....hmm. Spam, cheese and peanut butter on a toasted English muffin.Spam is good with Cheese on it , But it is not one of your healthy foods ..
Screw healthy. Life must be good no matter how short.
Zannej, Coretec planks are rocked and locked together on the long joint first, then the plank is tapped back towards the end joint of the previously installed one until the end gap fully closes and lock. Either the end joints were not tapped fully into place so they would lock or the floor was not prepped to be flat and level prior to the installation of the product. The floor appears to be flat, but the planks have been in place for 4 years so they have probably conformed to whatever shape the floor is.
I also noticed there were two different core colors in leftover boxes from the original installation. The locking feel of the joints when mixing core colors felt ever so slightly different.
The new bedroom room I just did with the exact same product was thinner and the joints did not mesh properly. The finish was less pronounced and the colors were more brownish instead of reddish like the originals. The new material was definitely manufactured differently. The joint system barely locked into the original materials joint in the doorway. I flooded that joint with Loctite wood glue then clicked it together. The difference in thickness was noticeable but anything looks better than a molding. Customer OK'd the difference in thickness issue.
Don't buy any laminate type flooring unless all boxes are from the same lot. Boxes have codes printed on them so you can check. 1000234 or something like that. It will be on a sticker along with the color code and coverage per box.
I now strangely have the urge to see how Spam tastes with peanutbutter... We don't have any Spam right now, haven't bought any since we lived in Guam. It was extremely popular over there. Spam and Tobasco was so popular that they sold Spam with Tobasco in it, but the locals said there wasn't enough Tobasco.
My friends don't check their e-mails so I have to rely on private messages. I can't send texts through my wifi so I use FB. I'm trying to find a good alternative chatting thing though. Used to use ICQ but that was really vulnerable for hacking. For giggles I used to make friend's CDROM drive pop open through a hack in ICQ. I need to find a better messaging service though.
Tom, red oak stairs would be beautiful! You can always try to see if you can get the baseboard off in one piece. What shade of green for the paint? Will the ceiling and walls be the same shade or will you go lighter or darker on the ceiling? Do you have any friends that could help you move the couch? Is that a fireplace in the drawing?
Highup, how do you lock in the ends? I'm guessing it was something that hadn't been done before and that's why it came apart. Carpet edges in my doorways are all messy because the cats clawed them, but I discovered I have a whole bunch of carpet remnants in a bag in my loft (which has fallen, but I can't quite reach the bag). I'm going to try to get some grabber arms to see if I can pull on the bag and get it in reach- or grab some of the scraps that fell out. The area rug is a good idea. I'll have to remember that when I do my reno-- area rug over spots the sun shines in on. Mud & dirt- sounds like my yard.
The sliding glass door and sun thing reminded me that the cats tore down the custom blackout curtain we had over our sliding glass door. Need to see if we can put it back up or replace it.