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I Installed 250 sf of some **** LL laminate. Nice layout, done by 2pm including undercutting a few ft of brick.. Had them go get four more boxes because the milling was off the thickness of a credit card. Boo hoo, 5 franklins.
5? You charge hourly or minimums? ......or you charging $2 like everyone else?
Never seen a $350 day in my life. $300 once back in 1998 or so. I've never been able to do volume. I'm a nit picker................. probably should have applied at Elgin or Bugatti. :rolleyes: Never been cut out for this trade, but it's a bit late now.
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Today was busy. I picked up my friend to help me with the phoneline. He opened the box & we plugged in a phone-- no dialtone. Went & got a second phone just in case. Dialtone-- so a new corded phone was apparently bad. Tethered new line to old line & tried to pull it through-- wouldn't budge. I climbed under the house (meeting many stickerbushes, sharp objects, spiders, etc along the way). Followed the line all the way back to the hole & found it shared a hole with an electrical line (that I couldn't pull out). The electrical line was inside PVC & the phoneline was next to it but was sealed in with what looked like tissues or cotton but it was so compacted it wouldn't come loose. We couldn't access it from the top bc it's under the bed so ended up deciding to just drill a new hole (bc the line wasn't long enough to wrap around the outside). I had to crawl in & out a few times bc of some issues. The old line actually broke off when I was pulling on it so we had to do a new line. My friend threaded the new line through the floor and I pulled on it and then tethered it to the old line when I realized I was too fat to fit through some of the spaces to get it all the way to the front-- there were waterlines, electrical, and defunct metal plumbing in the way. I did have to crawl around and move it over and around some things that it snagged on, but then I got my friend to go to the front & pull it-- unfortunately we didn't think to have him tie a knot in the end so the new line came out. I had to crawl out to tell him & then go back under and push the wire back up-- but the carpet was getting in the way. Eventually he managed to see the end and pulled it up. I decided to see if I could fit out from under the edge bc I was right next to the exterior wall-- instead of crawling back to my entry point. I had to lie on my back and drag myself. Fortunately, I'm at the age where if I'm on my back my "ballons" fall into my armpits so they were out of the way. My friend had opened the window and could hear me grunting and muttering about being too fat-- he looked out and shouted "PUSH! PUSH!" so I started laughing while trying to drag myself out. I grabbed the edge of the house to get some leverage and made it out-- flattening a bunch of weeds in the process. My friend also used the machete to annihilate some of the weeds in the front.

Then we tested the inside line-- no dial tone. Turns out the new jack I bought was defective-- or at least not assembled properly. My friend has better vision & saw that one of the internal wires was never connected properly to begin with. So he fixed it & then we ran the line to the surge protector but it seems it is fried & wouldn't work (or maybe one of the lines going to it was messed up-- not sure) but it had to be taken out of the connection so it's now wired to the phone instead. But it works. I'm going to have to get a new surge protector bc I'd rather have to replace a surge protector or jack than get a new phone again. That thing was expensive to replace.

My friend had already changed the wheels of a truck & removed a tree from someone's roof before he came out. He was exhausted & sore & out of $ for food so I bought him, his fiance, & his daughter a bunch of food from Popeyes.

I ended up getting a chocolate shake after dropping him back off in town (and popping in to the hardware store to see if they had the surge protectors-- which they didn't-- but their huge yellow dog was there so I petted him for awhile before heading to pick up my prescriptions at Walmart). I'm exhausted & sore but happy that we got the job done & can now make phonecalls.

While I was under the house I took a look at the floor. I didn't see the OSB my father used to patch the floor but I did see a small cutout of plywood so now I wonder if he used plywood topped with OSB.

I wish I had a working bathtub right now bc I would just soak in the tub for a few hours if I could. Instead I had a cold shower bc the hot water is still not working in the shower. I need to do some laundry next but I'm too tired.
Dang your a brave girl. Lucky you didn't get a balloon job. Lol
Can't get me under those houses with crawlspace. Ever think about just running the line around the house?
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I would love one of those. Have you seen the new electric VW van?
Not a lot of em around. He said they made em for 4 years. It's a 67.
Ferd and Chevy made em too I think.
If ya got 27 grand he probably wouldn't sell it. :D
Be a real head turner with a surfboard in the back. I don't think he surfs.
Dang your a brave girl. Lucky you didn't get a balloon job. Lol
Can't get me under those houses with crawlspace. Ever think about just running the line around the house?
LOL. Yeah. Sometimes I wish I were flat-chested bc it's a pain when my chest dips in my food or touches the wall when I'm reaching up high to paint something or just gets in the way when I'm trying to reach stuff. Although, my cats like the cushioning to sit on and when I was swimming it was nice having built-in floatation devices.

The line I bought wasn't long enough to go around the house & I didn't want to move the main phone to another spot so going under the house was necessary. I actually ran the original line 15+ years ago. I was in better shape & could squeeze through more spaces back then. But I did still get my butt stuck under a metal pipe & had my father laughing at me. Fortunately I was near the fireplace so I pushed my foot against the bricks to get loose. I used to play under the house a lot when I was a kid. It was great during summer because it was a nice cool area and I felt like I was exploring.

There are some issues I'm going to need to address - I'll need to fill in a lot of dirt in some spots so the structure of the house doesn't get undermined. The hole was dug to remove raw sewage that leaked out when the septic tank backed up, the toilet fell through the floor, and sewer lines broke.

Mom is paging & wanting food now.
LOL. Yeah. Sometimes I wish I were flat-chested bc it's a pain when my chest dips in my food or touches the wall when I'm reaching up high to paint something or just gets in the way when I'm trying to reach stuff. Although, my cats like the cushioning to sit on and when I was swimming it was nice having built-in floatation devices.

The line I bought wasn't long enough to go around the house & I didn't want to move the main phone to another spot so going under the house was necessary. I actually ran the original line 15+ years ago. I was in better shape & could squeeze through more spaces back then. But I did still get my butt stuck under a metal pipe & had my father laughing at me. Fortunately I was near the fireplace so I pushed my foot against the bricks to get loose. I used to play under the house a lot when I was a kid. It was great during summer because it was a nice cool area and I felt like I was exploring.

There are some issues I'm going to need to address - I'll need to fill in a lot of dirt in some spots so the structure of the house doesn't get undermined. The hole was dug to remove raw sewage that leaked out when the septic tank backed up, the toilet fell through the floor, and sewer lines broke.

Mom is paging & wanting food now.
I'm getting visions of things. :)
So far I haven't done anything but take my medicine today. My ribs hurt, hips hurt, arms hurt, & I'm tired. but I probably need to go to the store today to get more water. I'm waiting for my mother to get up so I can bring her with me since it's the store out-of-town. She needs the exercise.
With Hunter in the kennel I decided to lay the stairs. All done! Thanks for all the hints and help!


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When you need help, we're full of it. :D
From what we all saw about the way you did your work, did you really need us? You did better than most installers.
Very nice having you here, but feel free to keep checking in here......... Once you signed in here, you also checked into the Hotel California. It's in the fine print at the bottom of page 983 when your password was approved. ;)
Did some grinding on a 1200 ft engineered job (Gut an remodel job). Only circuit with a 20 amp breaker popped and won't work no more. No other outlets are topped off cus the painter is behind. Painter had to do six coats because the owners bought some cheesey boutique no VOC paint that sucks (bright white). Then I poured some self leveler in a couple low spots. Stopped by Costco for some refreshments for the weekend (Knob Creek.)
Tom, that looks beautiful! Looks better than some professional work I've seen. It must feel good to have it behind you.

I ended up going to the store by myself yesterday & picked up 3 cases of water. Stopped at IHOP for food-- they have what they are calling "canoli" made with pancakes & I like them. Waitstaff were very nice. I was exhausted so I ended up heating up a frozen meal for Mom when I got home. Today I cooked for her after I went to the post office. We're waiting on some packages from either UPS or FedEx today but they usually come later. Last night the UPS guy showed up at almost 9pm & apologized for coming out so late-- but he was happy that the blackberry bushes had been cut back away from the walkway.

I forgot to call the power company during business hours to tell them the shade/protector for the security light got knocked off during the storm. Phone woke me up about 8x before noon this morning. Almost all of it was spam. On the bright side, the parish workers filled in some of the pot holes on my road with white rocks & did some work to make the road more tolerable to drive on.

We ordered a cellphone signal booster that my friend recommended. Now we just need to get him to come out to help set it up. He's going to climb the 50ft antenna tower we have outside-- he used to do that kind of work for a living-- to install the new antenna. He's not going all the way to the top though-- just above the roof line. We''ll have to figure out what hardware he will need to attach it to the tower & get it aimed to the best signal source. Then maybe we'll be able to get some friggin' cell signal inside.

Then when he's ready to work on converting his old kitchen to a pantry, I'm going to get some Killz & paint the hell out of the entire room before he adds insulation & drywall. We'll be able to move the metal shelves in which will free up space for cabinets. I have a partially built cabinet down in the workshop that could temporarily have a scrap piece of countertop on it to hold the microwave. I need to coordinate with him on when he wants to work on new cabinets so we can get them & I can water seal & stain them.

Right now I'm chilling (got a 2nd fan on my other nightstand now-- Honeywell fans are awesome- so I have a nice crossbreeze) and am waiting for Mom to be hungry again. I already made stroganoff but she'll probably want some vegetables or something later. I'm guessing asparagus or broccoli.

I'm expecting my uncle might call sometime this weekend or next week since I e-mailed him to let him know the phones are back on. I was listening to the answering machine to hear his voice in older messages the other day.

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