pay. I can understand a customer being worried about paying up-front because they don't know if the contractor will actually return.
I suppose that's a lot about where you live. I've asked for money up front before, but only so I can buy stuff I need to get started. I'd never do a 50% up front sorta thing. If the job lasts a long time, I just request money weekly as I move along. Had on like that a month ago. It's rare that I have jobs that last that long. Most of my jobs are small.
highup, yeah, where I live people tend to be very dishonest. The contractors scam customers and customers scam the contractors. When I had my new septic tank and lines put in, the contractor told me that he'd had to put liens on people's homes and get some sort of thing where the power company wasn't allowed to turn on their power until they paid him first (not even sure if that is legal) bc they refused to pay. He didn't even have a written contract or itemized bill-- just a handshake deal. But, I was told by the health inspector that handshake deals sans writing are "business as usual" around here. No wonder so many people get screwed.
IIRC, there are laws against contractors charging more than 10% up front.
I will say that we did have a good experience with the contractors who did our roof, siding, & poured concrete. Sadly, the business is gone as the lead contractor passed away. The older generation of contractors were more reliable and competent it seems, but the younger ones don't seem to have the same ethics or skill (at least around here).
I'm sad that my good neighbor closed down his flooring business. But, he had knee replacement surgery & it was just harder for him to do-- plus he was competing with the guy who owned half the town (who made deals with rug companies not to sell specific brands to other businesses). Somehow that guy got listed on the wikipedia as a "philanthropist" but everyone who knew him said he didn't have a generous bone in his body. Since his death, his adult children have taken over and started up their own businesses & started fixing up the buildings that he was allowing to fall apart.

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