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Highup, LOL!!

At least they haven't peed on the computer *knocks on wood*. My sister had an elderly cat that used to pee on *everything*- including computers, computer monitors, walls, furniture, etc. She'd been rescued from a guy who used drugs heavily but vets could never diagnose what her problem was. They managed to get her to stop after several years & had her for over 12 years. She passed away just before Christmas last year- she developed lymphoma behind her eye.

Also, I'm glad it didn't have a mouse nest in it like Mom's computer. I tasked Itsy with hunting the mice in that room and thus far she's caught over 10. She's a good little kitty.

The sucked/blown thing reminded me of the debate of whether objects are sucked out in to space or blown out.

My brother is about to finish his probationary period at work & will get a pay increase. If everything goes well, he'll eventually be a salaried employee instead of hourly. Today is his day off so we'll probably do some gaming (after I eat something and go for a walk). I've decided I really need to exercise more. Might see if he wants to hit Samsclub with me to get more water.
Ah, I wasn't aware of that, Nick. Most of the people I know who are salaried have flex time or actually work fewer hours than the people who are paid hourly. They also make a LOT more $ per month. But maybe that is just in my area bc things here are assbackwards.

I had breakfast, went for a walk, got my brother to go with me to the big town with more stores. We popped in Burlington so he could look for jackets but nothing in his size. When we left the store I saw someone parked another Ridgeline next to my Ridgeline, which made me happy. I like seeing other Ridgelines. It was one of the earlier models but it was nice and clean & shiny. Went to the Chinese buffet place and stuffed our faces, then went to Sam's & I found something my mother wanted was on sale ($60 lower than regular price). I called her and she told me to get it. It was some sort of floor-mount mirror that opens up and has jewelry compartments. Got home and saw the cows sitting in the front yard relaxing. One of the cats jumped on the red cow's back. Red cow looked over at her briefly and then went back to chewing cud. Birds land on the cows all the time. My brother pointed out that the younger cow is now as tall as her mother and is even fatter. They stood up and the red cow wanted to be petted. I rubbed her face and scratched behind her ears. She followed me when I walked away so I had to spend several more minutes petting her before I finished unloading stuff from the truck.

I cleared a spot on Mom's floor for the new mirror and my brother brought the box in. For some reason I assumed it was going to be pre-assembled from the size of the box (figured the base only would have to be attached). I was wrong. The instructions were terrible. It listed the parts and then had small pictures and arrows but no words & the drawing didn't show the orientation of certain things & showed some parts going in at the top when they were really at the bottom. it took me awhile to realize that one of the parts had to be flipped upside-down to fit. There were these little metal things that were inserted into the holes-- they had holes in them and had to be aligned just right for the screws to fit in. It was a pain, but eventually I got it all assembled and my brother helped me clean the glue from the sticker off of the mirror. The color of the "wood" matches the other furniture in the room fairly well and my mother was pleased with the amount of space inside the compartment. Now maybe we can put some of her crap away instead of it sitting in boxes on or near her bed.
Well, I slept ok last night. Apparently Mom's little dog was alarmed by his own reflection in the new mirror and barked like crazy at it. If he barks and snarls enough, he tends to start choking. So this morning I stepped in dog vomit and slipped while entering the room. Looked around and he had puked all over the carpet in multiple spots. Went to the bathroom and then came out & cleaned up the mess as best I could. I'll go back later with some actual carpet cleaner when the dog isn't in the room. It smelled like he'd been eating cat food instead of dog food. Instead of throwing out the box the mirror came in, my brother just left it lying down in the hallway- which is hard to get around but it keeps the elderly incontinent dog away from that doorway so she's not peeing there constantly. She keeps moving the puppy pads I put down for her (not intentionally, they just get twisted and moved when she moves around). I think I'd eventually like to replace that carpet with waterproof vinyl plank.

I'm still not fully awake yet today (at least my eyes aren't-- they are all blurry still).

Edit: I'm more awake now and I took a few photos of the new mirror. The room is a mess, but the mirror is cool. It's reflecting back a Dixie French provincial "lingerie chest" that my parents got in the early 70s.
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I went for a walk after picking up mail at the post office. UPS came and delivered the vinyl plank flooring. They always deliver after dark bc they choose to come to my house dead last (bc my road shakes their truck too much & they want to have fewer packages). It was an order of 5 boxes. I received 4. UPS tracking info said only 4 were given to them. HD e-mail said they sent 5 and received confirmation that they were delivered. So I spent 10 minutes in the run-around menu for HD trying to get through to talk to someone about the error. The manufacturer couldn't be contacted so they said I will have to call back tomorrow. She apologized and gave me a faster number for reaching that department. She did note that only 4 shipping labels were issued so it is clear they only sent 4 boxes instead of 5. I can call tomorrow to make sure they are sending the 5th box so I don't have to get a refund on 1 and re-order. I noticed one of the boxes was torn, so when the sun comes up I'll have to examine the contents to make sure nothing was damaged. If anything is, I can actually do a return at the store. I wish they had the stuff in stock. Not sure how it would work if individual pieces are damaged or if I can get replacement boards instead of whole boxes. How does that usually work with flooring?
Just got off the phone with HD. They talked to the manufacturer and they said they sent 40 planks and to count them. There are 8 planks per box. I had to open the boxes up and look. At first I saw one box in each crate and then I noticed that one of the boxes had 2 loose planks in front of the box (although tightly held to the box). I looked back and saw there were 2 loose planks in each one so the 5th product box had just been unboxed and the planks split up among the 4 shipping boxes. The shipping boxes are HUGE compared to the product boxes. It's full of some kind of foam padding wrapped in plastic to protect the stuff inside. Good thing bc the shipping boxes were all dinged up on the edges and one of them was torn open on an end (but the packing material inside protected the stuff). If any of the boards are damaged, I can return them to the store and either get a refund or get replacements. I am going to enlist my brother's aid to put them in the truck & drive them down to the workshop where I'll have more room to inspect them under the LED shop lights. Then I will store them in the shop's insulated office room that Dad built.

I'll have to measure the boxes and post photos and stuff later to show you guys how big these things were compared to the product inside. It's not quite as bad as the time they sent my brother a 8"x8"x6" shipping box that held a tiny bag with a watch battery in it. They didn't put any padding or filler in so it just bounced around inside.
The guy at the local Walmart that handles the customer orders coming in would understand. He had a box so big he could not get his arms around it, that only contained a steering wheel cover.
Hope you get feeling better soon, Rusty.
My kidney stones were acting up today so I couldn't do much. 500mg of Naproxyn didn't help any.
My aunt Kathy called and gave us an update on how things are going in her life (she's retired) and how things are going for family members. I miss her, she's very sweet. She's an upbeat person so she was very cheerful as usual. She wants us to come visit.
I'm waiting for my mother to ask me to cook her something. Normally she asks by now, although I did bring her some macadamia nut cookies earlier and she said something about planning to eat them.
I did get the flooring moved to the workshop (well, my brother did all the heavy lifting). They were unboxed and examined. Two of the 5 product boxes had been opened. One had been unboxed and spread among the shipping boxes (which I mentioned before). One of the 8 loose boards had a little bit of damage to a about an inch of the tongue & groove edge, but nothing major. No scrapes or damage to the surfaces. We now have the boards stored in the insulated room. I recorded the unboxing although the recording was interrupted by some app on the phone (some kind of file transfer program) that always pops up and interrupts *everything*. It always interrupts other apps-- flashlight, camera, gps, etc. I'm seriously thinking of uninstalling it or of disabling it when not in use. I'll have to go back down later and get better photos of things, open up the individual boxes & inspect all of the boards more closely.
But, I'm hoping these kidney stones will pass soon so I can stand up and move around without feeling like I'm being stabbed in the back.
Patched 2X4's in a rotted wall between a bath tub and a cabinet in a rental. Leaks from 1970's way of tile on sheetrock has probably been leaking since the place was built.
Owner agreed from my description and photos that the tile had to be replaced. Plumber wanted well over $700 to replace the faucet with a pressure regulated one. Who knows what the tile guy wanted for his part.
The tub has a chip in the porcelain larger than my thumb print. Looks like someone dropped a hammer on it many years ago, then used a cheap porcelain repair coating on it. I said to them, if it was me, I'd replace the tub too because if the tub fails, the tile will have to be replaced again.
This all started back in September. Got a call, days before Christmas that the nixed the tile repairs and everything.
She told me to go ahead and put down the new flooring and to just patch up the 3 layers of rotted 2X4's that I had preciously removed. I removed most of the 2x4 material with my hands.
Well, I removed the rot up to 36" from the floor and have the new layers 2x4's hobbled together. Tomorrow is the sheetrock and the metal corners and the first layer of mud.
It's true, I'm now officially a hack.
Before patching/sewing in the 2x4's, I cleaned the tub flange and built up a wall of sealer so the water can't flow over the edge of the tub any more. Maybe now water will be forced to flow out the back corner of the tub and rot out that wall next. :rolleyes:
Owners live 1000 miles away and act just like landlords. Cheap cheap cheap. They know exactly what I'm doing which bothers me even more. I understand "cheap", but this isn't something to cheap out on. $850 per month X 20 units.......... there ought to be some leftover cash to do this right....... right. Nope!
They figure re-grouting the old tile will stop the water from getting behind the tile.:rolleyes: How do you re-grout tile that's had caulking applied here and there for 20 years?
I don't care 'cause I don't do grout repairs. ;)
My neice keeps telling me to fix up the house and stop spending money on me and my toys and my puppies, so she won’t have to spend her money when I’m going to fix it up, I say fornicate that feces, me and my puppies are just fine with a broken run down home
Highup, that sounds like a lot of work. Frustrating that the landlords don't want to get the repairs done properly. I'm willing to bet they keep the tenants' deposits over that stuff breaking down & blame them for it but still don't want to pay for it to be fixed right.

Lee, LOL! I don't blame you. What makes your niece think she's going to get your house? I agree with your assessment. Enjoy yourself and your puppies. Only reason I could see getting it fixed up was if it was causing you problems or was unsafe for you and your puppies. For some reason it made me think of the movie Gran Torino where the snobby granddaughter somehow thought she was going to inherit the old man's car.

My kidney stone moved to a less painful spot so it's barely noticeable today. I made more stroganoff and my brother is currently baking a cake in the pressure cooker. Hopefully it will turn out ok. He is going to try multiple batches of 3 different types of cake mix and 3 different frostings and we will taste-test to see which one is the best. We've got Pilsbury, Duncan Hines, and Betty Crocker. He's starting with a 4th tiny cake to test it out.

Tomorrow, I plan to clean up the pantry and put some stuff away that has been sitting on counters in the kitchen (and repeatedly getting knocked on the floor by cats).

As an aside, I've been thinking about how I'm going to do the baseboard in my bathroom. I messed up on cutting the sheet vinyl so it is about an inch shy of one short run of wall. So, I was thinking of using baseboard and quarter-round/shoe molding to cover the gap. But I only wanted baseboard on the adjoining corner and am trying to figure out how to bring them together. I'm thinking about using a baseboard corner block if I can find one- or I can attempt to make one from some scrap wood in the workshop.
If you saved the piece you cut short, it might fit right back on.
What kind (name and brand) of adhesive, and did you let the adhesive dry or set the material in while it was still wet?

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