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I'm not a real football fanatic but this afternoon the Ducks/Stanford game was on ESPN. It was a home game in Eugene at Autzen Stadium. Ducks started off great and up till 1/2 time. The Ducks stayed ahead the entire game and with a couple minutes left to go an Oregon receiver tried too hard to get a first down. Instead of going down and playing it safe, he reached out to hold the ball past the line to get a first down ...........and fumbled it. Had he not done that, the Ducks could have possibly scored or run the clock down. Stanford scored then tied the game and won in overtime. The longer the game went on, the better Stanford played.
The Ducks quarterback and receivers were excellent. I think they are going to have a good season.
We use Afta
I'm not a real football fanatic but this afternoon the Ducks/Stanford game was on ESPN. It was a home game in Eugene at Autzen Stadium. Ducks started off great and up till 1/2 time. The Ducks stayed ahead the entire game and with a couple minutes left to go an Oregon receiver tried too hard to get a first down. Instead of going down and playing it safe, he reached out to hold the ball past the line to get a first down ...........and fumbled it. Had he not done that, the Ducks could have possibly scored or run the clock down. Stanford scored then tied the game and won in overtime. The longer the game went on, the better Stanford played.
The Ducks quarterback and receivers were excellent. I think they are going to have a good season.
Ducks have a good team every year ..
My brother noted that the quarterback is a junior. He was throwing fast and looked like he could put it in a paint can at 30 yards. Towards the end of the game, that accuracy was repeatedly disrupted by Stanford fly swatters.
Did I forget anything.? Tricking friends to come over for a barbecue ..
Reminds me of when a friend of ours would get in some shrimp that still had shells on it. He'd invite my mother and a few other friends over. His wife would thaw the shrimp & put bowls of it in front of my mother and friends and they would shell the shrimp while chatting. He did something similar when he got a bunch of bean pods from his garden. My mother & her friends would just sit there peeling the shells off.

I'm looking up the Quick-Step flooring. I came across something called quick step naturetek plus online. I'll have to see the Lowes website.

I might have a chance to pop in to Lowes (if I can find the driveway for it) when I'm driving back from taking a friend to the doctor tomorrow.
Yesterday I started my 53rd year as an installer. 3 knee surgeries and a bad back I'm good to go. What I did in a couple of hours now takes all day but still love being on the floor.
...wanna help me with a living room? Last time took me 5 days, this time???
.....ya got 10 tears on me ya old man. Did I say tears? :eek:
I’m gonna slow down a bit and concentrate on kitchen only for the moment. First item is to widen door from 31 to 38 inches. While that’s happening I’m trying to get a stain to match what is already in house. Really struggling but I have a guy that is pretty good at it. Going to replace baseboard in kitchen and put trim around entrance to kitchen. Oak cabinets. Want to match the color. Buying small cans and layering them.

Want to paint kitchen before putting down vinyl planks. Struggling with color. Considering blue-gray or light yellow. Using Benjamin Moore color tool as well as sherwin Williams ColorSnap. I’m 2 weeks away from this project with luck. too humid in house now. Anyway I’m keeping busy!
I’m gonna slow down a bit and concentrate on kitchen only for the moment. First item is to widen door from 31 to 38 inches. While that’s happening I’m trying to get a stain to match what is already in house. Really struggling but I have a guy that is pretty good at it. Going to replace baseboard in kitchen and put trim around entrance to kitchen. Oak cabinets. Want to match the color. Buying small cans and layering them.

Want to paint kitchen before putting down vinyl planks. Struggling with color. Considering blue-gray or light yellow. Using Benjamin Moore color tool as well as sherwin Williams ColorSnap. I’m 2 weeks away from this project with luck. too humid in house now. Anyway I’m keeping busy!
Painting first is a good idea. Match a the sample in the room after painting. The paint color will make the flooring look different in the room than it does now. It won't look the same at the store as it will in your house because the lighting is different.
I'm still fighting with this trim. Want to replace it but a lot of it doesn't look stained as much as painted with a thinned out brown paint. It is semi-transparent and 40 years old. And it feels funny. The builder was known to take shortcuts so it wouldn't surprise me if he did something like that.
I'm still fighting with this trim. Want to replace it but a lot of it doesn't look stained as much as painted with a thinned out brown paint. It is semi-transparent and 40 years old. And it feels funny. The builder was known to take shortcuts so it wouldn't surprise me if he did something like that.
Might have just been looking for an artistic effect.
I just got my catheter out!!!
Best feeling ever, today was the 11 th day with it.
I thought he was going to pull it, like he was starting a lawnmower
........and I guess he didn't? Sheesh, that's gotta be an experience. You're sayin it wasn't as bad as you expected? How long before you can go back to work?
He pulled it out gently , It burned for a few minutes, but it’s such a relief to have it out. I feel like dancing a jig.
October 8th I return to work.
Looking forward to it
When i had my knee replacements, they installed a catheter. When the nurse said she was going to remove it, i told her i will take care of it, and started pulling. I pulled and pulled, but it wouldnt budge. She then called me a dummy that i was unaware there was a bulb of air that needed deflated before it would come out.
If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared, what would be the most difficult thing to explain about life today?

One answer: “I possess a device in my pocket that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man.

I use it to look at pictures of cats and get into arguments with strangers.”
I wore a Colostomy Bag for a year after my Colon Surgery .. Dr that did the surgery retired , and no one ever got back to me to have it removed ..
Had to pay another Surgeon ti remove it .. Glad you got it removed Don..

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