I waited 24 hours & went back down for the 2nd coat of the filler primer. 1st coat had faded so much it didn't even cover the discoloration. I sprayed it on a bit more thickly this time. Accidentally created a drip/pool & wiped it with a shop cloth-- ended up smearing it so it doesn't look great, but that's what sandpaper is for. LOL. Have to wait 24 hours from painting time to sanding, so I'm waiting to go see how it looks today. I think I'm going to put the door flat down so maybe the stuff will try to pool in the cracks a bit and use either or a roller or brush to spread it a little (if it doesn't seem to go right). Then it will be 24hours and another sanding. Rustoleum said to use 320grit so I have some sheets of that down in the workshop. Customers who used it said it would require numerous layers- just have to be patient to spray & sand.
Backup plan (at least for the inside half of the door) is that I can get a magnetic whiteboard sticker or something to put on the door to cover the dings if they still show through. My brother & I can leave each other notes on it. Or maybe I can get a decorative magnetic sticker with an elephant on it (that Mom will like) or something.
I've set an alarm for taking my medicine to make sure I'm up by a certain time each day & I'm forcing myself to do certain things instead of procrastinating-- well, still putting off some things, but picked specific things to NOT procrastinate on-- such as painting the door. I didn't really feel like going down there yesterday but I made myself go.
If it's not pouring rain I'll go down for sanding & coat #3. It looks cloudy and nasty so I'll have to see how it goes. Hoping it won't rain. It had just started to rain when I was on my way back up from the last trip down there. It wouldn't be as much of an issue if the workshop were on higher ground- but it's in a low spot in the yard so the ground gets a little bit flooded (but doesn't go in to the workshop).
Speaking of flooding, the tarp we got my friend apparently gave out because his roof leaked like crazy yesterday & soaked the floor in his bathroom & pantry area and ran down the wall toward the electrical for the washer & dryer. I don't know if it's because it's cold & wood has contracted to create bigger gaps or what. But he is in desperate need of a new roof.
Backup plan (at least for the inside half of the door) is that I can get a magnetic whiteboard sticker or something to put on the door to cover the dings if they still show through. My brother & I can leave each other notes on it. Or maybe I can get a decorative magnetic sticker with an elephant on it (that Mom will like) or something.
I've set an alarm for taking my medicine to make sure I'm up by a certain time each day & I'm forcing myself to do certain things instead of procrastinating-- well, still putting off some things, but picked specific things to NOT procrastinate on-- such as painting the door. I didn't really feel like going down there yesterday but I made myself go.
If it's not pouring rain I'll go down for sanding & coat #3. It looks cloudy and nasty so I'll have to see how it goes. Hoping it won't rain. It had just started to rain when I was on my way back up from the last trip down there. It wouldn't be as much of an issue if the workshop were on higher ground- but it's in a low spot in the yard so the ground gets a little bit flooded (but doesn't go in to the workshop).
Speaking of flooding, the tarp we got my friend apparently gave out because his roof leaked like crazy yesterday & soaked the floor in his bathroom & pantry area and ran down the wall toward the electrical for the washer & dryer. I don't know if it's because it's cold & wood has contracted to create bigger gaps or what. But he is in desperate need of a new roof.