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Ate more turkey - on roll with stuffing and gravy, bought ammo, went shopping online and mall, had lunch, came home and had ham n turkey leftovers. Ran out of cranberry sauce.
Found a GREAT DEAL for Highup.
1980 300 in line 6
On Chevy, there's a fuel pump rod to deal with. Ford 6 is directly off the camshaft? The pump can't be installed upside down can it?
Could the cam's pump lobe be toast? :oops: Can you check the arm for wear to see if it's making contact?
I wouldn't think a pump would need to be primed before installing it.
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I got in several hours of sleep, got up and cooked for Mom, sat down and ate a bit when my friend's fiance called around 8pm. She wanted me to go pick up her best friend from another town (I initially thought it was closer but turns out it was 55 miles away down winding roads). GPS had the street location marked wrong by half a mile and it was so foggy I literally couldn't see side roads or anything. Spent 15 minutes lost & trying to find the trailer when her friend got on the phone and said she saw us drive by. Brought them back to my friend's house and then found my friend in severe pain and drove him to the hospital. I went to the grocery store (per mom's request). It was 11pm by then. Got some liquid capsule Ibuprofen for my friend and picked up some takeout for Mom (again per request). Drove back in & my friend was still sitting in the waiting room. I gave him the medicine and sat with him until they took him to a room. Got home after 1am.
So, now I'm checking messages and serving as a seat for cats. Gonna wind down and try to get some sleep.
Ate more turkey - on roll with stuffing and gravy, bought ammo, went shopping online and mall, had lunch, came home and had ham n turkey leftovers. Ran out of cranberry sauce.
Bandon, Oregon grows the best cranberries in the world. That's 1/2 hour south of me. Bogs are all over around here. I hate cranberry sauce, but I worked for a cranberry grower and his wife gave me some cranberry cookies she'd just made. Wowza. Them were fantastic. Oatmeal and cranberries. They were made like raisin cookies but were even better.
We make a cranberry relish I guess you would call it. Grind up cranberries with oranges and add sugar to your liking. I love the stuff. Can cranberry is good but the relish is better to me. But I'm the only one in the family that likes it and it was forgotten to be put on the table this year.
Highup, the cranberry oatmeal cookies sound delicious! I like cranberries. We get a chicken salad mix that comes with cranberries and pecans mixed in.
I like cranberry juice but by itself its rather bitter so I like it mixed with blueberry or cherry. I also like cranberry sauce.
My dog Princess finally slept on the pillow I got her. She likes to move around on the bed and sleep in different spots. She also likes to sleep on my mother's bedroom floor bc Fippy dragged a bunch of her laundry out of the basket and spread it out on the floor to make nests-- and also to keep the floor warmer I'm guessing. She has covered more than half of her bed with stuff so there isn't much room for the little guy and he has to use his doggy stairs to get up. He's fat and has short little legs so it's not always easy for him.

On a side note, what do you guys think of this flooring? It has AC4 rating and purports to be waterproof. https://www.samsclub.com/sams/engin...arrel-oak/prod22070556.ip?xid=plp_product_1_2

I was thinking of using it in the laundry room when I get around to the remodel.
On Chevy, there's a fuel pump rod to deal with. Ford 6 is directly off the camshaft? The pump can't be installed upside down can it?
Could the cam's pump lobe be toast? :oops: Can you check the arm for wear to see if it's making contact?
I wouldn't think a pump would need to be primed before installing it.
No, it is right side up. Ran fine when it was parked. Lobe was ok then, Checked on a Ford site, should not be primed. Runs off the camshaft, going to take the pump back.
I wish I could help you on the pump issue but I have absolutely no idea about that stuff. I probably should learn more about it though. My mother actually knows more about car stuff than I do-- well, the older ones anyways.

I've decided I'm not going to wait til afternoon to drive my friend's friend back to her town. I couldn't sleep last night and I know I'll be zonked by then.
We make a cranberry relish I guess you would call it. Grind up cranberries with oranges and add sugar to your liking. I love the stuff. Can cranberry is good but the relish is better to me. But I'm the only one in the family that likes it and it was forgotten to be put on the table this year.
Talkin' 'bout that jelly in a can? eeeeeeeeeeew.
I've been lucky Rusty. I don't ever recall taking any part back that was defective. .....well maybe once, 35 years ago. A rebuilt distributor where the glass beaded the lobe surface for the points to ride on. It wore down the points contact in less than 150 miles. Points weren't hardly opening.
I hope you can get it working.

The drive to and from the friend of a friend's place was more scenic in daylight. Still a few moron drivers almost caused accidents but fortunately I dodged. Went to Walmart afterward to pickup prescriptions & took my friend's fiance with me. She always leaves my car door open so while she was pushing the cart back to the cart return thingy, a bee flew in and landed on her wallet. It was digging around like it was trying to open the magnetic flap. The girl rushed back and I told her to get in slowly and not make any sudden moves. She jumped in, shut the door and asked "Why?" I said "Bee" and pointed to it. She freaked, threw the door open, jumped out, shouted about the bee a few times, and then stomped it multiple times. Her jacket had been on the floor with her wallet so she took her jacket out and shook it and then tried to find the bee's body, but couldn't. Not sure what happened to the poor thing.
So now I'm spamming her with pictures of bees and messages like "What's in *your* wallet?" and "Would you bee my friend?" :p And telling her fiance that the bee wasn't minding it's own beeswax.

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