Your friend is lucky to have you, Highup. I'm glad you got the right parts and reinforced the supports. I struggle with my best friend wanting to do things cheaply & not the right way because he thinks it will save money but it always ends up costing more in the long run to re-do stuff. I don't know if he's just stubborn or if it is the brain damage from his wreck, but he can't seem to wrap his head around doing it right the first time even if it takes more effort. He wants to do his roofing without any sort of adhesive and I told him that even if it costs a few extra bucks for the adhesive, it's better to be safe than sorry. Sooo many times I've told him he should do things right, he mickey moused it, and then it went wrong.
Yesterday I did some more cleaning in the house and ran to the store to get new speakers because my cat chewed my speaker wires. I asked the clerk if the $5 2 year protection plan covered cats chewing through cords and he said "Yes" so I got it. Cat has already chewed through the wire on one of the brand new speakers. I was going to put conduit on them but I set them up when it was dark and wanted to wait until it was light (lights in my room don't work) to put the electrical conduit over the wires. I locked the cat out of my room but the dog pushed my door open and let her in.
My brother got home from work early and was feeling horrible. I offered to take him to the hospital in case the pain he was having was heart-related. He declined but around 3:30am he came and got me and wanted me to take him there. He thought it was his gall bladder (bc he thought his gall bladder was on the left side rather than the right side) and I thought it was probably gastritis. Hospital bed was too small for him because he's tall so his feet were hanging off and he couldn't get comfortable. His bp was 196/125 after they gave him something for pain and nausea (he'd been throwing up throughout the day). They did x-rays, took blood, etc and we waited and waited. After the meds to lower his bp it went down to 180/120 but they weren't happy so they gave him more of it. Got it down to 150/100 and they decided that was good enough to let him go home-- sometime after 7am. I hated seeing him like that. He was agitated/restless, jittery, and couldn't get comfortable. I know exactly how that feels & how much it sucks. The pain got worse after a couple hours so they had to give him more stuff for pain. They finally said that he had enteritis. I've had that before & it sucks bigtime. We went to the store to get him stuff off the list that the nurse told him was safe to eat. He wrote down BRATY on the paper and listed Bananas, rice, applesauce, tea/toast, yogurt. We had bread, tea and rice already so we got some yogurt, applesauce, and bananas.
It was very cold (at least for here) and having lived in the tropics for almost 10 years before moving here, I am not accustomed to cold weather. It was 37 degrees once the sun came up (it rarely gets below 40 here even in winters until the past few years). My stomach doesn't feel great and I hope I won't get whatever virus they think he has. I brought in all of the groceries and then racked out all day. I'll have to make up for it by cleaning more tonight & maybe changing a burned out lightbulb in the kitchen.
Also, my ISP is claiming that somehow we loaded 120Gb of data on Saturday. It was raining and the internet kept going off. I had my internet turned off for a long time, my brother wasn't even home and had his internet turned off, my mother had her computer in sleep mode. I checked BitMeter on my computer and I've loaded 21Gb from January 1 (and the billing period for the internet is the 12th so it resets the data). We've got 150Gb and my mother said she loaded about 30Gb since the 12th but that does not explain the 120Gb usage in one day-- it's not even physically possible with our download speeds. It took 2 days to load 60Gb so there is no way it could have done that in 1 day. I suspect a malfunction/miscalculation from the modem's software. Since the internet went out, I think what happened was that it attempted to send that much data (resending stuff over and over because it wasn't going through) and it calculated that it had sent it. This happened before with my old ISP when it rained. I need better software on my router to account for usage though. The technician at my ISP had never heard of BitMeter before and said he was going to look at it. He went over info on what he could see of the usage and when it was used and gave advice on how to reduce usage and was nice about it, but we can't prove the modem miscalculated so we're sol and have throttled internet until feb 12. That means I can't load my online games and Facebook doesn't like to load. #firstworldproblems
Guess that means I'll have to do more cleaning and offline stuff. I still need to go pick up my meds from the pharmacy because it wasn't open this morning when I went in.
Yesterday I did some more cleaning in the house and ran to the store to get new speakers because my cat chewed my speaker wires. I asked the clerk if the $5 2 year protection plan covered cats chewing through cords and he said "Yes" so I got it. Cat has already chewed through the wire on one of the brand new speakers. I was going to put conduit on them but I set them up when it was dark and wanted to wait until it was light (lights in my room don't work) to put the electrical conduit over the wires. I locked the cat out of my room but the dog pushed my door open and let her in.
My brother got home from work early and was feeling horrible. I offered to take him to the hospital in case the pain he was having was heart-related. He declined but around 3:30am he came and got me and wanted me to take him there. He thought it was his gall bladder (bc he thought his gall bladder was on the left side rather than the right side) and I thought it was probably gastritis. Hospital bed was too small for him because he's tall so his feet were hanging off and he couldn't get comfortable. His bp was 196/125 after they gave him something for pain and nausea (he'd been throwing up throughout the day). They did x-rays, took blood, etc and we waited and waited. After the meds to lower his bp it went down to 180/120 but they weren't happy so they gave him more of it. Got it down to 150/100 and they decided that was good enough to let him go home-- sometime after 7am. I hated seeing him like that. He was agitated/restless, jittery, and couldn't get comfortable. I know exactly how that feels & how much it sucks. The pain got worse after a couple hours so they had to give him more stuff for pain. They finally said that he had enteritis. I've had that before & it sucks bigtime. We went to the store to get him stuff off the list that the nurse told him was safe to eat. He wrote down BRATY on the paper and listed Bananas, rice, applesauce, tea/toast, yogurt. We had bread, tea and rice already so we got some yogurt, applesauce, and bananas.
It was very cold (at least for here) and having lived in the tropics for almost 10 years before moving here, I am not accustomed to cold weather. It was 37 degrees once the sun came up (it rarely gets below 40 here even in winters until the past few years). My stomach doesn't feel great and I hope I won't get whatever virus they think he has. I brought in all of the groceries and then racked out all day. I'll have to make up for it by cleaning more tonight & maybe changing a burned out lightbulb in the kitchen.
Also, my ISP is claiming that somehow we loaded 120Gb of data on Saturday. It was raining and the internet kept going off. I had my internet turned off for a long time, my brother wasn't even home and had his internet turned off, my mother had her computer in sleep mode. I checked BitMeter on my computer and I've loaded 21Gb from January 1 (and the billing period for the internet is the 12th so it resets the data). We've got 150Gb and my mother said she loaded about 30Gb since the 12th but that does not explain the 120Gb usage in one day-- it's not even physically possible with our download speeds. It took 2 days to load 60Gb so there is no way it could have done that in 1 day. I suspect a malfunction/miscalculation from the modem's software. Since the internet went out, I think what happened was that it attempted to send that much data (resending stuff over and over because it wasn't going through) and it calculated that it had sent it. This happened before with my old ISP when it rained. I need better software on my router to account for usage though. The technician at my ISP had never heard of BitMeter before and said he was going to look at it. He went over info on what he could see of the usage and when it was used and gave advice on how to reduce usage and was nice about it, but we can't prove the modem miscalculated so we're sol and have throttled internet until feb 12. That means I can't load my online games and Facebook doesn't like to load. #firstworldproblems
Guess that means I'll have to do more cleaning and offline stuff. I still need to go pick up my meds from the pharmacy because it wasn't open this morning when I went in.