Thanks, Nick. I always hate when I lose one of my pets. The surviving sibling is clearly not feeling well and I'm afraid he has the same thing. But if he does, there is nothing they can/will do for him & life expectancy is only 2 years (which is how long the other one lasted after her diagnosis). I'm hoping it's not that so I will take him in just in case. He's one of my favorites.
Had to take my friend's fiance back to the hospital because her fingers were swelling & the pain was radiating from her fingers up to her shoulder, neck, and back. They gave her narcotics and released her. Apparently they worked pretty well, but she said she felt high. Must be an odd sensation. I've been given narcotics after surgery before but they never really had any effect. Didn't work on the pain & didn't make me feel any better. So, I have no use for that stuff. She has a followup appointment ion Tuesday. Over an hour drive and it's at 8am. I am sooo not a morning person. LOL. My friend's grandfather can't take her because he's taking my friend to a dental appointment in another town in the opposite direction (also about an hour away). Well, the one for her appointment will take longer because it's on a narrow two-lane road with no shoulders and it has a lot of curves (many blind curves as well). I've narrowly avoided being hit head-on a few times on that road before because some drivers are just idiots.
My mother's computer is running just fine, but she just got that popup on a website. But I want to run virus scanner just in case to make sure nothing got on it from her ignorantly clicking stuff. My sister is the one having actual problems with her OS but she never told me what the symptoms were. On a side note, a member of another forum I'm on complained about getting website hijacking ads that take her to another site when she visits the forum. I was thinking it was an ad on the forums but now I'm wondering if she has something on her computer doing it.
The cats got in to the living room & the dog accidentally pushed the door closed so they were locked in. They knocked a bunch of stuff off the coffee table & my mother's desk, knocked over a folding tray table, and generally ran amok. Fortunately they didn't break anything, but the cleanup was a pain-- at least now part of my mother's desk is more organized though. The girl who broke her wrist was going to help organize that room (throw out stuff we don't need, put stuff in storage/find places to put them, & get rid of cardboard boxes) but that will have to wait until she recovers. She heard back from Social Security on her temporary disability claim & they told her they would need another 4 to 6 months to look into it.