I kid you not, if we get one inch of snow here everything shuts down. They close the roads, the schools get shut down, and people act like it's Ragnarok. Meanwhile my friends in New Hampshire had like 6 feet of snow and it's a normal winter day for them.
I was told we are supposed to have a very cold winter this year-- colder than before. I expect the possums to come visiting again (if the dogs leave them alone long enough). I don't know if it's gotten below 20 here in a loooong time (if ever). I hope it won't be too cold. I'm going to have to do something about the pump house and pipes. It used to be insulated but the damn mice and snakes got into it.
I've seen quite a few deer, some raccoons, possums, and armadillos. There are wild hogs around somewhere as well. Haven't seen the wild turkeys in awhile.
A cousin of mine who lives in California told me there are a lot of coyotes in his area. He was walking his little yip dog one day when a coyote ran out, grabbed the dog and ran off with it, yanking the leash out of my cousin's hand, and disappeared into the brush.
No coyotes here, but I still worry about my cats.
Meanwhile, I was going to have my friend help me with my plumbing but he had to go to the hospital bc he's peeing blood. Severe UTI apparently. He needs to lay off the sodas and drink water. He also needs to have less stress. He currently has 2 jobs and his grandfather thinks he's a slave. He moved in with his grandfather after his grandmother died so he could take care of the old man. Unfortunately, the old man had no respect for his health or sleep schedule. He'd start calling his phone or his fiance's phone at 2am, 6am, or all through the day. If neither of them answered he would go bang on the door and wake them up (didn't matter what time it was or if they had to work in the morning or had just gotten home from work). They couldn't sit down for 5 minutes to rest or eat without him hollering at them to go do something right then-- and at one point both of them were injured and weren't able to do stuff (they both injured their left arms in separate accidents around the same time). They finally had enough and moved back to their own house. So of course the grandfather constantly calls them and actually drives over to their house and honks his horn to wake them up. He even drives to where my friend works and starts telling him all the stuff he wants him to do for him. The dude seriously needs to hire a full-time caregiver and let them live their lives. He's constantly up in their business wanting to know where they are, who they are with, and what they are doing. He also used to go into their room and look through their stuff, open their mail, etc and butt in to their conversations. He's also been picking up my friend's daughter without permission and driving with her in the front seat without a car seat or seatbelt. Speaking of the daughter, it turns out her mother lied about her being expelled from school. She pulled her daughter out of school to make an excuse for quitting her job & bc her fat behind was too lazy to get up and take the girl to school in the morning. She lied to the doctor about the kid not being able to sleep so she's giving her sleeping pills. My friend found out and took her back to re-enroll her in school, but she's missed a couple months already.