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Paid cash? No receipt? He is going to pocket that money, and not have to claim that money on his income tax. Go back and demand a receipt, and also let him know you will be reporting this action to the Internal Revenue Service if you don't get that receipt.

My mechanic has two prices. A receipt price, which is higher, and a cash only non-receipt, which he doesn't have to claim. Since I trust him unconditionally, I save money and don't ask for a receipt, unless he is doing something which could affect the warranty on my car.
I pay most workers in cash. We all pay too much in taxes anyway. But if something can go wrong, like on a car, I want a receipt.
I don't know why she decided to do cash instead of a cashier's check or something. I get why she didn't want to use CC though. But we've never had someone refuse to give a receipt after giving payment before. He also didn't put the locking nut back on my tire (and I haven't had the chance to check to see if the tool to remove it is even still in my car or if he has it). If he has it, I will have to go back to his shop and demand he give it and the nut back.
For now, I haven't alerted him that anything was wrong bc I want a receipt. My mother wrote down how much she paid him and I will try to meet with him on Monday to look at it and make sure the numbers line up. I told the insurance company how much we paid and we have proof of Mom taking that amount out of the bank that day. I called him and said my insurance company was insisting that I provide a receipt to show how much I paid for the work and he said he'd give it to me on Monday. Supposedly he's passing through my town then and will be meeting at the towing guy's place. For now, the truck remains at the dealership being worked on. They called and said that the insurance adjuster looked at it the very next day and that the alignment being re-done and the strut having to be redone are both on the other repair guy so it will have to come out of his $.
If the guy gives me any trouble, I'll mention the BBB and the IRS. My insurance company indicated that I would have to get a refund from him and pay the dealership myself. I'm going to talk to them about just having them withhold the $ from whatever payment he requests over the original estimate. He was paid $85 and some change for the alignment. Dealership charges $89. The rest of the issues they said are part of the wreck damage and are covered though.
If I have to go see him at his shop (if he will be there) on Monday, I'll bring my brother with me. They might be less likely to give him a hard time.
Yeah, I don't take the naproxyn often. I used to take unhealthy amounts of Ibuprofen but I have cut way back on painkiller usage bc it takes so much to even put a dent in my pain. Meanwhile, half the dosage that I take has my friend almost knocked out. LOL. Speaking of my friend, I took him to the dentist yesterday for dental surgery but they couldn't do it bc he has an abscess. I also brought him his new computer chair, helped him get the box into his house, and then helped him assemble it. He absolutely loves it.
My brother forgot to water the kitties in the front room and he was out of kitten chow and didn't tell me, so the poor things were literally climbing the glass-paned door and screaming their little heads off. I fed & watered them.
This is the chair he got: https://www.samsclub.com/sams/respawn-recline-game-rsp110blu/prod22273235.ip (in red)

My brother got the blue version but they beat up the box very badly during delivery and broke one of the levers.
The lumbar pillow wasn't comfortable for my friend so I suggested he attach it to the foot rest & it worked perfectly. The foot rest slides out from under the chair and flips over. Got it on black friday sale w/ free shipping so we only paid state tax. There is a lever that locks it in to a preferred angle of reclining.
I got my new keyboard, Logitech G213 Prodigy. It replaced my G15. I miss the little screen at the top that had game stats & volume info. I also miss the built-in USB ports on it but this one is lighter and the wrist rest is nice. It has good response and it doesn't die out on me. The cord on the other one was damaged, but it was in use for 10 years. This one has a cord with some kind of fabric wrap around it. It didn't come with any instructions so I have to look up how to adjust the lighting color. Right now it is just changing colors randomly. I thought there would be an off button but it turns out it was just for the lights. I like it though. The wrist rest is hard plastic so I put some cloth over it to make it more comfortable (the plastic is not comfortable against my skin).

The new microwave arrived (same brand and model as the old one that was having problems). My friend was going to save up to get a Microwave but he said he'll take my old one and fix it up. It's 2.2cuft (smaller than our previous Montgomery Ward one) and the interior finish on the bottom is bubbled up. There are some stains that won't come out from the sides and top from when something my brother made with teriyaki sauce exploded in there. My mother said she ordered a new toaster as well. I hated the old one bc it had buttons that never worked- for heating frozen bread and for a bagel setting. I think they were just there for decoration bc they never functioned the entire time we had the thing and then the cats knocked it on the floor multiple times so the bottom broke off. I hope she didn't get a crappy one.

I'll probably go do the changing of the microwaves this afternoon. I also have to unload stuff from the car that my bro refused to unload and try to take out some of the trash since he refused to do it. I will note that after refusing to do any of his own chores or help with anything, he then had the nerve to ask me to do his laundry. He'd put it in the washer already but planned to be asleep so he wanted me to put his stuff in the dryer for him. It was his work clothes so I decided to go ahead and do it and then I took it out and folded it, opened his door, threw the pile on top of him (startling him awake) and shouted "LAUNDRY, B***!" at him. I also kept the quarter and dime that fell out of his pocket in the wash.

I'm hoping my truck will be fixed by Monday. I will have to see if the repair guy was being honest about getting the receipt and have a talk with him about the repairs.
Sears is closing it's physical stores but they are partnering with Amazon for online sales.
Got the old microwave cleaned up and brought over to my friend's house. Went to meet with the repair guy to get the receipt but he was a no-show. I called and his co-worker answered and said he'd call me back. No call back thus far. I told the towing guy what happened and he said he would call and try to make things right since he recommended the guy and didn't want me having problems. Talked to the insurance and the dealership and the work is done on my truck. I'm about to head out to pick it up. I think we still have to pay for the brakes and I will go over the list of things that were repaired when we get there.
I will also need to find out if the repair guy lost my locking lug nut that requires a special key and whether or not he kept the key as well. If he did, I will have to go get it from him or find a way to get a replacement. My other tires can't be removed without that key.

My friend said my tires on my CR-V are nearly bald so I will need some new ones. I'm thinking some Pirelli scorpion all terrains.

Mom just paged, time to go get the truck.

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