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No work here at all. Even the local carpet store is dead.
I went over to measure the rooms and get a layout started on the old house I'm going to carpet. A few weeks ago, I poured a bit of self leveler on the nasty crater ridden footings on the slab in one room............ must have been a garage at one time. I needed the self leveler poured so I had a decent surface to attach the tackstrip. Concrete was nasty.
I have a restretch to do against some newly installed tile tomorrow, a restretch in a living room on Thursday, and the rest of the week I can get started on that house install.
For tomorrows job, I needed a hammer drill with me. A friend of mine garage sales a lot. He said that he had a nice one...... really really nice one.
I'm gonna trade him for a days work installing some laminate.
I had a Metabo hammer drill with the same features, but something in the electronic switch is broke. Spent $220 on it 18 years ago.
Dang, this made my day. It's a two speed and 9 Amps. Wahoo! I can drill again and plenty of power to mix filler too. 7.3 lbs is a bit heavy, but who cares. My old Metabo was about the same. Gotta case too. Did I say, whaoo! :D
Inch Hammer Drill 9 Amp Dual Speed Avs

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Wahoo was a pretty good-tasting fish we used to catch on our deep sea fishing trips on Guam. Mahi Mahi was good too.

Rusty, I hope you can find some work soon.

Ernesto, that is a nice pool. I miss having a pool. It was a pain to maintain, but I loved swimming. I haven't gone swimming in 18 years. I found out that one of the houses we used to live in was put up for sale recently-- got to see the real estate pics & see the changes. Looks like they re-lined the pool & made some changes to the area around it.

Highup, sounds like a good deal!

Yesterday I went to Samsclub to pick up some stuff. They had a tall mini-fridge w/ freezer compartment on sale so my bro bought it for his room. He's going to clean out the mini-fridge I loaned him so I can have it back & he can put the new one in. He keeps his diabetes medicine that has to be kept cold in it along with some milk to take his medicine with. The mini-fridge will let him store more of his food so Mom & I will have more room for our stuff. It was hot as hell so after we unloaded groceries & I fed Mom, I was exhausted & went straight to bed. Just woke up. I'm going to try to get a few more hours of sleep so I can attempt to get on a regular sleep pattern again.

I keep forgetting to mention, if anyone is interested there is a sweepstakes to win $10k for flooring from food network. https://www.foodnetwork.com/sponsor...o-ultimate-kitchen-and-flooring-giveaway.html
They also have another entry for $250k (will need to find the link) & another one on HGTV so you can enter all 3 once per day (have to do it individually) until August 5. Snowball's chance in hell of winning but it's like a free lotto ticket. Just use a spam e-mail account if you're worried about them selling your e-mail address.
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My Amazon account got hacked. They even got into my email account and put filters on it to block Amazon emails.

Got the password reset and found 10 xbox gift card orders at $100 each, $1000 in total. So they locked my account again while the dispute goes forward. Had to change all my passwords. Sucks!

Got the floor at the bottom of the steps laid. Looks pretty good. Have to put one piece of baby threshold and the door threshold on. then quarter round under the steps and a couple small pieces of baseboard. That should be done today.

Gotta think of any other accounts to change passwords.
My Amazon account got hacked. They even got into my email account and put filters on it to block Amazon emails.

Got the password reset and found 10 xbox gift card orders at $100 each, $1000 in total. So they locked my account again while the dispute goes forward. Had to change all my passwords. Sucks!

Got the floor at the bottom of the steps laid. Looks pretty good. Have to put one piece of baby threshold and the door threshold on. then quarter round under the steps and a couple small pieces of baseboard. That should be done today.

Gotta think of any other accounts to change passwords.
I quit using Amazon. They cheated me twice. I ordered and paid for an item I never got. The shipper said it got lost in the mail. Both the shipper and Amazon refused to reimburse me.
I had two books on Kindle. I knew of several copies that I sold, friends bought them. People on another forum said they bought them and even described the stories. They never showed on my account. Talked to a couple other authors who had the same experience.
I quit using Amazon. They cheated me twice. I ordered and paid for an item I never got. The shipper said it got lost in the mail. Both the shipper and Amazon refused to reimburse me.
I had two books on Kindle. I knew of several copies that I sold, friends bought them. People on another forum said they bought them and even described the stories. They never showed on my account. Talked to a couple other authors who had the same experience.

This is the first problem I’ve had with them. I’ve done a ton of orders. And I depend on them too much.
Concerning Amazon, they just built a fulfillment center here in Tucson. Same day delivery if you spend over 30 bucks. Amazon has new trucks all over town, and they are air conditioned vs USPS or UPS vehicles.
Who can beat same day delivery with a click?
That said they take advantage of vendors and run their employees ragged.
Want a job, come on down.
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Concerning Amazon, they just built a fulfillment center here in Tucson. Same day delivery if you spend over 30 bucks. Amazon has new trucks all over town, and they are air conditioned vs USPS or UPS vehicles.
Who can beat same day delivery with a click?
That said they take advantage of vendors and run their employees ragged.
Want a job, come on down.
They promise 2 day delivery here, but it seldom happens. Usually 3-4 days. When I bought a trailer hitch, 2 days became 2 weeks.
Depends on the vendor too. Ya gotta pay attention when paying.
Or just drive your ass over to a local store and buy it.
Tom, that really sucks about the hacking.

I never save any of my payment methods when making purchases & have anti-virus protection & adblockers (bc some ads contain viruses with keyloggers & such that can be used to hack your accounts). Use Discover card to pay for stuff so if I don't get a product I paid for, I tell Discover & they return the $ to me. Although, Amazon has been pretty good about refunding when I had problems with vendors. Like, I ordered a 4-piece protective trim set for my vehicle & they only sent 2 pieces. Vendor claimed that the price & listing was only for 2 pieces but I sent a screenshot of it showing it advertised 4 & had pictures of all 4. I said I wanted half the $ back bc the listing was misleading. Amazon refunded it all. Another time I bought a screen protector new in box. The vendor had opened the box, removed the genuine item, and put in a used much cheaper screen protector that was not anti-glare or anti-smudge as advertised. It didn't even look like the item pictured. Seller said it was all perfectly fine bc the replacement was just as good. I told them it was utter BS bc it was fraud. Contacted Amazon & they gave me a full refund- didn't even have to send anything back.

The stuff I order from Amazon is stuff they don't have anywhere locally. We don't have a lot of selections for products around here.

I never get my deliveries on time-- but it's not because of Amazon. It's because the post office never puts package slips or packages in my box the day it arrives. They wait until the next day or on Monday if it arrives in Friday. UPS & Fedex consider deliveries to me as their bottom priority & my house is usually the very last they deliver to on their route so they don't always get to me the day they are supposed to. The drivers actually admitted this to me because they prefer to come out my road with a nearly empty truck so the packages don't get jostled around since my roads are awful.

Today was another total exhaustion day. I cooked for mom a few times but other than that, I racked out. I heard from a friend who was working at Pizza Hut & just quit bc she couldn't handle the BS there anymore & was infuriated by the unsanitary conditions & the fact that corporate won't do anything. The roof has a leak & is caving in, there's some mold growing that they can't get rid of, and the hot water wasn't working so the dishes weren't getting sanitized but the manager wouldn't let them shut it down. She finished her shift & then posted publicly about the issues & said she was quitting & that she's going to contact district management & corporate to file a complaint & threaten to contact the health department if they don't do anything about it. Tomorrow I'm going to visit her & hang out. I'll also need to grab some groceries in town. The good news is, she's going to apply for a job at the casino where my brother works. She'll get better wages, better hours, and actually get medical benefits. She'll also be able to get a lift from my brother if she ever has car problems. We're trying to get some of the other friends from Pizza Hut to apply there as well.

If I'm feeling up to it tomorrow, I may help my brother get stuff moved in his room enough to bring in the new mini-fridge. When I get my old one back I'll have to move the dehumidifier that is holding it's place.

My mom wouldn’t let me cook for her. Even till the day she went into the hospital, she insisted on cooking. I cooked for Dad.

Want a nice treat? Make chicken cacciatore.
As a stew with Italian bread.

My sauce is a cheat. 2 jars of Prego meat sauce plus 2 large cans of crushed tomatoes. Add a little sugar and a bit of basil, onion powder, and garlic powder to taste.

Cut up chicken breasts to bite size and brown. Add cooked mushrooms and bell pepper strips. Pour in sauce to cover. Make a lot. It will go quick!
FYI, everything is sorted with Amazon and Comcast. Changed password everywhere. I should be ok now.

As to why I use Amazon instead of going to store, one word: variety. In Lancaster, the market and selections, no matter what category, is very limited.
The good news is, she's going to apply for a job at the casino where my brother works. She'll get better wages, better hours, and actually get medical benefits. She'll also be able to get a lift from my brother if she ever has car problems. We're trying to get some of the other friends from Pizza Hut to apply there as well.
Thank God for the native Americans eh?

Tom, I've installed lots of Smartcore, pretty good product as far as LVP goes.

On the password thing. I do random names and words that don't make sense with some caps and numbers. It's more difficult for the hackers to figure out.
Thank God for the native Americans eh?

Tom, I've installed lots of Smartcore, pretty good product as far as LVP goes.

On the password thing. I do random names and words that don't make sense with some caps and numbers. It's more difficult for the hackers to figure out.

The password issue was my fault. I got lazy and made most of my passwords the same. Anyway, I got it all taken care of.

Waiting for 2 more pieces of baby threshold from Carpetmart. Should be here Thursday. That goes around the fireplace tile. One piece is cut already. I'll use cases of soda and a few of my 11 lb astronomy counterweights to hold them in place. Saved a few short pieces of Coretec to spread the load. I think I have another week of this if nothing gets in my way.

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