The hardest part is to actually get started. Once you do the easy part begins. I just finished one of those procrastinated projects and delivered it to it's owner. I did some flooring work for a friend's father. We have known the family since grade school days. Gene turned 90 in November.
Gene owned the local ship pilot business in town, bringing log, lumber and wood chip ships in to port and piloting them back out of our tricky bay entrance. It's 12 to 15 miles long.
Genes best friend Bill was CEO of a local bank chain. At one time they had 7 banks along the coast.
Long story short, when I worked for Gene, he showed me an old 1970's image of himself, his youngest son, and his good friend Bill at his ranch on the Elk River, 50 miles south of here. The photo was with them kneeling on the grass with their salmon catch displayed proudly in front of them. The image was quite faded. I asked him if I could borrow it so I could bring the color back using my scanner and photo shop. He said fine..... That was over a year ago.
His friend passed away so this was motivation to get the image back to him. The photo work was done, but I wanted to make a special two sided frame. I wanted it easily reversible because of a humorous undertone.... One side was the fresh and bright new image.... On the reverse side, I had made his fish considerably larger

I made a photo stand from a black slate tile with two 1/4 inch stainless steel pegs protruding at a slight angle.
The fame can be lifted from the base and reversed easily.
He likes the large fish side best..... typical fisherman.

It made his day and took a load off my shoulders finally getting this wonderful memory back where it belongs.
Get off your butt Zan!