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Your friend is lucky to have you, Highup. I'm glad you got the right parts and reinforced the supports. I struggle with my best friend wanting to do things cheaply & not the right way because he thinks it will save money but it always ends up costing more in the long run to re-do stuff. I don't know if he's just stubborn or if it is the brain damage from his wreck, but he can't seem to wrap his head around doing it right the first time even if it takes more effort. He wants to do his roofing without any sort of adhesive and I told him that even if it costs a few extra bucks for the adhesive, it's better to be safe than sorry. Sooo many times I've told him he should do things right, he mickey moused it, and then it went wrong.

Yesterday I did some more cleaning in the house and ran to the store to get new speakers because my cat chewed my speaker wires. I asked the clerk if the $5 2 year protection plan covered cats chewing through cords and he said "Yes" so I got it. Cat has already chewed through the wire on one of the brand new speakers. I was going to put conduit on them but I set them up when it was dark and wanted to wait until it was light (lights in my room don't work) to put the electrical conduit over the wires. I locked the cat out of my room but the dog pushed my door open and let her in.

My brother got home from work early and was feeling horrible. I offered to take him to the hospital in case the pain he was having was heart-related. He declined but around 3:30am he came and got me and wanted me to take him there. He thought it was his gall bladder (bc he thought his gall bladder was on the left side rather than the right side) and I thought it was probably gastritis. Hospital bed was too small for him because he's tall so his feet were hanging off and he couldn't get comfortable. His bp was 196/125 after they gave him something for pain and nausea (he'd been throwing up throughout the day). They did x-rays, took blood, etc and we waited and waited. After the meds to lower his bp it went down to 180/120 but they weren't happy so they gave him more of it. Got it down to 150/100 and they decided that was good enough to let him go home-- sometime after 7am. I hated seeing him like that. He was agitated/restless, jittery, and couldn't get comfortable. I know exactly how that feels & how much it sucks. The pain got worse after a couple hours so they had to give him more stuff for pain. They finally said that he had enteritis. I've had that before & it sucks bigtime. We went to the store to get him stuff off the list that the nurse told him was safe to eat. He wrote down BRATY on the paper and listed Bananas, rice, applesauce, tea/toast, yogurt. We had bread, tea and rice already so we got some yogurt, applesauce, and bananas.

It was very cold (at least for here) and having lived in the tropics for almost 10 years before moving here, I am not accustomed to cold weather. It was 37 degrees once the sun came up (it rarely gets below 40 here even in winters until the past few years). My stomach doesn't feel great and I hope I won't get whatever virus they think he has. I brought in all of the groceries and then racked out all day. I'll have to make up for it by cleaning more tonight & maybe changing a burned out lightbulb in the kitchen.

Also, my ISP is claiming that somehow we loaded 120Gb of data on Saturday. It was raining and the internet kept going off. I had my internet turned off for a long time, my brother wasn't even home and had his internet turned off, my mother had her computer in sleep mode. I checked BitMeter on my computer and I've loaded 21Gb from January 1 (and the billing period for the internet is the 12th so it resets the data). We've got 150Gb and my mother said she loaded about 30Gb since the 12th but that does not explain the 120Gb usage in one day-- it's not even physically possible with our download speeds. It took 2 days to load 60Gb so there is no way it could have done that in 1 day. I suspect a malfunction/miscalculation from the modem's software. Since the internet went out, I think what happened was that it attempted to send that much data (resending stuff over and over because it wasn't going through) and it calculated that it had sent it. This happened before with my old ISP when it rained. I need better software on my router to account for usage though. The technician at my ISP had never heard of BitMeter before and said he was going to look at it. He went over info on what he could see of the usage and when it was used and gave advice on how to reduce usage and was nice about it, but we can't prove the modem miscalculated so we're sol and have throttled internet until feb 12. That means I can't load my online games and Facebook doesn't like to load. #firstworldproblems

Guess that means I'll have to do more cleaning and offline stuff. I still need to go pick up my meds from the pharmacy because it wasn't open this morning when I went in.
I ended up feeling really nauseous and not getting anything done. Got a call from my friend yesterday wanting someone to talk to. Long story, but the abridged version is that someone at the place where he works has it in for him & accused him of stealing a pair of defective earbuds that he purchased with points after obtaining permission from the very person who reported it as theft. They are less than $20 & the guy is trying to get him fired and arrested over it. In Louisana he can go to jail for up to 6 months and have to pay a $1k fine. He can't afford bail if he gets arrested (although I'm hoping it won't come to that and if they do arrest him it should be $0 bail since it's absolute BS). The liar who set him up threatened to call the cops and have him arrested if he returns to work. I'm hoping the tribal police will see it for the BS that it is. It should be counted as a misdemeanor with no arrest, but he really doesn't need this crap. His boss said he'd go to bat for him but he needs proof that he didn't steal but he can't prove it since the camera has no audio. He bought the earbuds to use at work and for work so he can use his phone to communicate with supervisors without having to take his phone out of his pocket. I told him to bring them back in & return them if they cared that much about it- but they are just trying to screw him over. He's going to start looking for new jobs just in case. His fiance had applied to work in that area but said that she doesn't want to work for people like that. It happened over someone else getting fired & they blamed my friend for it and have been trying to get him ever since. They already maliciously fired his sister for BS reasons.

The upside is that his fiance has been a lot mellower since she got pregnant. She hasn't been having anxiety as much even though she's afraid to eat things and do things, but she's starting to be a little less worried and willing to do a little bit more. My friend's 7-yr-old daughter has been helping her out with cleaning and wants to help with cooking-- she's being very supportive and sweet. The fiance is going to have to change doctors though since she doesn't like her current obgyn & my friend (who was sort of pushing her to see that one bc he was the one who delivered my friend and his daughter) now agrees after some recent bad experiences. My friend's ex was diagnosed with stage 2 uterine cancer and was told she needed a hysterectomy before it could hit stage 3 or she'll likely die. The obgyn is refusing to sign off on it and says she's "too young". She's in her 30s and has two kids already. Her last pregnancy was ectopic and required emergency surgery to remove it (which is when they found the cancer). But this old yokel would rather let her die of cancer if it meant she gets to pop out one more baby somehow. She's been in extreme pain from it and the doctor just doesn't care. My friend's fiance said that he's rough when he does exams and doesn't seem to care about the comfort of the patients. I told them to refer the ex to a different obgyn who is much nicer and considerate who might approve of the surgery & recommended her to my friend's fiance as well.

Since the cat chewed through my brand new speaker wires before I could put conduit over them, I returned the speakers to Best Buy and brought my friend and his fiance along and bought them lunch. My friend was really stressing out about the work situation and I wish there was more I could do to help him. I wish I'd witnessed the jerk giving him permission to use the points. I was there when he got the points put on the card while trying to fix the ticket machine (which saved them thousands of dollars since it was counting tickets wrong and giving more points for them). His work card wasn't working so he had to use his personal card to troubleshoot it. I'm not sure if that will help if I testify to that-- hoping it will never get to that though. But with my friend's luck, they will do everything they can to screw him over.

If he loses his job he'll have to submit a request to the court to suspend his child support until he gets another job but they still haven't even looked at his application for adjustment based on his ex's fraud.

Another positive is that when I brought my speakers back in and showed the severed cord, the clerk said that the speakers were still covered by their return policy since it was within 10 days so it didn't use up the 2-year protection plan so I was getting that plan added to the replacement speakers. Clerk was very nice and asked what the cat's name was and told me her cat's name (which I can't remember now). I'm waiting til daylight to set them up so I can actually see well enough to put the conduit on. I have no working lights in my room so I can't see jack crap in my room at night. I had to use a flashlight to set the speakers up before.

I'm hoping to do something productive today but I'm still feeling a bit nauseous. I hope I'm not getting whatever bug my brother has.
Haven't been on the forum in a while and wanted to check in. Glad to hear from the usual suspects. The Coretec is holding up very well to Hunter and his standard messes. Cleans up easily with a Swiffer wet jet. The retreads from LL are still looking fantastic. But it's raw wood finished to my own standards. Red oak with Zar teak natural stain and 4 coats of Varathane satin poly. No damage from traffic at all.

Not sure if I'll get to it this year. Gave up on the bathroom idea downstairs. Want to get some drywall on the walls and build a hobby room for building models, possibly a wooden version of the Constitution. Want to put in a counter. Unfortunately Hunter went to the ER on Saturday for a damaged foot. $750 in vet bills plus another $250 bill will be coming next week for his annual. Ugg.

The Fall was a chore of lawn repair from grubs. Lost over 1/3 of my lawn to grubs and clover. Found a great lawn care forum and their guidance brought back my lawn in 6 weeks and $150 in water bills.

So I've taken care of the inside and the outside. Now it's just wait for the snow and let last week's ice melt.


Tom P.

Lancaster, Pa.
Haven't been on the forum in a while and wanted to check in. Glad to hear from the usual suspects. The Coretec is holding up very well to Hunter and his standard messes. Cleans up easily with a Swiffer wet jet. The retreads from LL are still looking fantastic. But it's raw wood finished to my own standards. Red oak with Zar teak natural stain and 4 coats of Varathane satin poly. No damage from traffic at all.

Not sure if I'll get to it this year. Gave up on the bathroom idea downstairs. Want to get some drywall on the walls and build a hobby room for building models, possibly a wooden version of the Constitution. Want to put in a counter. Unfortunately Hunter went to the ER on Saturday for a damaged foot. $750 in vet bills plus another $250 bill will be coming next week for his annual. Ugg.

The Fall was a chore of lawn repair from grubs. Lost over 1/3 of my lawn to grubs and clover. Found a great lawn care forum and their guidance brought back my lawn in 6 weeks and $150 in water bills.

So I've taken care of the inside and the outside. Now it's just wait for the snow and let last week's ice melt.


Tom P.

Lancaster, Pa.

Glad to see you back.
Good to hear from you, Tom.
I just realized I have a friend who lives either in or near Lancaster. His family fled from China to Vietnam when communism took over, then fled from Vietnam to Singapore where his father built a multi-million $ printing business. My friend is now a US citizen and lives in PA with his wife and four daughters. They are very nice people. I hope Hunter will recover quickly.

The good news is, my friend is NOT fired. His supervisors believed him but he had to prove he was innocent rather than the accusers having to prove he was guilty & there was some threat of his company losing the contract and other employees from his company getting fired. My friend told the boss that he would rather be fired than cost the company the contract or have any of his co-workers fired on his account so that made his boss go to bat for him even more. They said he had to replace the defective item he bought with a working item (bc the accuser lied & said it was working and accused him of having broken it when he returned it) and took away two of his PTO days just to say he was punished so the casino couldn't accuse them of doing nothing. He's never going to trust the liar who set him up again-- although she's trying to pretend nothing happened. He's still kind of pissed off about it, but he's happy to still have his job and that his boss and the boss's boss both said they believe him and only took action to avoid losing their contract. Thing is, if the casino tried to fire them, they'd be s.o.l. because his company owns all of the arcade machines and is the only one in the area that services arcade machines. So, the casino would lose a ton of $ if they had to shut the arcade down.

Meanwhile, my brother found out they are claiming he has 8-1/2 points against him for missing work and if he has 10 points he gets fired. He hasn't even missed 8 days of work total since he's worked there & it's supposed to reset every 6 months. His supervisor said there is "no f***ing way" he accrued that many points so he's going to look into it. Same supervisor knew he wasn't going to be in the day he went to the hospital so he took him off the schedule preemptively so he wouldn't get a point. Any absences with doctor's notes are not supposed to give points though. They did the same thing to another employee so it seems like there is a mistake on someone's part going on. They must have given him points meant for someone else-- which might explain why some of the people who should have more than 10 points are still there.

Yesterday I was too sick to do anything and today was about the same. I got up and found that my brother had undone almost all of the cleaning I'd done in the kitchen-- left me with a huge mess to sort out. I managed to clean up some of it, but I'm still feeling bleh. I spent most of the day sleeping and then made lunch and dinner for my mother (we don't do breakfast). I need to go to the store again for more groceries.

I did manage to set up my speakers again and wrapped the wires in automotive conduit and secured them with electrical tape. Hopefully the cat will leave them alone. I'm going to wrap my monitor cord next because it is very thin, but the cat seems to leave it alone (which just means she will probably notice it soon).

I need to make myself an itinerary or list of things to do each day and pick maybe one from the list or pick specific days to do those things so I do something productive each day. I'm still thinking about how I'm going to fix things for the doorway. I also need to get up in the workshop loft to look for family photographs and such that my uncle has been asking about. My dad was supposed to scan them all and then send them back but he died before he got to it. My sister's friend messed with all of his stuff (and a lot of my stuff) when she was "helping" after his death so now I can't find a lot of things.

I'm thinking:
Pick up trash in living room (Mom has been literally throwing trash in front of the TV)
Take out trash in kitchen (since brother is too sick to do it)
Clean dust & cobwebs off of cabinets & ceiling fan
Change HVAC filters & clean grilles
Wash bedding and pillows
Clean & organize pantry
Bleach handles on refrigerator (they've turned yellow)
Clean out & organize fridge & freezers
Take stuff out of bags and cardboard boxes & put in plastic bins
Clean out old dog food bin & put new castor wheels on it
Clean up hallway to laundry room

Even if I only get part of some of those tasks done each day, it will be progress. The laundry room hallway is going to take awhile bc there are just piles of clothes and junk. Wish we had a working utility sink to rinse stuff in. When I eventually get around to installing a bath tub it can be used for stuff like that.

It got down to 27° the other night and has been in the 30s and 40s during the day-- not my kind of weather. After almost 10 years living places where it didn't get below 70 and the last almost 20 years living where it almost never gets below 50, I'm not accustomed to cold weather. The humidity doesn't help. The cats do help with warmth though-- they are piled on me right now.

My friend suggested I should get some sort of film to put on my windows to keep the cold out. He used it on his windows and said it has worked very well. I need to clear up a bunch of junk and see if he can put it on my windows for me (I am terrible with stuff like that-- I couldn't even put a sticker on a VHS tape without getting it crooked).

At least I'm starting to feel better- even though I'm tired. I'm not nauseous anymore and my kidney stone (which was causing pain earlier) is not bothering me right now.
I'll toss a motivational idea at ya Zan. Starting anything is a problem I have too. One project.... no problem. 20 projects and I can't decide which to start first.
If the project at hand is the house is flooding........ well, let's just make that an easy priority call.
Other things can be so equal in importance it's hard to put one project over the other.
Here's an idea. Write down the things that you need to do on strips of paper and put em into a hat.... Or a bag.
Every day or every Saturday ... or whatever, pick out a chore and get to it. You don't decide, the hat does.
Thanks, Highup. I'll have to try that. I'm still feeling under-the-weather and hoping whatever virus my brother brought home isn't going to get me too sick. I took mom to get her bloodwork for her regular appointment scheduled for Monday, but have been bundled up under the covers because it's cold. When we got home the cows came to see me. I had to pet the red cow and sing her favorite lullaby to her before bringing in some groceries (Mom sat in the car so it was a quick shopping trip-- I tend to get in, get my stuff, and get out).

I want to work on something inside the house since it's so cold. I'm going to nap and see if this headache goes away and then tackle picking up trash in the living room. It desperately needs to be done.
I did as much cleaning as my back could tolerate. This morning my brother wanted me to take him to the grocery store. He was still having a lot of pain on his left side below his pectoral. He got a walk-in appointment with the nurse practitioner who confirmed that the x-ray the hospital did was useless and that he needed an MRI, but since his insurance had just changed and he hadn't gotten his new card yet, they wouldn't do it. They won't do MRIs for uninsured patients and they have to get approval from insurance companies for it. He's going to have to miss more work and schedule the MRI asap.

I took my mother and brother to the doctor's office this afternoon and am feeling blech. I've got a sinus headache and my guts hate me for some reason. I'm going to take a nap and then resume cleaning afterward.

I think my friend's fiance has been trying to contact me on FB messenger but I let them know that I can't see messages because my internet is throttled. She probably wants me to buy her something or drive her somewhere. She once called me and wanted me to drive all the way in to town to drive her to a place that was literally less than 1,000ft from where she lived. Hard pass on that one.
I installed a new toilet supply line & had plans to do more painting in the workshop, but I stepped on some of my brother's trash and rolled my ankle. Tendon popped back out (same ankle I messed up a couple years back). I immediately wrapped it in an ace bandage then elevated it and wrapped it in an ice pack. I got an ice pack that is supposed to be for back pain that has a strap to hold it on. I double wrapped it around my ankle to hold it on. It's already feeling a bit better, but it killed my plans for the day. I'm hoping it will be better enough by tomorrow for me to make stronganoff. For now I'm icing it & hoping it won't swell up.

Hope everyone else had a better day.
Hope you get healed up soon Zan. You get delt a bad zodiac sign? :D
I did a carpet repair today. Cheap apartment crap installed in December. It was fraying at a laminate floor transition between a living room and kitchen.... a 7 foot span.
Tackstrip along that opening is usually replaced because it either wears or was previously pounded down. The installer just re used it.
OK, that works sometimes, but there was a major issue he didn't address.
In that 3/8" gap between the tack strip and the laminate transition piece there was a buildup of two layers of vinyl flooring from past installations.
Had the installer simply cut through and removed the two layers of vinyl in the tackstrip fully, it might have worked.
Instead of tucking the carpet 1/4"into the gully, he was only tucking it about 1/8" deep....... no way it would survive. What the heck was he thinking?:rolleyes:
All he had to do is remove two pieces of tackstrip, cut out the two layers of vinyl that was only a quarter inch wide, the put in new strip....... 3 minutes max! Idiots keep me working, but it's do frustrating sometimes.
Thanks, Highup. I'm a Libra so you'd think I would have better balance. :p I nearly fell over in the living room for no apparent reason while trying to avoid putting pressure on my foot/ankle. It's my right ankle so it will be a bitch to try to drive if it doesn't heal fast. The good news is, it's no longer throbbing and I can walk on it without feeling pain so long as I keep it flat & don't step on any floor transitions, trash, or the blankets pulled on to the floor by my mother's dog. I forgot to mention I rescued a small possom from my larger (still fairly small breed) dog. She chased it into the blackberry bushes & it was playing dead while she kept trying to bite it. I worked my way through the thorns, got tangled up, put a wet piece of coardboard between the dog and the possom, then picked the dog up and carried her inside. Possom escaped while she was inside. I'm about to go get the ice pack again-- it gets too warm so I have to re-freeze it every few hours or so.

7ft of transition sounds like a royal pain to deal with. My guess is the installer was thinking he just wanted to get the job done with minimal effort & couldn't be bothered to do it right. Pure laziness. Sadly, I've encountered that a lot lately. Was it a professional installer? Sounds like homeowners are owed some compensation from him for you having to fix it. There are so many lazy/bad contractors/tradesmen out there that it ruins things for the good ones. It makes me appreciate the good ones, like you and the gentlemen on this forum, even more.

Speaking of contractors, when I was buying the toilet supply line from the local hardware store, I asked the owner about getting an estimate on repairing/replacing the roof on my workshop. It will probably be pricey and there are other fixes needed as well, but his store has the supplies to do the work, I have spare lumber in the barn & workshop if need be, and it needs to be done to keep the workshop from falling apart. I also stopped to see the big yellow dog just inside the doorway. I don't know what breed he is but his very large, very slow, and very friendly. He rolled on his back for a belly rub as soon as he saw me. My back was cooperating enough for me to bend down to pet him. He's such a sweet dog and it always cheers me up when I see him. One day I'll get a picture of him. He's very docile so he's not a guard dog.

Which reminds me that I met an 88-yr old man (who looked to be in his late 60s) in Walmart the other day. He was in a riding cart & I offered to help him if he needed something from a higher shelf. He then started telling me why he needed new knobs-- constant break-ins at his house and workshop. Told me how his neew neighbors completely cleared out his workshop of all of the tools & the cops told him he was s.o.l. because his name wasn't on the tools. Said he got a Rhodesian Ridgeback he rescued from the local kill shelter to be a guard dog, but the thieves started giving the dog treats to sneak in & the dog got fat. He'll guard the man's disabled wife inside the house though. He won't let anyone go near her, except her husband. I think he spent 30 minutes telling me about his dog and his neighborhood. Nice man and I enjoyed the chat. It made me want to find out where he lived to send some friends over to guard the place though. It's bad enough that people steal, but stealing from an 88-yr-old man living off of SSI with his disabled 86-yr-old wife who has Parkinsons is very low, but typical for this area.
There are a couple of ways to approach work. Mine is that every job done successfully will eventually lead to another job via a reference.
Then there are the 'where's my check' guys.... The gitter done guys.
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I much prefer the people who want to do things right. The ones that half-ass things lead to problems. The handymen in my area tend to be the latter rather than the former.

I tried to keep off my feet to let my ankle heal more and it helped. I played around with the trial version of Sketchup Pro 2020 and I love it. Wish I had purchased a permanent license for upgrade games before they changed it to a subscription though. I think it's like $400 a year now.

I was able to be on my feet long enough to make stroganoff for dinner.
Nice! I don't have kindle, but I think my brother might have something to be able to download it.

My internet is still throttled. I've gotten stuff done around the house though. Friend came over to help me move the metal shelf rack in the pantry so I could clean underneath it and it was a total mess. Found a bunch of expired stuff on the floor (cats got in and knocked stuff down). Also found some cans at the back of the rack that had expired, lids had fallen in, and contents were dried up. Had some old cans of soda that leaked-- there were unopened ones that were empty and some half empty-- it was a red soda that dumped all over the floor and got sticky and was really gross. It mingled with the mouse & cat pee. Cats had been using the underneath part as a litterbox too, so there were probably 50lbs of dried cat crap in there. They are no longer allowed in there. I scrubbed the hell out of the floor while singing a song about the only "magical" thing about Magic Eraser is how it magically shreds & tears. My back started giving me trouble so I put stuff under my shoes and wiped the floor vigorously with my feet to clean stuff up. My friend came over to diagnose the leaking toilet tank-- all of the rubber washers had broken. He added more washers and reinforcement (I got two kits of washers, bolts, & nuts-- the 2nd kit had rubber washers that were too small but it had wing nuts for the bottom so we used those). After he left the fill valve was not working properly-- it just kept spraying from the wrong part so early this morning I brought him over to remove the old fill valve & install a new one. He also was so annoyed by how filthy my brother's room was that he decided to clean it while I was cleaning the pantry. I took some breaks to help him haul trash bags out of the house since my brother wasn't doing it. He heard me asking my brother to carry the heavy trash can out & my brother being a dick and saying "It has wheels" (nevermind it's his job to take it out). So my friend tricked him in to getting his shoes on under the pretense of helping him move the old mini fridge to the truck, but he took it out himself while my brother was getting his shoes and then said "Oh, you have shoes on so you can take that trash can out now." He badgered him until he did it. LOL. I also took an old chair from my brother's room and pushed it in to the front room (which was a royal pain getting it around stuff) so he wouldn't just throw it out the back door. I plan to get the kitchen cleaned up more & store stuff where cats can't knock it down, put anything they can puncture in plastic bins, and put anything cardboard in plastic bins to keep mice & bugs out. I need to finish cleaning the floor in the pantry now that the metal shelves are moved back in place. My back noped out on me yesterday. I bought my friend & his fiance dinner last night and this morning I got him breakfast as a thank you for his help. Even though he owes us money, I always try to give him food.

Tomorrow I plan to go over and do touch-up paint on my friend's cabinets & then go to Sam's to get more water.

Photos of the pantry floor before cleaning (well, after I cleaned half the floor that wasn't under the shelves-- The seam in the vinyl sheet gave me trouble): pantry1.jpg pantry2.jpg pantry5.jpg
After cleaning: pantry6.jpg

Metal screen mesh on the walls and ceiling to keep mice out. Makes it hard to clean though: pantry7.jpg pantry9.jpg

I'm going to need to find a way to plaster or paint over that stuff-- maybe tack it tighter with short nails and then plaster over with something that can be painted and will be easy to clean.

Once I'm done cleaning the rest of the floor more thoroughly I'll get pictures.

Meanwhile, Lady Sylvanas is locked out of her pantry domain but she's found a new perch: LadySylvanas3-2-5-2020.jpg
It's normally Aminatu's place to sit so she had some things to say about it:Aminatu1-2-5-2020.jpg
Biscuits was confused (yeah, I know, mess behind him-- I'm working on it): Biscuits2-2-5-2020.jpg
Cleaned more of the floor in the pantry. Cleaned up in the kitchen a bit too but was too tired to do too much. I put plastic bins in the pantry but still need to figure out exactly what I'm putting in which bin and how to stack it & what to do with stuff that is in cardboard boxes and stuff in the kitchen. I still need to put something at the back of the storage shelves to keep stuff from falling off the back.
pantry10.jpg pantry11.jpg pantry12.jpg pantrybins1.jpg pantrydoor1.jpg
Working for some wonderful people continuing the Coretec flooring into their living room. Kitchen, dining room and hall got Coretec a year ago and they decided to get rid of the living room carpet and the Pergo entry. That way everything is the same.
The lady of the house always comes home on Fridays saying:
"It's pay day, how much do we owe you?"
She seems eager to pay up..... so nice not to have to beg. They don't ask my price upfront like I am bidding the job, so in fairness, I am overly fair with my hours. I don't mark up materials and let them know it.
I installed the carpet for them about 20 years ago and they still like me, they really really like me. :D
It feels so nice to have such fun customers. It makes work fun.

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