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If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared, what would be the most difficult thing to explain about life today?

One answer: “I possess a device in my pocket that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man.

I use it to look at pictures of cats and get into arguments with strangers.”
...and dim the lights, show who's at the front door and start your car.
Much more fun to argue with friends than strangers. :D
When i had my knee replacements, they installed a catheter. When the nurse said she was going to remove it, i told her i will take care of it, and started pulling. I pulled and pulled, but it wouldnt budge. She then called me a dummy that i was unaware there was a bulb of air that needed deflated before it would come out.
.....I'm always amazed at what I can learn from you guys.
Two Mondays ago, I take my new Cad to the dealer for an oil change. I also showed them a glob of paint on the roof edge, as if there was a fly when they painted the car at the factory. The dealer looked disappointed and said I should have called on this, as they would have to send it to the body shop to correct. They asked me to come back last Friday, and they would give me a new loaner. Last night, they called and said the car was done. I dropped off the loaner, took the car home, and discover there was about 12 drops of gray paint on the hood. Well, now I'm pissed and ask for the manager to meet me there at 0900 this morning. When I hang up, I saw a magnetic thin blue line flag had been stolen from the trunk of the car. The manager looked on the camera and discovered the flag was there when it was dropped off, and there when it went into the paint department, but someone in his paint area stole my flag. He promised he would get me a new flag, even though they are a special order item on the internet. I was then provided a new Cadillac to drive home. He called this afternoon and said the paint had been removed, but now there were swirl marks on the hood, so he was going to send it into paint again, and will paint the hood. Mind you, this car only has 3100 miles. I think that is it. I am going to demand a replacement car (yeah, I'll pay more but I'll get a 2019 instead of this 2018). To be continued....
Two Mondays ago, I take my new Cad to the dealer for an oil change. I also showed them a glob of paint on the roof edge, as if there was a fly when they painted the car at the factory. The dealer looked disappointed and said I should have called on this, as they would have to send it to the body shop to correct. They asked me to come back last Friday, and they would give me a new loaner. Last night, they called and said the car was done. I dropped off the loaner, took the car home, and discover there was about 12 drops of gray paint on the hood. Well, now I'm pissed and ask for the manager to meet me there at 0900 this morning. When I hang up, I saw a magnetic thin blue line flag had been stolen from the trunk of the car. The manager looked on the camera and discovered the flag was there when it was dropped off, and there when it went into the paint department, but someone in his paint area stole my flag. He promised he would get me a new flag, even though they are a special order item on the internet. I was then provided a new Cadillac to drive home. He called this afternoon and said the paint had been removed, but now there were swirl marks on the hood, so he was going to send it into paint again, and will paint the hood. Mind you, this car only has 3100 miles. I think that is it. I am going to demand a replacement car (yeah, I'll pay more but I'll get a 2019 instead of this 2018). To be continued....
Was the fly better than what your going through? Sheeesh, what a nightmare.
Just found out Henry products uses Ardex technology. Will work with him before I do anything. I did get a sample of Pergo XP while at HD. Will get a sample of Coretec this weekend if possible and compare. Two different animals I know.

If you have a ProSource near you go there to check out the CoreTec. Generally not open to the public (designers, builders and independent contractors like my self go) but you can tell them your working with Top Floor Installation Company in Tucson AZ.
Put new flooring in the rear of my trailer.
The old LVP was looking pretty shabby.
I’m starting to get antsy. It’s hard to sit around.
I'm going to hold off on the landing until after the kitchen is done. Then I'll do the living room and hall with Pergo Outlast or Quickstep. Pretty sure I'll be using Marigold Oak or a light oak from Quickstep. Leaning heavily towards Outlast.

Next week I get the door widened. Next, paint kitchen. going to grab a couple samples and use the wall that's being removed as a testing area.

Then lay down 1/4 inch ply wood over the vinyl that's possibly asbestos. Will move fridge to near side of room along with range.

Then I'll put down Shaw vinyl laminate (glue down). I'm pulling the baseboard in kitchen and replacing with red oak stained pine baseboard.

Then I'll use sliders and cardboard on the floor to put the fridge and range back (with help of course).

In the spring I'll pull the baseboard in living room and hall, take off the molding in the doorways in the hall (6 doors), and get the junk vendor to pull and dispose of the pulled lumber and all the carpet and padding. They will recycle it so it doesn't all end up in the trash. They'll also give me a price on pulling the tack strips.

Then I'll paint, put down new laminate, and work on the casings around the doors and the baseboard.

And that's the next 2 years of my life...
If you have a ProSource near you go there to check out the CoreTec. Generally not open to the public (designers, builders and independent contractors like my self go) but you can tell them your working with Top Floor Installation Company in Tucson AZ.

We have a prosource. I'll get and estimate through my carpenter when I need to buy the laminate. I'm not interested in Coretec except on the landing. I don't want vinyl upstairs. Prefer the feel of wood, even if it's pressboard. I'll see what brands they have and get some reviews before deciding though.

But thanks.
I use to handtruck the fridge , and stove with a truck with air tires to the hole it went in , and then spray some Windex behind the wheels .. Like sliding it on ice ..
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It’s been almost 2 weeks :(
I was told 3 weeks until I return to work.
My son carried the material down from the upstairs of the garage for me.
It was core-tec , so material was pretty easy to remove and replace.
I cut around the cabinet, that’s full of tools and very heavy.
Long day. Could not get my rider started, so I cut the yard at the other house with a push mower. Worked on vehicles, put up and wired in another security light.

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