Patched 2X4's in a rotted wall between a bath tub and a cabinet in a rental. Leaks from 1970's way of tile on sheetrock has probably been leaking since the place was built.
Owner agreed from my description and photos that the tile had to be replaced. Plumber wanted well over $700 to replace the faucet with a pressure regulated one. Who knows what the tile guy wanted for his part.
The tub has a chip in the porcelain larger than my thumb print. Looks like someone dropped a hammer on it many years ago, then used a cheap porcelain repair coating on it. I said to them, if it was me, I'd replace the tub too because if the tub fails, the tile will have to be replaced again.
This all started back in September. Got a call, days before Christmas that the nixed the tile repairs and everything.
She told me to go ahead and put down the new flooring and to just patch up the 3 layers of rotted 2X4's that I had preciously removed. I removed most of the 2x4 material with my hands.
Well, I removed the rot up to 36" from the floor and have the new layers 2x4's hobbled together. Tomorrow is the sheetrock and the metal corners and the first layer of mud.
It's true, I'm now officially a hack.
Before patching/sewing in the 2x4's, I cleaned the tub flange and built up a wall of sealer so the water can't flow over the edge of the tub any more. Maybe now water will be forced to flow out the
back corner of the tub and rot out that wall next.

Owners live 1000 miles away and act just like landlords. Cheap cheap cheap. They know exactly what I'm doing which bothers me even more. I understand "cheap", but this isn't something to cheap out on. $850 per month X 20 units.......... there ought to be some leftover cash to do this right....... right. Nope!
They figure re-grouting the old tile will stop the water from getting behind the tile.

How do you re-grout tile that's had caulking applied here and there for 20 years?
I don't care 'cause I don't do grout repairs.