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I did a burn repair at a Best Western motel. Call said it was a burn near the doorway. It was less than a foot from the front door, but right where you take the first step in.
I was thinking about doing the repair with the Sinch Iron and just do a 2 by 3 patch. Wild pattern and it would have been interesting to say the least.
Motel manager said the carpet was installed in March......... and they have two+ rolls on hand. Ended up opening up two seams and replacing the hallway. # 1/2 feet of tile to tuck, two closets a bathroom doorway and the two seams. Mine turned out better than the originals.
........damn I'm good. :p
This makes 5 repairs in 2 1/2 weeks. Yeah, what a work load. :( Anyway it's $210 badly needed buckaroos. November and December suck, with each having the possibility of a week off. :rolleyes:
My cats keep zerging in to the living room (the warmest room in the house). It would be ok if they didn't climb all over things and knock stuff off of shelves & Mom's desk.
Crazy glue them Z.. Do the things on the shelves to .. :D
Highup, it's 1-1/2 PVC and the leak was right where it goes in to the pump, so there is a change in size. The flex tape did seem to stop the water from spraying and the water in the house hasn't been spurting, so I think it worked better than I'd thought. I really need to replace the PVC with stainless steel pipe. I wish I could run PEX from the stainless steel pipe to the entrance of the pressure tank because it would be more forgiving for slight bends. Or at least to a piece of PVC going to the pressure tank. The pipe comes out the left side of the pump but the tank is to the right of the pump so it comes out and turns 90 for a few inches then 90 again on the way to the tank. The pipe going in to the top of the pump is metal. I'm seriously wondering how hard it would be to flip it around, but I don't want to screw things up.

Nick, LOL! I could just imagine the tantrum my mother would have if her stuff was glued down to her desk.

The potato soup I made gave me such horrid gas that I gassed my cats out of the room, gassed myself out at one point (much to my mother's amusement) and the dog wouldn't come anywhere near me. My father would have been proud. I'm thinking of making more stuffing and chicken tonight. If I wasn't feeling so bleh I'd go to the store & see if they had more chicken, some potatoes, and cranberry sauce. But, I think I'll just go with what we have and add some corn to the mix. Tomorrow Mom suggested going to eat at the casino where my brother works.
Getting pissed. Think I got a bad fuel pump. Airtex is notorious for junk, but they make the only one for that. Friday, if it isn't raining, I will run a gas hose from a gas can to the fuel pump to see if it is pumping. Bypassed the fuel filter and still no gas.
So the leak is between the pump and the pressure tank? How long is the span between them? I'm guessing the well is not deep?
If the well is really deep, I think it's good to have a shutoff on the well side. That way, if the pressure side needs to be worked on, you can close the valve and water remains pulled up to the surface at the pump. This way, after working on the pump or pressure side, the pump does not have to re-prime or pull up water from way down in the well.
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So the leak is between the pump and the pressure tank? How long is the span between them? I'm guessing the well is not deep?
If the well is really deep, I think it's good to have a shutoff on the well side. That way, if the pressure side needs to be worked on, you can close the valve and water remains pulled up to the surface at the pump. This way, after working on the pump or pressure side, the pump does not have to re-prime or pull up water from way down in the well.
Yes, (I think). I have a weird system where there is a compression pump (with two wheels & a band that rotates on them) that generates air pressure and pulls water up in to the cistern. From the cistern, there is some PVC that comes out and then it converts to metal just before entering the top of a jet pump. The outlet is 1-1/2" (or maybe 1-1/4"-- I need to check my notes) female threaded. So a male threaded PVC pipe is inserted but it leaks. It is glued to PVC elbows so I can't really turn it or manipulate it at all. I will have to look to see if there is a shutoff before the jet pump. It's 39 degrees outside right now though.

I got up early and cleaned up a bunch of trash (my mother had a huge nest of trash all around her desk-- which explains why the mice like that area). I filled about three 33 gallon trash bags with her junk (mostly empty water bottles). I was clearing a path to pull her computer out to put the new video card in. Opened it up and it stunk of mouse piss and there were mouse droppings & some kind of larva inside. Looks like the mice pissed on her video card. I have no idea how they got inside the chassis. I couldn't find any openings large enough. I cleaned it up a bit and put the new card in. Had a bit of trouble at first bc I didn't realize the card had a protective cover over the part that is inserted so I was like a monkey with a football trying to push it in before I looked at the other card for comparison. Had a similar problem when I went to plug the monitor back in. I couldn't see very well from the angle I was at and then felt it was smooth. I had to use pliers to get that cover off because my fingers are weak. But, I got it all hooked up. Booted the computer. Disk read failure. Told me to ctrl alt del to reboot. Did that. Then it said I could hit any key to abort the disk check. I aborted it and several minutes later it was trying to load windows. I left the room for a bit, came back to say it failed to load the user profile and the only option was to click OK. Clicked OK and waited and waited. Several minutes later I just manually rebooted because it was doing nothing. Same disk read error and this time I'm letting it check the disk. Says its' doing a repair. Last I looked it was at 1%. I really hope her drive isn't bad again. She already had a drive failure a few months ago. I also hope she didn't pick up any viruses by clicking stuff I told her not to click. She kept complaining about a popup telling her that windows was going to expire and it said to click to go to the website. I repeatedly told her not to click it but I think she clicked it anyway. Listening is not one of her strong suits. LOL.

I might try to tackle the hot water valve again later today. Mom is sleeping so I'll wait for her to get up so I won't wake her.
Just a happy face for Thanksgiving.
Rusty, I'd be dropping the tank looking at the pick up line.
I fixed a friends old Chevy. There's a brass filter screen inside the tank. It looked like it had been dipped in paint. You could hardly see the screen texture.
I removed the fuel line and blew into the line. Well, I tried to. I figured something was plugged or I would have been able to blow at least some air into the line. I don't recall if I used the compressor .......and set the pressure real low.:) With the gas cap off I figured there should have been some gurgling sounds.
Yes, (I think). I have a weird system where there is a compression pump (with two wheels & a band that rotates on them) that generates air pressure and pulls water up in to the cistern. From the cistern, there is some PVC that comes out and then it converts to metal just before entering the top of a jet pump. The outlet is 1-1/2" (or maybe 1-1/4"-- I need to check my notes) female threaded. So a male threaded PVC pipe is inserted but it leaks. It is glued to PVC elbows so I can't really turn it or manipulate it at all. I will have to look to see if there is a shutoff before the jet pump. It's 39 degrees outside right now though.
Just a FYI. Might give you some ideas.
Thanks, Highup.
Right now I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with Mom's computer. It finally did the repair but now it won't load her user profile. I found fixes online but they all require booting in to safe mode and there appears to be no way to get her computer to boot into safe mode. It just isn't an option. I spammed F8 and nothing happened. She's got Windows 8 or 8.1-- not sure which. It keeps giving the error:
The User Profile Service failed the logon.
User profile cannot be loaded.

I took the computer apart again and made sure none of the connections were chewed and everything was in tight. There was dry mouse urine on the SSD card but it didn't seem harmed by it.

I don't think I have the DVD with the OS to repair it and I don't even know how to do a restore to a backup point, but I'm pretty sure she never backed it up. If I could get in to safe mode I could probably fix it, but nooo, her computer has to be stubborn. LOL.
In the mean time see if you can get into the bios tapping F10 key or F2 , and set the Confuser to boot first from the CD drive ..

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