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Do you mean run the paper perpendicular to the flooring? 45° would be diagonally
I never thought of that.
This stuff it pretty thin , we overlap 6” or so ( no tape).
We didn’t undercut the mortar.
Who ever re-faced the fireplace did it on top of the old plush carpet. I pointed out to the customer there was loose pieces of mortar on the carpet before we touched it.

Yeah thats old school NWFA way to run the felt, at a 45°. Unless of course your flooring is 45°.
Spent part of Sunday cleaning up after my sick dog. Not sure what he got into but he emptied his stomach on my carpet 5 times and once between the sheets! He's seeing a vet on Wednesday but he ate and looks fine. 35 lb beagle.

The other part of the day I spent doing maintenance on my water softener. Realized I hadn't seen any drop in the salt level in the year I've been here. Dug down and took off the clean salt, putting it into a plastic bin. Then I found 200 lbs of muddy salt. I used a double contractor bag lined trash can to empty the salt bin then washed it. Took apart the siphon system too. It looked like it was jammed so I cleared it. Got some softener cleaner that I added to new salt pellets. Now I have 15 gallons of dirty salt to dump on the snow we're sure to get this winter. But the softener did cycle so I think it will be fine.
We have a water softener that never got installed. The sacks of salt for it are sitting in the well shed but the doors broke and the cows got into it. They licked the salt.

My landline is fuggered again. At home it rings once then either doesn't ring at all or rings again after a long pause. No caller ID working. When I pick up there is nothing but maybe some clicking and static. I normally hang up after 20 seconds. Stayed on longer and thought I heard my brother's voice briefly. I messaged him on FB to tell him phone wasn't working. Last night I tried to call home to ask my mother if she needed anything from in town. It rang and rang and finally we heard her voice but it was garbled and breaking up. Then clicks and nothing. Apparently she tried to call out numerous times but it didn't go through. Our phones never rang.

I already filed a repair request with AT&T but they have a character limit and I wasn't able to explain the problem. They insisted on a phone # for contact, but since I can't get calls it won't help. I hit them up on Twitter and am waiting for a reply. I've had to go through Twitter more than once over landline problems.

I think I'm going to go ahead and replace my inside line (I only have one left now). It runs from the front of the house underneath the floor all the way to the back of the house and comes up through a small hole in the floor. I ran the line under there myself back in either 2002 or 2003. I'm going to get some cat5e direct burial with gel to replace it. The plan is to tape it to the end of the old line and pull it down through the hole (will have to enlarge the hole slightly) and then pull it all the way back to the box. Then I'll attach the ends and hope it works. I'm thinking 250ft should work. I hope anyway. I need to figure out how to get my scanner to work so I can scan the sketch my father did of the house with the measurements (I found it in a bag). He also did sketches of the plans for the kitchen before he remodeled it. The pencil is fading and I want to preserve those drawings. I think I still have some of his sketches on computer in CAD format.

My brother went to his doctor's appointment today & it turns out it was supposed to be my appointment. When their robocaller thing calls to say there is an appointment, they don't say for whom. That's where using FB came in. I told him to let them know I'd reschedule next month.

Tomorrow I plan to take my friend and his fiance to HD and Lowes to look at carpet remnants. The mice chewed up the stuff we got them last time & one of their friends spilled stuff on the carpet and ruined it. Now that they both have better paying jobs they are going to get something a bit nicer. They need 14'x12' so it's going to be pricey.
My friend insists on getting carpet. He's going to put a wall back up in the room dividing the living space and he's going to just cut off where the kitchen is bc it's so tiny and the roof is leaking. Eventually he wants to turn it into a pantry.

My brother accidentally left the front room door open so ALL the cats got out. I discovered this when one of them came to see me. I put her back in so she's alone in the room. I'm going to have to go out and round the rest of them up.

Phone company called back and apologized. They had messed up something on their end. They also said they will be working on the lines tomorrow and to let them know if they get messed up again. They've been having problems with the lines. So, it looks like I don't need to worry about replacing my inside lines just yet.

I stopped paying for landline and got a Magicjack for $35. That gave me 1 year of service. When you sign up, they offer another 5 years for $99. There's an E911 service fee of $25. 6 years of service for $155. I only have it connected by my bed for emergencies because of poor cell service in my area. Otherwise I don't use it. I don't even know the number without looking on my cell.

Tom P.
Almost forgot jury duty. Actually forgot the date. Remembered before I went to bed last night. Looked all over for the summons. Found it this morning! It was for today. LOL Looked up my group number and I was rescheduled for the 17th. Whew!!! Kept waking up last night worrying about it.
This qualifies for the Insanity thread.
Well here if you are a no show there's a warrant issued for ya. They usually only enforce if they run a check on your plate.

I got the best advice from the guys at the supply shop when I told them. One said just tear it up, the US postal service delivers so say u didn't get it...do not respond. Or keep asking for a reschedule like I just did. Rescheduled until January. Plus pick a Thursday when they already have lots of jurors picked already.
Tom, magicjack uses the internet connection to work. My internet is satellite so there is an upload delay, it goes out during storms, and is generally not reliable enough for a phone service. I have to use my landline to call when my internet goes out. But I appreciate the suggestion.

Here they usually call about 200 people for jury duty and maybe 50 will show up. The courthouse is not very handicap friendly and it's difficult to find the ramp for the handicap entrance, and there are no ramps from the parking lot to the sidewalk to get to the entrance. The only ways in to the building other than using the steep ramps are to use steep stairs up to the main floor or steep stores down to a sub-level which is like a basement that is only halfway down (if that makes any sense).

We used to have to help an elderly friend fill out the forms to say she didn't want to do jury duty bc she was 80. You'd think they would have taken her name off the list. She got like 6 notices in a year.

Today I took my friend and his fiance to look at flooring. Found some decent carpet and padding at HD and applied Mom's military discount. Ended up being around $140 for the 12x14 carpet & a bunch of padding. Took it back to my friend's house and I helped him move the furniture and put down the padding and carpet and then helped him move the couch back in (although I wasn't too much help bc my back sucks). The room already started feeling warmer. He wanted a cheaper carpet but they didn't have enough on the roll so he got something he actually liked better. Coffee Bean or something color. It's not stretched or anything and there are lumps where the roll had to be folded in half to fit in the truck, but he's happy with it.
He has the same space heater i have .. Mine is about 30 years old .. Used it in basements where the heat wasn't all that great ..
He wants to get a wall mount heater of some sort so he won't have to worry about it getting knocked over.
He's not getting gas anything after his other house burned. He and his fiance are very careful about making sure they don't leave things plugged in or on when they aren't home in case of a fire. His circuit box is terrible and he needs to completely re-do the wiring. He wants to pull off the wood paneling and replace it with drywall. He's a certified electrician so he knows how to do the wiring, but he'll have to pay the local electrician to inspect it and sign off on it. Since he lives in town, he has to have the power company shut his power off while it's worked on and then have them turn it back on and they won't do it without approval from the electrician. Lat time the electrician charged $900 to connect one wire and give approval for him to get his trailer hooked to power. I think before he charged him $150 to give approval.

Tomorrow I'm taking my friend to pick up a new stove. It's a Samsung smooth top with convection oven but the LEDs on the digital display aren't working so someone is selling it for $200. My friend knows how to fix it and he desperately needs a working stove.

Eventually I'm going to help him with the plumbing for his new kitchen (which used to be part of the living room) and help him with the flooring. I wish I could help him with his roof, but the weight I've put on in the last few months would probably make me fall through. LOL.

Time to make dinner for Mom.
It looks great, rusty!
I think a nice reddish brown stain would look good on it, but it depends on the look you're going for.

I was absolutely exhausted again today, but I reheated some leftovers for Mom for dinner. It was the cornbread stuffing with chicken mixed in. I got a can of cranberry sauce with whole cranberries for her to add in and she loved it.

I'm trying to decide what I should make tomorrow night. Maybe more stuffing if she's not burnt out on it yet. There wasn't enough leftover for me to eat (bc the container fell out of the fridge and spilled so the dog got my share) and I'm also trying to figure out what I should eat since I didn't eat today.

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