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I do mine at 5.. Great for cold starts in the winter .. All the nooks and crannies are coated ..
I'm assuming your rig has fuel injection..... I bet you could go to 12,000.
I read an oil test a guy did with conventional then synthetic oil. He let the synthetic go twice as long as the conventional oil. I'm guessing the synthetic went 6000 miles. He sent both samples off for testing and both came back good. The synthetic rated an A in every category meaning it was still just like new. Oil color means nothing.
Nice all week here, Highs 60ish and lows 45ish
Probably could Hi.. I use Volva Penta .. Used it on my boat to .. Those engines are under more stress pushing a heavy boat through water ..
I'm sad to hear about the kid who killed himself. Other kids can be brutal-- although sometimes the ones who are doing the bullying are being abused or bullied at home. But it is inexcusable when the staff/teachers bully students. Sadly, I've seen it happen. There are some people who have no business being around children.

I voted early. I got directed in to the wrong building at first-- they said it was inside the courthouse. So I went in & forgot my swiss army knife was in my bag (I have a fanny pack rather than a purse). The metal detector went off & I figured it was my measuring tape, metal back scratcher, or stick magnet. He asked to search it and I said "sure". He was starting to dig through when he asked where we were going and we said "early voting". He stopped just shy of finding the knife, zipped the bag, and said "Oh, that's in another building on the other side, come with me." I brought my mother with me & she walks with a cane so it was a nice shortcut. We voted, and then I went to get the car to pick her up. As we were leaving, some old woman backed out of a parking space without looking. I had to hit the brakes and throw it in reverse to avoid getting hit.

One of the items on the ballot was a bill to decide whether or not gambling would be allowed for online fantasy football. Not even real sports, but fantasy sports. W T F? Of all the problems this state has and the laws that should be passed to make things better, they have something about fantasy football... I guess it shows where their priorities are. I just got a call a few minutes ago-- robocaller-- telling me to go vote "yes". I hate phone calls before noon, I hate robocalls, and I hate political calls. I just said "I voted earl. I voted no. F*** you!" This state already has problems with gamblers losing everything over casino games and real sports. Gambling on fantasy sports is just asking for trouble.

My brother is enjoying his job. Company policy is to be hospitable to both customers and employees. They have a low turnover rate, high morale, and the happy employees make the customers happier. More perks from the kitchen are access to a fancy coffee machine that does espresso, cappuccino, mocca, hot chocolate, etc & lets people adjust the cup size or number of cups-- free. There's a free dispenser for Borden milk, free sodas, free juice (apple, orange, etc), & tea. They get paid breaks and the breakroom has free cereal and milk dispensers as well as another coffee machine and other beverages & snacks. There's a microwave and sink. My brother wasn't feeling well the other day so they sent him to the breakroom & gave him a hamburger to eat (it was a messed up order so they told him to get some food in his stomach to replenish his energy). He just got his first paycheck and bought me lunch. I helped him find some new running shoes (his old ones fell apart) for him to wear at the gym. He said his next paycheck will be almost double the current one & his trainers/supervisors said he should make it to "red hat" in no time. They also said they will pay for him to take culinary classes so he can officially become a chef. Since he referred my friend's fiance, she got hired & is very excited to start working. She's going through her orientation now.

Insurance company is giving me grief about my truck. It was supposed to be towed to the repair shop last week but it still hasn't been towed. I talked to the guy who has it & he said it should be over at the repair shop by 2pm today. Insurance was refusing to give authorization. They don't send adjusters to do estimates in this town, but they send them to the shop in Mamou where it will be towed. I spoke with the repair guy over there while an adjuster was there to see the truck but since it wasn't there, she had to leave. Shop guy said he'd call me if I needed to sign any paperwork or if I wanted to confer with the adjuster that comes today.

Meanwhile, I pulled the valve stem to take to the store to find a match but the washer & screw stayed in the valve seat, which I didn't notice until I got to the store. Struck out at Lowes. HD thinks they might have a match but it's not in stock. Later on I'm going to get some pliers to pull the screw and washer out to see the sizes to compare to the kit of misc washers & screws and find out if they fit. The o-ring on the valve stem looks good. From what I can see of the washer inside it looks ok. I'm guessing the valve seat might be messed up, but I got the tool to remove it. Just need to make sure nobody needs the water when I go to pull it. I tried shutting off the power to the pump and hot water heater to shut the water off to the house, but it didn't work. Have to manually go to the shutoff in the well shed (which we usually call the pump house). The weeds are so bad out the back door that we can't go that way so I have to go out the front and around the side to the back. Not a big deal except trying to get past the 12 cats without letting any of them out. (I just accidentally hit some key combo that took me to the password screen for windows... no idea what it was).

Mom's confuser is having problems. She puts it in sleep mode when not in use and it wouldn't wake back up. She rebooted manually & the screen came up with moving lines and static. Wouldn't load windows. Rebooted again and came back up with moving green lines all over & static. Still wouldn't fully enter windows. Just had the loading icon. I checked the cables and power to the monitor which seemed fine. So my guess is it's the video card. I hope it didn't overheat. I think she's had it for less than a year. She can't watch her Dr. Pimplepopper vids so it put her in a bad mood. When I got home from the hardware store last night she was having a tantrum. She was just screaming and shouting (I thought my brother had gone in there and that she was yelling at him but it turned out he was in his room & she was yelling at no one). I waited until she calmed down before I went in to see her and showed her some of the stuff I got her at the grocery store.

My phone is also having issues. The battery doesn't want to charge. It lost battery power while turned off & I charged it for 3 days and it only got to 43%. Its on the 2nd battery already. I hope I don't need a new one. I'm not ready to replace the phone yet bc I'm happy with it. Only thing I would really change on it is the camera-- I'd get a better one if it could be changed out.

I meant to get up and take my cat to get spayed this morning but woke up too late (they have to be there by 9am). Went to bed with a sinus headache and runny nose. I did change the filters for the AC. There are two of them-- one in the hallway & one in my brother's room. Brother's room one seems to only need changing once a month or once every two months. One in the hallway needs to be changed twice a month due to cat hair & dog hair. I really need to vacuum the hallway.
People are mad , and had enough of Trump, and the spineless rep congress ..

I’m in a heavy Republican area and most of the signs on the lawns are for the Democrat Jess King.

This election is all about Trump and the leash that’s going to reign him in. If the republicans lose the senate, Trump might as well resign. I’d lay even money odds he doesn’t finish his first term.
I took my brother to the voting place out in the middle of nowhere. I commented to the old lady who marks down the names of the voters about how the turnout has been pretty high. She said normally maybe 19 people would bother to show up at the voting place out there but that my brother was #51 and it wasn't even 1pm yet. More people showed up as we were leaving.
You can buy fuel additive stuff to put in the fuel so it don't gell up. Just fired up my old 94 dodge truck yesterday. It's been sitting for a month.

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