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I waited 24 hours & went back down for the 2nd coat of the filler primer. 1st coat had faded so much it didn't even cover the discoloration. I sprayed it on a bit more thickly this time. Accidentally created a drip/pool & wiped it with a shop cloth-- ended up smearing it so it doesn't look great, but that's what sandpaper is for. LOL. Have to wait 24 hours from painting time to sanding, so I'm waiting to go see how it looks today. I think I'm going to put the door flat down so maybe the stuff will try to pool in the cracks a bit and use either or a roller or brush to spread it a little (if it doesn't seem to go right). Then it will be 24hours and another sanding. Rustoleum said to use 320grit so I have some sheets of that down in the workshop. Customers who used it said it would require numerous layers- just have to be patient to spray & sand.

Backup plan (at least for the inside half of the door) is that I can get a magnetic whiteboard sticker or something to put on the door to cover the dings if they still show through. My brother & I can leave each other notes on it. Or maybe I can get a decorative magnetic sticker with an elephant on it (that Mom will like) or something.

I've set an alarm for taking my medicine to make sure I'm up by a certain time each day & I'm forcing myself to do certain things instead of procrastinating-- well, still putting off some things, but picked specific things to NOT procrastinate on-- such as painting the door. I didn't really feel like going down there yesterday but I made myself go.

If it's not pouring rain I'll go down for sanding & coat #3. It looks cloudy and nasty so I'll have to see how it goes. Hoping it won't rain. It had just started to rain when I was on my way back up from the last trip down there. It wouldn't be as much of an issue if the workshop were on higher ground- but it's in a low spot in the yard so the ground gets a little bit flooded (but doesn't go in to the workshop).

Speaking of flooding, the tarp we got my friend apparently gave out because his roof leaked like crazy yesterday & soaked the floor in his bathroom & pantry area and ran down the wall toward the electrical for the washer & dryer. I don't know if it's because it's cold & wood has contracted to create bigger gaps or what. But he is in desperate need of a new roof.
Hope you're continuing to be pain free, Rusty.
I brought a dehumdifier over for my friend to use. I haven't heard from him on whether or not it worked. He's been having a problem with local mooches trying to hang out at his house. Two guys that he kicked out (after letting them crash on his couch for awhile & they ate all his food, drank all his sodas, made messes, watched tv, played video games, refused to bathe, and refused to clean up after themselves) showed up at his house unannounced and were sitting on the porch rolling marijuana. My friend's fiance was messaging me and was very upset about it. I told her she should go tell them to GTFO. They don't need the cops being told that people were over there with stuff- especially since these guys come from a place where people are doing harder drugs & my friend's daughter was over there at the time. She said she was going to have my friend go out and tell them to leave since they don't listen to her (she has a problem with people coming over or coming in & completely ignoring or straight up defying her & refusing to leave or respect her boundaries).
I'm trying to figure out what my friend needs to fix his roof so it won't leak-- still waiting on him to tell me the measurements so we can get the right amount of materials.

I sanded & put another coat of the filler primer on the door. I laid the door down and brushed some of it in to the cracks to try to fill them better. It worked a little but left brush strokes so I went back 24 hours later to sand it again & add a white primer over. The white primer didn't spray as well and came out oddly despite shaking it for the amount of time it said to. Maybe I have to stand it up on it's edge to make it work better. I'm going to check on it later today (waiting the 24 hours from instructions) & do some sanding again & possibly another coat of the primer but this time with the door back on it's side to see if it sprays better that way. I've decided I'm probably going to use something like this https://www.amazon.com/KIBOO-11x17-Magnetic-Whiteboard-Sheets/dp/B01LZ58J3M/ to cover any really obvious gouges when the door is fully painted.

I'm not looking forward to the cleanup and changes for the door installation, but it needs to get done.
Randy, is this your car?

The fact that someone actually paid $ for a banana duct taped to a wall or something is the apex of asininity.
I went down to the workshop & did a coat of the white primer on the edge of the door & then flipped it up on it's side to do some filler primer on the untouched side. I realized I forgot to remove the sticker from the door so getting that off is going to be "fun". White primer (which I did over the gray primer yesterday) should be painted in one hour after priming or wait 48 hours. So tomorrow I will do more filler primer & a coat of white if I don't get the filler primer to my liking in 10 to 20 min. I need to figure out the best way to remove the sticker without making the door fall over & get dinged again. I used some padding but it slipped out of the way. I'm waiting for it to dry more before I handle it again.
Edit: I did another coat of filler primer & am waiting 24hrs for it to dry enough to sand and see if I need another coat of that or to go straight to the white primer. I'm doing a white primer over it just in case it messes with the color on the topcoat.
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Thanks, Daris. Fortunately, it just peeled right off and didn't leave residue. I was surprised.

Highup, then I suppose it's forgivable if it went to charity, but it's still asinine for something like that to garner that much $. Although, I fully admit if I could get a ton of $ for something cheap and stupid like that, I'd jump at the opportunity.
I wonder if I could paint a banana black, put a piece of white duct tape over it, and claim it's an abstract work of art representing racial tension or some BS and get someone to buy it for $$$$. :p
That's excellent, Rusty. It sounds like she's very talented.
Don, what is PSA? (You probably mentioned before but I can't remember).

Yesterday I ran errands and didn't get down to the workshop. It was a lot warmer & mosquitoes came out. The day before was absolutely beautiful. It was sunny but cool (not too cold) outside & I wish the weather was like that more often. Today was colder. My brother woke me up at 7am to drive him to the courthouse over the misdemeanor ticket over the kerfuffle with the father of the girl he wanted to date. They wanted him to pay $300 for it or something but he said it's a BS charge. The cops at the scene said that in order for it to be trespassing or whatever it was they charged him with, the guy had to have asked him to leave at least 3 times, but all the guy did was say once "You should leave now" & he turned to leave but the girl was between him & the door & the jerk pulled the gun and pointed it at his head before he could reach the door so he had to disarm the guy & wait for the cops. But the guy lied & claimed that the girl was between them rather than between my brother & the door. My brother said "Not guilty" and was given a court date in March. They said they won't give him an attorney for a misdemeanor so he'll have to either find someone himself or represent himself & that if he wanted to subpoena any witnesses he would tell the clerk. I think he should subpoena the girl to back up his side of the story, but she's cut off all contact with him out of fear her father would retaliate & he doesn't want to cause a problem between her & her father. My concern is, if he doesn't call her, they might bring in her father & he might lie under oath & there would be no one to contradict him. On the flipside, the father might have manipulated the girl in to remembering things incorrectly and/or she might be afraid to contradict her father in court. They really do everything they can here to make it inconvenient for people to contest things because they are all about getting the $ for fines & they don't give a damn about justice. At least the judge seemed reasonable when talking to people. He let one guy who took a "no contest" plea know that he could get it expunged from his record once all his fees were paid.

I took a nap since I wasn't feeling well after getting back & then went to the workshop to sand & do another coat of filler primer on the door. I think it might need one more coat of the filler before I do the white primer. I got a sanding block of a different grit and wrapped the 320 grit sandpaper around it (wish I'd had it sooner) & it sanded more smoothly than when I did the other side. But the other side will get some magnet coverage to hide dings. One of the weird things about the filler primer is that after it dries, the overspray turns to dust that has to be wiped away. I need to wipe it all with a tack cloth before the final painting.
Zanne, the PSA test is a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood. PSA is a protein produced by both cancerous and noncancerous tissue in the prostate, a small gland that sits below the bladder in men.
Thanks, Havasu. IIRC, my grandfather had prostate cancer but it was his heart that went out before the cancer could get him. I think my brother is due for a prostate exam after his birthday in February.

Robocalls woke me up early this morning & I haven't been able to get back to sleep. I don't know what time zone they are calling from but it started around 6am. Not sure what time the subsequent calls were since I ignored them. Answering machine got some of them.

I'm waiting for the filler primer to reach 24 hours of drying time before doing another sanding & then hopefully I can do the white primer afterward. I'll let that dry and then prep to do the top coat. I'll try to remember to get pictures. I've been lazy & haven't taken any yet.

I'm also planning to see what sort of roofing options are available for my friend's roof. It's 30' wide x 24' long but the top 14' is at a steeper incline which means he'd need angle transition pieces. I'm going to see what they have at the local hardware store and price it out. The leaks are only in the bottom 10' so we're trying to figure out the best solution. He's got asphalt shingles on & I'm wondering if it would be better to just mop on some kind of sealant over it for now. He kept saying it was only 10' so I thought it wouldn't be so expensive for metal roofing until he told me the full dimensions. The tarp he put up there got shredded in a wind storm so it's no longer stopping the leaks.
I wish it were possible to transition from asphalt shingles on the top to metal on the bottom 10'.

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