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I can no longer see the word "velcro" without thinking of this video:

Mom woke me up around 2:30am because she forgot to take her meds and I'm having trouble getting back to sleep because my brain doesn't want to rest.
Rusty, that sounds like a good full breakfast.
I got a little bit of sleep and then my brother woke me up because he wanted to know if I'd seen his pajama pants. Got back to sleep again and woke up to a cat fight. Then my mother needed help adjusting her blankets. I was drifting off again and the damn phone rang. More of that nonsense where nobody speaks & it just makes click noises and starts to ring so I hang up. They really need to make that crap illegal.
I'm probably going to make myself some Ramen in a bit.
Highup, so you replaced the spam with coffee? :p
Facebook is in serious trouble for selling the contents of people's private messages and their text messages on their phones (not even the ones sent via FB) without any notice.
Meanwhile, my mother just raged out bc she tried to order something online and it said it accepted paypal but when she went to checkout, paypal wasn't an option and it said she would have to call her CC to get approval for the purchase. She was in a good mood prior to that. LOL.
She forgot to turn off the light in her bathroom so now I have to go turn it off for her (she actually paged me over that bc she didn't want to get up and do it).
Spam? ...........hmmmm .........now that sounds good with peanut butter. :D
I use dialup and facebook is so overloaded I can rarely get to my own page. It just won't fully load up. I don't use my account, but I check it twice a year just in case it functions. It's a dataminer and I don't trust it. I can't even navigate the site 'cause it's just too confusing for us old farts.
Instead, I communicate the old fashioned way............ I call it e-mail. ;)
I started planning my upstairs project for the Spring. Living room and hall will get a new laminate floor, probably Pergo Timbercraft or Outlast. New retro stairs to replace carpeted stairs. Red Oak stairs and risers are roughly $60/step. 14 steps to do.

I have roughly 1/2 inch difference from subfloor to kitchen floor so IMHO Coretec wouldn't work well. I don't like the vinyl look or feel for living room floors anyway.

Also, new stained baseboard. Old baseboard is 40 years old and was mounted uneven around room. I'm sure it will not come off in one piece. Also, green paint for ceiling and walls.

Planning on doing most of it myself. I'll have to hire someone to move the couch downstairs. It's a LazyBoy power recliner. Wonder if it could be wheeled on dollies onto deck and covered with plastic tarps. Not sure I could trust it outside. No way to run it into a bedroom. Too big. I'm guessing a moving crew would cost $100 to move it.

Going to buy a 12 inch miter saw and a 10 inch table saw. I think I have enough work to justify it. Might look at Offer Up to see if someone has something decent used. HD has each item in Ryobi for $300 or less with decent reviews.

400 sq ft. plus stairs.

Work will start some time after Income tax refund comes in. And of course that will be delayed because of the mess in Washington. Lovely!

Tom P.


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Did Coretec repair yesterday. End joints had separated in two different rows. One was 18 feet from a wall and starting from the opposite end of the house another was 15 feet from that end. I pulled up one door trim and one baseboard and was able to tap them back together. Once done, I locked in the ends so they can't move apart again. From the hallway, down past the kitchen, through the entryway to the end of the hall was about 46 feet. Planks were the wide, long ones.......... 5 feet or so.
First repair I did at the house was redoing the carpet edges in the bedroom doorways. The job was just completed and the installer did a quick and nasty tuck job.
Second repair was replacing warped planks in the sliding door entry. This is the entry they use. It's actually part of the large kitchen/dining room. The replacement area is at 45 degrees to the rest of the house about an 8 by 8 diamond. I discovered 2 issues causing the warpage. Flooring was fit tight to the sliding door and the sun also bakes down in this entry. Coretec isn't supposed to have direct sunlight on it like glass doors provide. I had them put an area rug in the entry.
On the bright side the stuff wears well. This is a farm type property and lots of crud and mud from the gravel driveway get ground into the floor. 5 years of this and it still looks good.
Yes they do sweep and clean the floor, but nobody takes off their shoes.
I now strangely have the urge to see how Spam tastes with peanutbutter... We don't have any Spam right now, haven't bought any since we lived in Guam. It was extremely popular over there. Spam and Tobasco was so popular that they sold Spam with Tobasco in it, but the locals said there wasn't enough Tobasco.

My friends don't check their e-mails so I have to rely on private messages. I can't send texts through my wifi so I use FB. I'm trying to find a good alternative chatting thing though. Used to use ICQ but that was really vulnerable for hacking. For giggles I used to make friend's CDROM drive pop open through a hack in ICQ. I need to find a better messaging service though.

Tom, red oak stairs would be beautiful! You can always try to see if you can get the baseboard off in one piece. What shade of green for the paint? Will the ceiling and walls be the same shade or will you go lighter or darker on the ceiling? Do you have any friends that could help you move the couch? Is that a fireplace in the drawing?

Highup, how do you lock in the ends? I'm guessing it was something that hadn't been done before and that's why it came apart. Carpet edges in my doorways are all messy because the cats clawed them, but I discovered I have a whole bunch of carpet remnants in a bag in my loft (which has fallen, but I can't quite reach the bag). I'm going to try to get some grabber arms to see if I can pull on the bag and get it in reach- or grab some of the scraps that fell out. The area rug is a good idea. I'll have to remember that when I do my reno-- area rug over spots the sun shines in on. Mud & dirt- sounds like my yard.

The sliding glass door and sun thing reminded me that the cats tore down the custom blackout curtain we had over our sliding glass door. Need to see if we can put it back up or replace it.
Screw healthy. Life must be good no matter how short. :D

Zannej, Coretec planks are rocked and locked together on the long joint first, then the plank is tapped back towards the end joint of the previously installed one until the end gap fully closes and lock. Either the end joints were not tapped fully into place so they would lock or the floor was not prepped to be flat and level prior to the installation of the product. The floor appears to be flat, but the planks have been in place for 4 years so they have probably conformed to whatever shape the floor is.
I also noticed there were two different core colors in leftover boxes from the original installation. The locking feel of the joints when mixing core colors felt ever so slightly different.
The new bedroom room I just did with the exact same product was thinner and the joints did not mesh properly. The finish was less pronounced and the colors were more brownish instead of reddish like the originals. The new material was definitely manufactured differently. The joint system barely locked into the original materials joint in the doorway. I flooded that joint with Loctite wood glue then clicked it together. The difference in thickness was noticeable but anything looks better than a molding. Customer OK'd the difference in thickness issue.
Don't buy any laminate type flooring unless all boxes are from the same lot. Boxes have codes printed on them so you can check. 1000234 or something like that. It will be on a sticker along with the color code and coverage per box.
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Thanks for explaining that, Highup! I wonder if the different lots were manufactured at different factories. Obviously a different dye lot, but being thinner and the locking mechanism being different seems like it might be a different location for production. Unless they just used different machines within the same factor & they weren't quite equal.

So, Loctite is generally safe for vinyl plank in certain applications?

Looking at the #s on the boxes is a good idea. I'll have to remember to do that.

Thus far this morning (since I couldn't get to sleep), I watched Kid's Baking Championship and then posted on the plumbing forums. It made me happy to see Frodo posting & made me even happier when he replied to some of my posts. I've missed him.
Screw healthy. Life must be good no matter how short. :D

Zannej, Coretec planks are rocked and locked together on the long joint first, then the plank is tapped back towards the end joint of the previously installed one until the end gap fully closes and lock. Either the end joints were not tapped fully into place so they would lock or the floor was not prepped to be flat and level prior to the installation of the product. The floor appears to be flat, but the planks have been in place for 4 years so they have probably conformed to whatever shape the floor is.
I also noticed there were two different core colors in leftover boxes from the original installation. The locking feel of the joints when mixing core colors felt ever so slightly different.
The new bedroom room I just did with the exact same product was thinner and the joints did not mesh properly. The finish was less pronounced and the colors were more brownish instead of reddish like the originals. The new material was definitely manufactured differently. The joint system barely locked into the original materials joint in the doorway. I flooded that joint with Loctite wood glue then clicked it together. The difference in thickness was noticeable but anything looks better than a molding. Customer OK'd the difference in thickness issue.
Don't buy any laminate type flooring unless all boxes are from the same lot. Boxes have codes printed on them so you can check. 1000234 or something like that. It will be on a sticker along with the color code and coverage per box.

Don’t mix American made with the imports
I now strangely have the urge to see how Spam tastes with peanutbutter... We don't have any Spam right now, haven't bought any since we lived in Guam. It was extremely popular over there. Spam and Tobasco was so popular that they sold Spam with Tobasco in it, but the locals said there wasn't enough Tobasco.

My friends don't check their e-mails so I have to rely on private messages. I can't send texts through my wifi so I use FB. I'm trying to find a good alternative chatting thing though. Used to use ICQ but that was really vulnerable for hacking. For giggles I used to make friend's CDROM drive pop open through a hack in ICQ. I need to find a better messaging service though.

Tom, red oak stairs would be beautiful! You can always try to see if you can get the baseboard off in one piece. What shade of green for the paint? Will the ceiling and walls be the same shade or will you go lighter or darker on the ceiling? Do you have any friends that could help you move the couch? Is that a fireplace in the drawing?

Highup, how do you lock in the ends? I'm guessing it was something that hadn't been done before and that's why it came apart. Carpet edges in my doorways are all messy because the cats clawed them, but I discovered I have a whole bunch of carpet remnants in a bag in my loft (which has fallen, but I can't quite reach the bag). I'm going to try to get some grabber arms to see if I can pull on the bag and get it in reach- or grab some of the scraps that fell out. The area rug is a good idea. I'll have to remember that when I do my reno-- area rug over spots the sun shines in on. Mud & dirt- sounds like my yard.

The sliding glass door and sun thing reminded me that the cats tore down the custom blackout curtain we had over our sliding glass door. Need to see if we can put it back up or replace it.

I’m going for the look in the example. Someone called it sage green.

Tom P


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