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Highup, I no longer have the piece it was cut from. I gave it to some friends to use in their bathroom (because it was large enough to cover their entire tiny bathroom, but they ended up not wanting it and threw it out instead of giving it back. I was a bit miffed.

No adhesive. It's loose-lay sheet vinyl.

The gap looks bigger closer up.

I realize there is excess on the other side and it looks like I could just pull it over, but that would make it not fit where I already cut for the closet flange and against the vanity- I already need some shoe molding next to the vanity for the gap there. Although.. I'm sort of second-guessing myself. I wonder if I could just slide it over a tad. Then I wouldn't have to worry about that outside corner... It doesn't have to be perfect under the door because I can add a threshold... Hmmm...
It will mess up the alignment of the hole for the toilet water supply line, but I can cover that with a floor flange & some caulk.
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If you slide it over 1/2 or maybe 3/4 , you can put a narrow strip by the door. even 3/4 shouldn't make a big deal on the flange. You need an acrylic double faced tape to seam that piece. Just use one side. Flooring stores may have a seaming tape made for theses vinyls. It' sticky on one side and the tape is adhered to a rather stiff vinyl material. Just cut it to size and add that little strip.
Pull the vinyl away from the door casing so it lays flat. Use a square to make a clean and straight cut where it's short. You just want to straighten it up. Then do the repair piece using a square and it will fit like a gem.
Thanks, Highup! I'll look for the acrylic double sided tape.
When the carpet was installed, it was cut too far back so the vinyl shows under the door from the other side. If I add a threshold that should cover the gap and cover any ugly edges under the door. I wonder if I can find a sort of soft-ish rubbery type transition or threshold in a light gray.
I think that if I can get it moved over just enough, I can cover the gap with base molding. I realized I don't have good photos of the edge where it meets the vanity to show. I think I do still have some small leftover strips of the vinyl that I can use just in case. I still need to remove the plywood sheet with the botched self-leveling mix on it though. I'm a master procrastinator.
You will find double sided "carpet" tape much more easily, but it's not compatible with the vinyl. I have found a double sided tape by the Duck brand at Wally World. It's got a pale blue release liner. It doesn't say acrylic of that it's for vinyl. It bonds really well. I think it just says double sided tape on the packaging. About 1 1/2" wide
Duck makes and acrylic double sided tape, but it's sort of spendy. That tape is wider and has a white release liner. That's what the IVC and other vinyl manufacturers recommended for seams, doorways and against tubs.
I'm glad you mentioned using it against tubs. The vinyl is loose-lay but I was wondering if it should be glued near the tub. I plan to add some shoe molding or short baseboard along the edge of the tub and caulk all the seams. I can use some there and in the doorway. Still trying to find the right sort of threshold. I don't want a metal transition. It's going from high-pile carpet down to sheet vinyl. Most of the transition strips I've seen are for tile/laminate/etc to carpet that is lower, but in this case, the carpet is higher, although it does squish down. I don't want one of those thick hard metal strips like near exterior doors because that would feel awful on the feet. I was hoping to find something softer and maybe rubbery but I haven't had much luck.

My kidney stones keep moving around. I think I have more than one because I still feel it somewhat in my back but it also feels like something has moved more to the front center and it's causing irritation. But I still got some stuff done today.

I went to the post office and store, got some more little plastic bins for my mom's junk she collects from Wish. I got some new frozen meals and sides for her to try. She's always griping about the entres not having good sides or of the portions being too small. She likes some Atkins meatloaf & portabella mushrooms, but they skimp on the cauliflower & broccoli that comes with it. Like, maybe 5 pieces in the container. So I have tried mashed sweet potatoes, red potatoes + green beans, mashed cauliflower with garlic, mashed cauliflower with chives & sour cream, etc. The latter turned out to be something my brother really liked (Mom didn't like it so she gave it to him). We don't get good fresh veggies around here so we go with frozen.
Well, my mother and brother are diabetic. It actually tastes very much like mashed potatoes. They taste better than some of the mashed potatoes I've had before.
Later this week I need to take my mother in to get her bloodwork done for her next Dr appointment. I also need to grab some hay with molasses for the cows. They sell it at Tractor Supply.
IIRC, Z-pack is an antibiotic. I had a doctor in Guam who gave me that when I had mono. Didn't work. It's not a good idea to give antibiotics to people to treat viruses because it just makes more resistant strains of bacteria. Unfortunately, some doctors just give people meds to shut them up/appease them rather than tell them that it's not actually helpful. It can somewhat boost the immune system in the short run, but in the long run it is not good & people need to be careful not to take antibiotics unless they absolutely need them. My doctor here only gave Z-pack for bacterial infection but not for viruses.

It's almost midnight, but today I delivered a letter to the post office to be mailed out, took the CR-V through the car wash & got a clearcoat on it, told the insurance company what the mileage was on it, and cooked for Mom. I have to go break up a cat fight in the kitchen now...
Haven't had the flu but once in the past 30 years. Don't recall a cold either. Is a runny nose a cold? :oops: Never had a flu shot. I just keep away from sick people. So far my system is working.
If I can avoid sick people I'm ok. But since my brother works in a place with a lot of people coming through, he catches stuff at work and brings it home. I was sick from September to December bc a friend's snot-nosed kids climbed on me & got me sick. Children are little plague-bearers and I make an effort to avoid them if possible. The cold I'm getting over now was from my brother-in-law who got it at DisneyWorld bc some rude kids coughed directly in his face while he was sitting down.
Some people do well with the flu shots and stuff. My mother got sick 4 out of the 6 times she got the flu shot. I had it once and got the worst flu I'd had in years right after.
Get the shot every year .. Haven't gotten Flu.. Have to be careful now as i start the Kemo on the 23 rd ..
Had a Brain scan today , They found nothing , not even the potatoes in my ears .. Blood work Monday ..
Get the shot every year .. Haven't gotten Flu.. Have to be careful now as i start the Kemo on the 23 rd ..
Had a Brain scan today , They found nothing , not even the potatoes in my ears .. Blood work Monday ..
Good luck. Doctor shines a light thru my ears every year and makes shadow puppets on the wall.
I get the flu shot so I avoid the flu. Unfortunately I get colds. Off Monday, Tuesday, Thursday this week. Getting better and fighting it with Mucinex DM. Seems to be doing the job. Now waiting for 3 inches of snow, strong winds, and lows in the single digits. Monday's high expected to be only 15. My beagle is going to do is business very quickly if he knows what's good for him!
I get the flu shot so I avoid the flu. Unfortunately I get colds. Off Monday, Tuesday, Thursday this week. Getting better and fighting it with Mucinex DM. Seems to be doing the job. Now waiting for 3 inches of snow, strong winds, and lows in the single digits. Monday's high expected to be only 15. My beagle is going to do is business very quickly if he knows what's good for him!
Cold here tomorrow, back in the 40s by Monday.

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