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Had a leaking pipe in the ground by an outdoor faucet. Many, many, many moons ago, I split the main water supply and ran an underground poly pipe to two stand pipes. One of them broke at a 90 degree connection 4 or 5 years ago and I capped that one off.
This one that was leaking comes through a 4x4 that was once a deck support. Total pita to dig it up and repair it now as my newer deck covers it. Nasty space to work in.
Anyhow, I added a Y to separate the water supply feeds and installed two lever type shutoffs so I can shut off the main lead to the home or the outdoor faucet. Nice to be able to control them separately.
It's been 4 hours since I 'goobered' up the CPVC connections, 5 in all.
Time to go turn on the water again and see if I screwed up or not.
....no drips, runs or errors. Way cool. :nodding:
The fella at the hardware store told me the old barbed connection joints and elbows that I used many, many, many moons ago aren't made anymore because the had a tendency to fail. I guess a bad plastic recipe got brittle over time.
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I’m thinking about some of the new fangled double sided Adhesive adhesive, Any of y’all tried that yet?
Csason, where is your gallery? I'd love to see the pictures.

Ernesto, those pics are fantastic! I like the redder wood tones so the hickory, oak, & cherry are all very nice. The floor in the retro looking shiny blue, red, and yellow kitchen looked good. Thank you very much for the link! I love looking at pictures!

My brother decided that his Christmas present to himself would be to release all of the cats from the front room so they are now my responsibility to clean up after, feed, and water. They got into my room, unplugged my speakers, knocked over my monitor, knocked my lamp off my desk, and one of them knocked a heavy can down on top of my foot when I was trying to cook. Same cat that knocked the can on my foot also sprayed in my room right behind one of my fans. I had to shut my door, but had to let the older cats in first because they are not happy about the younger ones suddenly running loose. The current oldest cat, Boo, is ok with most of the younger ones since they don't try to fight him. He doesn't get along with their father, Fry, though. Ginger doesn't get along with any other cats but Predicate so she's been hiding in my room. Mewlatto has been upset because he doesn't get along with any other animals. He was up growling half the night. Predicate is being a big baby and doesn't want to walk across the kitchen anymore. Instead he screams for me to come get him and climbs up on me.

The upside is, my brother actually took out most of the trash. It allowed me to do some cleaning and I got a lot of the kitchen cleaned up-- I focused on areas where my mother walked so she would have a clear pathway. Filled another couple of trash bags up and had him take them out.

I took Fippy to get his claws trimmed (he bites if we try to trim them, but he's afraid to bite the vet) and took him to my friend's house to see how he got along with their tiny yorkiepoo. She's smaller than him so he actually liked her, but he couldn't wait to leave because he missed my mother. While we were at the vet's office I saw the fattest cat I've ever seen in my life- a 32lb blubberball named Ezra. He couldn't even stand up. His owner couldn't find a carrier big enough for him so she was carrying him in her arms and having a hard time.

Oh, I almost forgot that the other day we met up with my sister and her husband while they were driving through. We went to the Chinese buffet (which they both enjoyed) and hung out at the bookstore afterward. My brother-in-law had a cold, but was in a good mood. He told us all about some VR game they played at one of the theme parks. I forgot to ask my sister about her work (that she didn't want to discuss while at the Disney park because it involves programming for nukes). I wish they could have stayed longer, but it was great seeing them. They were traveling in my brother-in-law's Corvette so they made good time.

Meanwhile, I'm glad I waited on ordering flooring, because I found something at HD that is waterproof, has a 20mil wear layer, and a built-in underlayment. I only found it on the website & my local store doesn't have any samples in stock. It's on sale though & would cost less than the flooring from Sam's (which only had a 12mil wear layer).

Editing to add the pic of the 32lb cat I saw:
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Right , With you .. I only know because Selva called me yesterday to wish me a Merry .. :D
I was talking to a friend one day, I was talking about the new Mohawk carpet you install with double-sided tape, but I kept calling it double-sided adhesive, Mark was having a good laugh at me and then he told me what I was saying and I laughed also. Isn’t all adhesive double-sided? Sometimes it’s fun getting old Getting old getting old wait, I said that right already?
I was talking to a friend one day, I was talking about the new Mohawk carpet you install with double-sided tape, but I kept calling it double-sided adhesive, Mark was having a good laugh at me and then he told me what I was saying and I laughed also. Isn’t all adhesive double-sided? Sometimes it’s fun getting old Getting old getting old wait, I said that right already?
Getting old beats the alternative.
I was talking to a friend one day, I was talking about the new Mohawk carpet you install with double-sided tape, but I kept calling it double-sided adhesive, Mark was having a good laugh at me and then he told me what I was saying and I laughed also. Isn’t all adhesive double-sided? Sometimes it’s fun getting old Getting old getting old wait, I said that right already?
Is that the one with a carpet with built in pad? I told my retailer Run Forrest Run.
I don't recall what is was that I mentioned, but it was another goofy product. Trim and fit and I think it was all made of the same stuff so it was a 'green' product.

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