The work looks good, Tom.
I'll have to go back and look more closely later but right now my blood pressure is through the roof. I did early voting which went fine, but then I went to pick up the police report from the accident on the 20th.
I got home and read it before I decide to take it to the insurance company and I am so incredibly pissed off.
The boy who caused the crash must be very close friends with the cops to get them to lie this much. They lied about the speed limit, they lied about the violation he made (instead of putting that he passed in no passing they put reckless driving), they lied about how his vehicle was moving (said he was going straight when he had moved in to oncoming lane of traffic), and they lied about his drinking-- said there was no alcohol consumed.
Now, I get they are trying to save his ass, but then they went and lied about me to make it seem like I was partially to blame. Listed me as "inattentive" as the reason for the accident... That means his insurance can argue it was partially my fault & that my insurance rates can go up.... I'm just so pissed off....
I called to ask how to amend some mistakes on the report and they transferred me to an answering machine. I want to call the DA and report this BS but I want to calm down first.
Any suggestions?