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Rusty, I'm sorry to hear that. My uncle has had gout (don't know if he still does). He had polio as a child & developed diabetes in his 70s but he still manages to work on a garden & take care of my aunt (who is now disabled).

Randy, what is "recess scribe"? Sounds like it might be etching of some sort?

My best friend's great uncle (the one who was going to have the floor done) died on Thursday. I just found out about it today. My friend is taking it pretty hard. He's lost his father, his grandmother, a couple cousins, a good friend, & now his great uncle in less than a year. I wonder what's going to happen to all the old junker vehicles the old man had around & what will happen with his shop & other property.

I'm going to check on him in a bit after I go to the store.
Recess scribe is a way of trimming vinyl seams. One side is trimmed clean and straight with a straight edge. Both sides are then glued in place with the second sheet overlapping the accurate one you had previously trimmed. A recess scribe is then inserted under the top sheet and it sort of hooks against the lower sheet. You then pull the scribe along the entire length of the seam. The under side of the scribe follows the trimmed edge, and as you do this, the top side of the scribe makes a tiny scratch on the top sheet, exactly above the bottom sheet's edge.
Next, you trim the top sheet following that tiny scratch as your guide. You are trimming off the excess overlapped material.
If you did it just right, once the excess piece is moved out of the way, the top sheet should drop down and fit perfectly against the bottom sheet. You use a small steel roller to actually roll and force the top and bottom sheets together. If you get it just right you can sometimes hear it fain't crackle as the pieces sort of snap together.
You don't want it tight and you done't want it loose.
...and the floor is glued and rolled before you do this, so it had better work.
Here's the underscribe.
I've seen that little tool before but never knew what it was for. That's really cool!
Sounds like it takes a lot of patience to do. I hope it turns out well.

I'm waiting for my friend to get home from work. He still wants to install the new flooring in his late uncle's house because his cousin will still be there & his uncle would have wanted it done. So, I'm going to bring my flooring saw over tonight so we can take a look at how it works & make sure he has everything he needs for the job so he can work on it tomorrow. He was commenting on how when he went to the cemetery for the funeral there were a lot more graves of his family members there now.

I'll probably have to cook dinner before I go though. I'm guessing it will be beef stroganoff again. The kind with the noodles takes about half the time as the kind with the potatoes.
The easy why to set the underscriber is to cut a slit in a piece of scrap vinyl Hook the bottom lug onto one side of the vinyl then move the pin to touch the other side of the slit. You can do it with your eyes shut and save hours just guessing. Bet you didn't know that highup??? :D
I did, but when it's already set to the same roll of vinyl flooring that you installed 8 years ago............. why mess with it? I have not used it since that job 8 or so years ago. That is because soft crappy vinyl has taken over the earth and taken the skill out of the trade.
Exterminator coming today to get rid of Cicada killer wasps. I got 2-3 dozen hanging around my back door.

On the home improvement side, going to put the last quarter round down today. Maybe get out the laser level and start hanging pictures. Then it's yard work to catch up post-vacation. Lots of weeds and nutsedge!
Exterminator coming today to get rid of Cicada killer wasps. I got 2-3 dozen hanging around my back door.

On the home improvement side, going to put the last quarter round down today. Maybe get out the laser level and start hanging pictures. Then it's yard work to catch up post-vacation. Lots of weeds and nutsedge!

Exterminator, a nice lady who was very willing to teach me stuff, went and treated over 20 nests in my back yard. Got 3 females to come out of the holes with prey in their grip. She sprayed them even though they were covered in Tempo dust. She taught me that the dirt piles were not where the bugs were but the tunnel usually was 3-6 inches away. She found them with a screwdriver. I asked her to clear the dirt pile so I knew the hole was treated. I went out after the sun went down and found a few more. I treated them with Delta dust.
My relax day...Went to DMV, to lumberyard and bought some gravel, spread it on the driveway, bought a barrel for my wife to use to pit fire ceramics. Did dishes cause she had a headache and cooked supper.

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