Party at Rusty's!
I have my handicapped son and my 14 year old grandson. Too busy to party.Party at Rusty's!
I didn't know treads could be bought with all that nose. Be sure the stain has plenty of dry time before putting on a finish. Looking really nice Tom.Wood is stained. Might pu another coat on treads tomorrow. Want to check color after it soaks in
How long a drive to the location?Actually I helped make up the restaurant guide for the Star Party, LOL! 3 rib places now, 2 Thai, 3 bar food sites, and 2 Indian food places (haven't been to either yet). And we just found a seafood place. If I get any new astro images, I'll let you all know.
That is us tomorrow.Heat index is 110.
This is our second day and will have at least two more.That is us tomorrow.
I'm really glad she was able to go. Just the drive is expensive.My wife and daughter have driven 23 straight hours with 3 more to go. Glad it is not me.
I never got serious with the astro stuff, but I did look seriously at scopes for a while. I was actually more serious about a decent equatorial mount when the Comets came buy, but way past my budget. On my camping/photo tips into the local hills, I always camped on old logging landings and as high up as I could get so I had a good view of the stars and sunrises. Locally here on the coast we get a lot of foggy or unclear skies. 20 to 30 miles inland and 1500 to 4000 feet and the skies were always clear.My drive is 6-6.5 hours from Lancaster, Pa. to Plainfield, Ma. Peppermint Park. I think 8 days camping is $320. The club gets an additional $60 for the support items like speaker tent rental, propane, coffee, etc.
Not bad for 8 nights.
I have a Celestron C-9.25 on a Losmandy G11 German equatorial mount. The drive system is a Gemini 2.
My imaging setup costs roughly $6000 and has a separate color filter wheel, a fine focused, rotator, and 2 cameras.
I need 44 lbs. of counterweights.
If you can get a campsite, we will be up there from 7/26 to 8/4.
I never got serious with the astro stuff, but I did look seriously at scopes for a while. I was actually more serious about a decent equatorial mount when the Comets came buy, but way past my budget. On my camping/photo tips into the local hills, I always camped on old logging landings and as high up as I could get so I had a good view of the stars and sunrises. Locally here on the coast we get a lot of foggy or unclear skies. 20 to 30 miles inland and 1500 to 4000 feet and the skies were always clear.
I've never understood the process of digital astro photography and taking tens or dozens of images and stacking them. I understand the reason for filtering, but wouldn't have a clue how that's done for astro photos either.
...........they took my Kodachrome away .....and that's the day, my music died.
I had $3500 or more in my photo equipment. Digital anything just got too expensive because I wanted the equivalent in digital lenses that I had in film lenses. Telescopes became more of a dream.
We got $2000 in donations and it will take more than that.I'm really glad she was able to go. Just the drive is expensive.