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I finished up 2550 sq. ft. of 7” wide engineered hardwood today.
Me and my helper worked 3 - 9 hour days
and 2 -4 hour days.
The contractor is a class act and had everything clean, empty, and ready to go.
We’re used to showing up to a job like this and there is 6 other trades working inside the home and it looks like a bomb went off in the place.
Me and my helper worked 3 - 9 hour days
and 2 -4 hour days.
The contractor is a class act and had everything clean, empty, and ready to go.
We’re used to showing up to a job like this and there is 6 other trades working inside the home and it looks like a bomb went off in the place.
Yeah, usually drywall mud and trimmed wires all over.
Or this

That is one room out of a whole house that we did a couple weeks ago
This is after they postponed for additional four weeks and they still were nowhere near ready
Great job, Don! It probably wasn't easy to do so many spaces. Good thing it was cleaned up for you though.

On the other room that is cluttered- how the hell did they expect you to work in there?
The hearth turned out nice and balanced on the sides. Are you going to fill with grout caulk? Sometimes I wish I had a helper again so I could do big jobs faster. But then when it slows down I feel good about it.
Great job, Don! It probably wasn't easy to do so many spaces. Good thing it was cleaned up for you though.

On the other room that is cluttered- how the hell did they expect you to work in there?
Messes are common in this business. I had a customer put end tables and lamps on top of a TV and think the room was ready for carpet.
I had a customer put end tables and lamps on top of a TV and think the room was ready for carpet.
Or fill up a bed with all the stuff in a BR including the clothes in the closet and thinking you will just pick up the bed and shift it over. Oh ad don't stash your toys and personal stuff between the mattress and spring. WE will find it.
I don't move furniture period. You got that stuff in there you can move it yourself. Or hire someone, call a friend.
Seen installers ruin there back and livelihood doing that. I've hurt my back as well. It's the retailers who think we should do it for free or a pittance so they can make a profit on us.
There are people out there that make a living on moving furniture. They are called professional movers.
Or fill up a bed with all the stuff in a BR including the clothes in the closet and thinking you will just pick up the bed and shift it over. Oh ad don't stash your toys and personal stuff between the mattress and spring. WE will find it.
Hee hee, his college kid had some good stuff in a slice on the underside of the mattress liner. I didn't want the high profile homeowners to get embarrassed, so they didn't see 'em. :D
Found some under the carpet in a rental once. Now I'm referencing good reading material not toys. :D
Living in a small town, I can often stop by to see a room or an entire home that needs a restretch and tell them what to move and what I can work around. I hate having them empty the entire room when it's not necessary. I had a sight unseen restretch yesterday. It was two bedrooms and I told her the beds probably didn't need to be moved. Turned out they were kid sized beds and were easy to move and work around.
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I don't move furniture period. You got that stuff in there you can move it yourself. Or hire someone, call a friend.
Seen installers ruin there back and livelihood doing that. I've hurt my back as well. It's the retailers who think we should do it for free or a pittance so they can make a profit on us.
There are people out there that make a living on moving furniture. They are called professional movers.
No need to do it for free. Tell em how much they can save if they do it. If they don't like $2000, they will get it moved. :D
I think when we had the carpet done there were only 2 things the carpet guys had to move-- a desk that was very heavy that we could not move ourselves & an old couch the tenants left behind. We didn't have them bring it back in bc it was so disgusting, but the desk we kept. It's a beautiful hardwood desk with secret locks my dad got at some surplus sale in Virginia. Tenants couldn't steal out of it bc they couldn't figure out how to open the drawers-- although we could see the marks where they tried to pry it open & there were knobs & stuff missing from it. Oh wait-- he moved a built-in bookcase that was covering where the front door used to be & revealed there was just an open gap in the floor & no insulation in the walls. He actually helped us seal up the insulation we put in after he moved the book case. I filled in the gap in the floor with some wood blocks & he was able to caulk around it.

Today it's raining & my stomach is not feeling well so I'm just checking my messages & stuff & intermittently reading "Ultimate Guide WIRING 8th updated edition" to find out more about grounding wires so I can make sure my inline surge protector is connected properly. Whenever we test our wiring it always shows it's not properly grounded so I think it's not grounded at the pole or box & I want to rectify that. Might reduce some of the bad surges. I do know the satellite & stuff are grounded outside bc there is pipe coming out of the ground that the wires go into-- although I don't know if it is properly grounded.

Tuesday my friend is going to install flooring at his great uncle Cleo's house so I get to break out my flooring saw. I may go over & help him with the install. Poor old Cleo went from being very active & living like a 20-yr-old with drinking & dating women but then had a stroke & now he's barely mobile. Last time I saw him he was in a riding cart at Walmart trying to pick up a case of sodas. I helped him & then lingered around to wait for him to leave the store so I could help him load them into his truck.
I guess it's time to go to work. going to see if I can still recess scribe some old Armstrong Corlon. Haven't decided on trowel notching for this heavy weight stuff. It's over an existing vinyl, skim coated surface. I don't want too much adhesive, but and I'll let it flash off really good.......... but it still needs to be wet enough for the seam to work..
I may go 1/2 way between Armstrong's old recommendations. Maybe the 1/16th by 1/16th by 3/32nd trowel at a really low angle and let it flash good. I found some Mannington two part low gloss, now I need to find an applicator bottle. Maybe something cheap at a craft store can be bought and rinsed clean.
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