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Painted ceiling in kitchen. First time I ever painted a room. Cutting in around light was a little tricky because of glare. Putting another coat on tomorrow.

We swapped out 1120 phones in 2 days of work. Today, running the IT help desk by myself we dealt with the aftermath of the switch. Didn’t go too bad actually. My students come back from Fall break on Wednesday. Just have to survive one more day
Finished ceiling. Walls next. But humidity rising. Might have to wait till next week. Indoors 57%. Might sneak in a coat tomorrow. Might get the tough areas around kitchen window. Less than an inch wide and tough to mask off
Got some of the walls painted. I’m getting area under cabinets first. Used masking tape between window and cabinets. Freehanded rest of it till my arm hurt too much. The yellow darkened as it dried. I’m liking it.


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Paint done. Started laying floor. Was going out so I only did 4 rows. Seams appear tight and straight. Only have a small j roller so I rolled it on hands and knees (with knee pads). Then I walked on it carefully several minutes to make sure it was bonded. Repeated a couple hours later. Seems to be ok. Hope to get enough done tomorrow so appliances can be put back in a couple days.27BE1BD4-1F49-4674-957B-0425770A9B41.jpeg
Fixed the topper lock and door on my late FILs truck. Guess I will work out of it for a while. Gas hog, but runs good. '99, but only has 103,000 miles. Still don't know if I will get it when the estate is settled. Did make a bid though.
My old Ford van is probably not work fixing.
Sold my old black Chevy low rider to a friend for $300. The cab is rusting into the ground and I haven't started it in 4 or 5 years. Have rent to pay and I'm never gonna have the dough to fix it back to it's glory days anyway.
Finished flooring yesterday. Also returned the molding I bought from Home Depot. It was dirty, warped, and the wrong edge design. Went to a local lumber yard and got good stuff. Staining it all this weekend.

Found one small corner that didn’t stick. Was able to get a putty knife under it and add a drop of glue. My dumbbells are on top of it.

I’ll be staining and putting poly on the trim for the next few days.

Btw, pulled a muscle moving fridge and range. Just under my ribs on left. Hiccups are wonderful, Not!


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Nice job Tom.. After you stain it , Screen it lightly before pulling the poly one way only to avoid creating air bubbles in the finish..
Get a ten inch pad for Poly from Home Depot .. I cut mine in four pieces ..
Hi all, I've been busy & sick so haven't posted in awhile. I couldn't fit everything in 1 post so I'll have 2.

Havasu, how is it going on the getting the new car replaced?

I'm glad you have a candidate that you like and can support regardless of party affiliation. Around here we just have a bunch of racist, sexist "good ole boys" and even the ones who claim to be Democrats would be considered Republicans in other places.

I don't worry too much about the 911-access thing to the phone because I don't get cell signal at home & I keep my phone off most of the time. I only turn it on when I am expecting calls, need to make a call, or want to take pictures.

Floorist, what happened with Paypal?

I don't use it but my mother used it for auction sites and places she doesn't trust her CC# with. I do remember a website I used to visit had their paypal frozen (they used it to pay for the domain) bc a competing site was jealous & lied to Paypal saying it was being used to pay for a pornography site. Site owner had like $22k in paypal & it was frozen up. Took awhile to get it sorted out. The competing site illegally charged $ for custom content for the Sims, but ended up having to stop when EA games told them they weren't allowed to charge for it & that they'd have them shut down. Now there is a subscription fee to not have ads but the content is all free.

I used Ebay a few times years ago but stopped after I got screwed over. Had a guy who sold me a motherboard "new" supposed to be unopened. Not only was it opened, it was damaged. Right after I purchased & payed, Paypal suspended their account and sent me notice to say I should not go through with the transaction. But bc they did that, I wasn't able to file a complaint or get a refund/return. Another person around the same time screwed me on a processor. Was supposed to be a certain core & new in box. Was opened and not the right one. Guy's return address was not valid so he never refunded me for the return & eventually after 2 months it was sent back to me bc they couldn't deliver it to him for the refund. Ebay refused to do anything about it & it was more than 10 days after so I couldn't leave a negative review. I think they may have

I'm trying to keep up and remember other posts. Glad to hear catheters have been removed & that there don't seem to be negative effects. I've never had one and hope to never have one. My father actually had a stent put in by a Dr. Schluder with the navy. ******* was supposed to use anesthetic but didn't. Ended up pushing the kidney stone back up into the kidney & the entire time it was in my father was miserable and dripping blood. They were supposed to use the machine to break up the stone but someone had dropped it and broken it & they were waiting for another. When they got a new one back in, the stone was under the pelvic bone so the machine wouldn't work. I've been fortunate that my kidney stones have all just passed normally (although the one that passed most recently cut the skin on the way out).

I've seen the Joe Pike guy on stuff before. Great voice! That is so cool that you know him!

Tom, great job! It's looking good. Sorry to hear you pulled a muscle. I hope it heals quickly. I like the flat panel cathedral style cabinet doors. If I were the homeowner, I would have wanted the fridge bumped over to the right just a little to give more room for opening.

I've not had much luck with Frog Tape. The kind I got didn't want to stick once I put it on.

Nick, what do you mean by "screen it"?

In my world, I spent my birthday in bed sick. Next day I had to drive my friend's fiance to a cardiology appointment in Shreveport, then next day to Alexandria to pick up a medical CD then to Leesville to get her cast removed, then next day to Shreveport again. They kept changing which building the appointments were in for Shreveport so we did a lot of walking until we found out they have a free transport bus that can be texted to come pick us up and take us to another building. On the Monday Shreveport appointment they did a procedure where they stick a tube down the throat & take pictures of the heart somehow from the inside. It was done while she was unconscious in Alexandria but she didn't have the CD to give them (which is why we had to go Tuesday). They didn't knock her out this time so partway through she started choking, her nose started gushing blood, she started screaming so they had to abort, but they damaged her throat & she's having problems swallowing & breathing (although some of it is probably psychosomatic). Alexandria gave her the wrong CD so we will have to go back. I've been sick since late September & am hoping to get over this crud soon. I slept over 16 hours straight yesterday, got up briefly to eat and cook for mom and then went straight back to sleep for a few more hours.

Meanwhile, my brother got a new job lead at the nearest casino. He put in an application on Sunday and got a callback on Monday with two job offers. First guy said "You're qualified as f***! Sorry, I mean, you're very qualified." He starts orientation next week to be a cook in the front restaurant. It's a short drive to work & they promised they are professional & that no supervisors will be calling on his day off and yelling at his mother.

On a computer tech note, I need to figure out how to fix something: My cat stepped all over my computer when I was watching a video. It made the video portion speed up, but did not affect the sound. It happens on all videos now & I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix it (aside from rebooting). I should reboot, but I want to know what I can press to fix it. I tried right-clicking to see if there were options, but nothing to do with play speed worked.
Any ideas?
Part 2
My uncle called about a week after my birthday to talk to me. He's in Virginia but his assisted living center prepared well for the storm. He still had power but TV & internet were out. He told me about what's been going on with my cousin down in Texas.

Prepare for more reader's digest fodder: My cousin has been married to a jerk for 20+ years. He was a religious nutjob who wanted to be a cult leader but lacked the charisma & people skills. He isolated her from friends & family early on in the marriage and got her to be the breadwinner for the first few years. Agreement was he'd have 2 years to get his "music" career launched while she worked. Ended up giving him like 5 years & she was working at Lowes while 8months pregnant when she finally put her foot down & said he needed to step up. He kept losing jobs over his fanaticism-- yelling at co-workers bc he thought everything was evil, chasing customers to their cars telling them they were going to hell, refused to go to any particular church bc he felt he alone could properly interpret the Bible, etc.
Initially, he had my cousin convinced that he was the man of the house and she had to submit to him & do whatever he wanted with little argument. Over time he started loosening up a bit & allowed her to have friends (although he listened in on her phonecalls & read all of her e-mails) and see family again. He would still leave the room when people visited bc he's antisocial. He settled down more and had a steady job & they were living in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Last time I visited he was actually social & talked to us and we watched comedy vidoes together.
Early this year he changed. He became more uptight & started yelling at my cousin over little things. He criticized their oldest child so much she moved a few hours away for college & refused to come home if her father was there. Jerk started suddenly pressuring my cousin to dye her hair red, which she did. Then he griped about her having a little belly flab so she went to the gym, worked out, and lost weight. Then he complained about the wrinkles around her eyes, but not much she could do about that. He started taking extended "business trips" & spending lots of $. One day he came home & started screaming at my cousin about how she hadn't hung his shirts up properly (she had just washed, ironed, and hung them up-- but he wanted them all facing the same direction). She told him he could do it himself if he didn't like how she did it. He said he wanted a divorce but then changed his mind about 30 min later. Tensions increased & I'm not exactly sure on the order of events, but at some point he mouthed off to his boss & got fired. My cousin started looking at the finances & discovered that he was buying flowers & jewelry but it wasn't for her or the daughters. Found out he was seeing his ex from his college years (the one he'd just broken up with when he started dating my cousin-- and who happens to have red hair). He was going out to Mississippi to see the mistress when he claimed to be on business trips. So, they started going through divorce process. My cousin got an aggressive attorney & documented the $ spent on the mistress. She moved in to a different bedroom. She also documented that he wasn't taking the youngest child to school when he was supposed to-- he'd suddenly take a "business trip" or be unavailable when it was his turn to drive her.
Then one day, I'm not sure exactly what triggered it, but he was yelling at my cousin & she tried to get away from him. Went downstairs but he followed. She went in to the laundry room, he followed & locked the door behind them, trapping her in there with him. Her oldest son (2nd child) happened to be home from college for a visit. He tried to get in through the locked door, then went around the side of the house to another entry that wasn't locked. When he opened the door, his father had my cousin pinned to the washing machine (with his body pressing against her) while she was bent over it (uncle didn't say if it was forwards or backwards) while he screamed in her face. The kid had to ram into him with his shoulder to get him off. At which point the father turned & started grappling with the son. My cousin pulled out her phone & called the cops for help & started recording the altercation. The younger son (child #3) rushed in & pulled his father off of his brother while the youngest girl stood in the doorway screaming for them to stop. Cops came but said no charges would be filed since no punches were thrown & nobody was hurt. Cousin immediately alerted her attorney & bought some mace. She no longer sees or speaks to her husband even though he lives in the same house (but he has to leave by Nov 1).
My cousin is currently working for $14/hr while taking college courses to become a teacher. After having kids, her job was to care for the kids and homeschool them so she didn't have an income all those years. Since the husband cheated & got violent, she gets the house (but she has to sell it bc he put it up as collateral for a loan on a supposed new business that never got off the ground-- $200k, but I think she's off the hook for the $), she gets 50% of his income (which is nonexistent at this point bc he's still out of a job & has made no effort to do anything), and 50% of his severance package from when he was fired (which apparently really pissed him off). She no longer even texts him- if she needs to communicate she texts her lawyer who texts his lawyer & relays the message to him). For simple communications she asks the younger son to speak with or text him bc the younger son is the only one of the kids who still gets along with him. The younger son has stepped up and drives his little sister to school (she's the only one of the kids who wanted to go to public school-- or at least was allowed to) when he can.
At least the kids have turned out mostly ok. Oldest is in college & working at a fast food place. She has a boyfriend that works at his family's mechanic shop & he's going for 2 degrees in college. My cousin's brother gave her his old Firebird to drive. 2nd is in college & works (not sure what job he's doing). He almost has enough saved up to buy a used car. 3rd is being homeschooled but taking AP college classes. My uncle gave him a car that he uses & he has stepped up to drive his little sister to school. 4th is going to public school & is only 13. All of the kids are intelligent and good people.
Hi all, I've been busy & sick so haven't posted in awhile. I couldn't fit everything in 1 post so I'll have 2.

Havasu, how is it going on the getting the new car replaced?

I'm glad you have a candidate that you like and can support regardless of party affiliation. Around here we just have a bunch of racist, sexist "good ole boys" and even the ones who claim to be Democrats would be considered Republicans in other places.

I don't worry too much about the 911-access thing to the phone because I don't get cell signal at home & I keep my phone off most of the time. I only turn it on when I am expecting calls, need to make a call, or want to take pictures.

Floorist, what happened with Paypal?

I don't use it but my mother used it for auction sites and places she doesn't trust her CC# with. I do remember a website I used to visit had their paypal frozen (they used it to pay for the domain) bc a competing site was jealous & lied to Paypal saying it was being used to pay for a pornography site. Site owner had like $22k in paypal & it was frozen up. Took awhile to get it sorted out. The competing site illegally charged $ for custom content for the Sims, but ended up having to stop when EA games told them they weren't allowed to charge for it & that they'd have them shut down. Now there is a subscription fee to not have ads but the content is all free.

I used Ebay a few times years ago but stopped after I got screwed over. Had a guy who sold me a motherboard "new" supposed to be unopened. Not only was it opened, it was damaged. Right after I purchased & payed, Paypal suspended their account and sent me notice to say I should not go through with the transaction. But bc they did that, I wasn't able to file a complaint or get a refund/return. Another person around the same time screwed me on a processor. Was supposed to be a certain core & new in box. Was opened and not the right one. Guy's return address was not valid so he never refunded me for the return & eventually after 2 months it was sent back to me bc they couldn't deliver it to him for the refund. Ebay refused to do anything about it & it was more than 10 days after so I couldn't leave a negative review. I think they may have

I'm trying to keep up and remember other posts. Glad to hear catheters have been removed & that there don't seem to be negative effects. I've never had one and hope to never have one. My father actually had a stent put in by a Dr. Schluder with the navy. ******* was supposed to use anesthetic but didn't. Ended up pushing the kidney stone back up into the kidney & the entire time it was in my father was miserable and dripping blood. They were supposed to use the machine to break up the stone but someone had dropped it and broken it & they were waiting for another. When they got a new one back in, the stone was under the pelvic bone so the machine wouldn't work. I've been fortunate that my kidney stones have all just passed normally (although the one that passed most recently cut the skin on the way out).

I've seen the Joe Pike guy on stuff before. Great voice! That is so cool that you know him!

Tom, great job! It's looking good. Sorry to hear you pulled a muscle. I hope it heals quickly. I like the flat panel cathedral style cabinet doors. If I were the homeowner, I would have wanted the fridge bumped over to the right just a little to give more room for opening.

I've not had much luck with Frog Tape. The kind I got didn't want to stick once I put it on.

Nick, what do you mean by "screen it"?

In my world, I spent my birthday in bed sick. Next day I had to drive my friend's fiance to a cardiology appointment in Shreveport, then next day to Alexandria to pick up a medical CD then to Leesville to get her cast removed, then next day to Shreveport again. They kept changing which building the appointments were in for Shreveport so we did a lot of walking until we found out they have a free transport bus that can be texted to come pick us up and take us to another building. On the Monday Shreveport appointment they did a procedure where they stick a tube down the throat & take pictures of the heart somehow from the inside. It was done while she was unconscious in Alexandria but she didn't have the CD to give them (which is why we had to go Tuesday). They didn't knock her out this time so partway through she started choking, her nose started gushing blood, she started screaming so they had to abort, but they damaged her throat & she's having problems swallowing & breathing (although some of it is probably psychosomatic). Alexandria gave her the wrong CD so we will have to go back. I've been sick since late September & am hoping to get over this crud soon. I slept over 16 hours straight yesterday, got up briefly to eat and cook for mom and then went straight back to sleep for a few more hours.

Meanwhile, my brother got a new job lead at the nearest casino. He put in an application on Sunday and got a callback on Monday with two job offers. First guy said "You're qualified as f***! Sorry, I mean, you're very qualified." He starts orientation next week to be a cook in the front restaurant. It's a short drive to work & they promised they are professional & that no supervisors will be calling on his day off and yelling at his mother.

On a computer tech note, I need to figure out how to fix something: My cat stepped all over my computer when I was watching a video. It made the video portion speed up, but did not affect the sound. It happens on all videos now & I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix it (aside from rebooting). I should reboot, but I want to know what I can press to fix it. I tried right-clicking to see if there were options, but nothing to do with play speed worked.
Any ideas?
Hi Z , Screening is a nylon mesh sanding screen with little holes in it .. It removes all the scratches the sand paper leaves in the floor ..
What OS is the confuser ?, and what are you using to play them.. For now try doing a sys restore ..

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