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The Dremel tool did ok for cutting the steel. The 2" screws turned out to be too short so I found some 3" ones at the local hardware store. Now they don't want to go through the holes straight. LOL. I managed to get them through to the other side of the door but they didn't want to line up with the other half of the pet door. When I put the bolts through without the outside half of the pet door they go through the inside half. I enlarged the holes on the door a bit to give the screws more wiggle room but I may need to sets of hands to hold everything in place. Worst case I'll drill out parts of the inside pet door if need be & just use washers behind the nuts to hold them on. I don't care if it looks ugly. Also, I was going to paint the door after test-fitting the pet door & then install the pet door permanently, but I think I'm just going to install the pet door first (once I get everything to line up properly), cover it with painter's tape, caulk around it, and paint. Bc screw trying to remove that damn thing & flipping the door over to try to get everything to line up again. LOL.
In the future I need to get myself a jig to make sure I'm drilling straight instead of at an angle. LOL. I think I went at a slight angle without realizing it so that may be why the holes were persnickety.
I did use some of the white duct tape inside and on the edge of the steel to hold it down more and to cover the corners where the foam was eroding too much near the screw holes.
I took more pictures. They start with the threshold. I need to clean the workshop up more. LOL.
bdthreshold1.jpg bdframeworkshop1.jpg bdpetdrouter2.jpg bdpetdrouter1.jpg
Breaking News: My best friend decided to actually listen to my advice for once & is trying to finagle working a 2nd job concurrently with the job he has now. He works for an outside company that contracts with the casino to fix the arcades. It's slow & he often just sits around all day with nothing to do because nothing needs to be repaired, but he has to be on call & available in case something breaks. Another similar job actually working for the casino is "Slot Technician" where he would have to be somewhere in the casino and get called to repair slot machines if they broke down. He was thinking of leaving his current job to try to get the slot tech job because it has better medical insurance. I pitched the idea of him asking his boss (who is a pretty cool guy) if he could work the 2nd job concurrently because he'd be in the casino available to fix the arcades AND he could fix the slot machines if they broke down. He could stay at his post in the arcade unless he was called to fix something somewhere inside the casino. It would give him more to do & he'd be able to get extra insurance. It wouldn't hurt his productivity at the primary job. He told me today (well, technically yesterday) that he was asking his boss about it because with the ex lying about the child support he can't afford to pay his utilities anymore since she's taking almost half his paycheck (he gets a lot taken out for tax & the amount she gets paid is based on his gross income).
His lawyer has put in the paperwork to request an adjustment to his child support & to defend himself and explain he was NOT in arrears & that his ex committed fraud by claiming he wasn't paying. His family lawyer was pretty pissed off about it & said it was absolutely fraud. I think he should try to press charges against her for it. Her fat behind needs to go to jail & have some real consequences for that crap.
They legalize weed in your neck of the woods? :D
Something happen since you sprained your ankle?
I have restretched two rooms since the Monday before Thanksgiving and one was 8x9. ...dats it. :rolleyes: Have another on Monday finishing up a doorway after wood was installed.
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Friend was sick yesterday so he couldn't come over and help with projects. Another friend who owes my mother money just contacted me and wants to come out tomorrow to cut the weeds & work on a repayment plan. It's not as hot now so it should be easier. The weeds are dryer so they are more brittle. I took some out the other day in the front.

I'm going to see if I can get that pet door to line up in a bit. I got too frustrated the other day with it so I decided to step away from it so I didn't break something. Kidney stones are acting up today & naproxyn isn't helping much, but it's tolerable. I'm refraining from playing any video games today until I do something productive. I'm still waiting to see if my mother wants to go to the store to pick out paint.

Highup, I wish I had your work ethic and productivity. I inherited my mother's instead of my father's. Well, I'm somewhat in between my parents on that & I wish I was closer to my father's end of the spectrum. He was a work-a-holic & would just about kill himself with work while my mother is the complete opposite. My main problem is procrastination. I'm mad at myself for it but I'm working on finding ways to overcome it (or at least procrastinate less). So I've been forcing myself to not do things I enjoy until after I do something productive so that the gaming & such is a reward for actually doing something & not just because I feel like it.
They legalize weed in your neck of the woods? :D
Something happen since you sprained your ankle?
I have restretched two rooms since the Monday before Thanksgiving and one was 8x9. ...dats it. :rolleyes: Have another on Monday finishing up a doorway after wood was installed.
Been fighting gout. Had it in both feet and my right wrist. Painful crap. Medical pot is legal here but you give up your gun rights. Dr found a pill that is supposed to help with the gout.
I'm a procrastinator too zan. I get focused when I have paying work to do...... The yard work and cleaning the gutter s don't pay so good if ya catch my drift.;)
The granddaughter on the right, the one who was first in the state last year. Has jumped up two more levels. She is also playing basketball and scored 20 out of her team's 34 points in their first game. Waiting to see how she does on the higher level today.
I have so much yard work to do. LOL. And I noticed that I see new water spots on the walls inside the workshop & a piece above the doors fell off. Its got some wood rot going from moisture & I'm going to have to replace/repair a lot of it. The friend couldn't find his chainsaw so he never showed up-- claims he'll be out Monday but we'll see. As much as I procrastinate, if I tell a friend I'm going to be somewhere on a certain day, I will be there (barring a flat tire or some emergency). I often show up a little early because I can get up & out the door pretty fast. It helps that I don't wear makeup or care how my hair looks. My mother doesn't wear makeup (except nail polish) but she takes forever to do her hair.
I ended up going to the store & post office & got back when it was too dark to go down to the workshop so I went down there today instead. I fiddled around to try to get things to fit. I got the bolts to go through the door & the inner half of the pet door and held it on with nuts. The bolts have bent slightly so I kept note of which holes they went in just in case it made a difference. I used the nuts & bolts to hold that half on tightly and used the white duct tape to tape it in place (and cover the rough steel & gaps). I only flipped the door over partway and propped it up so I can see the underside more easily (have it resting against a moving blanket against a sanding machine). After a lot of fiddling and adjusting & trying different methods, I finally got two of the bolts in opposite corners to go through. So the top left corner and bottom right corner are bolted but the bolts don't want to go all the way through the other corners. They go through the outside half and the door, but they snag when trying to line up with the holes on the other half. I'm thinking of getting 2 more bolts that aren't bent to see if that will help or if I just need to drill the plastic to let them through and then use washers under the nuts to make sure they don't slip through the holes. I'm going to have to trim off the excess on the bolts when I'm done & I'll probably put some white tape over the ends to cover them. But at least I made progress. I'll need to look for washers that fit-- I'm hoping I have some in the workshop or in the tool closet. I'm going to use a flashlight next time I go down there to shine it through the holes to see if I can see the light through to get an idea of how far out of alignment it is.
My sister sent me the link to a hilarious Japanese video that I've been watching over and over.
It's supposed to rain here on Monday but Tuesday is supposed to be sunny. My friend's fiance just found out she's pregnant & if her cardiologist will see her tomorrow, I'll take her up there. He said if she got pregnant to contact him immediately so they can monitor her heart & make sure she's ok. It's not a good time for them to be having a kid & I don't think she's ready, but I'm hoping she'll mature & handle it well. She's already bipolar so the mood swings are not going to be fun for anyone. I wish I could consider it good news, but I think she shouldn't be having kids at all much less at her age & during a time when her fiance is really struggling financially. It's also dangerous for her due to her heart condition so I'm worried about her health. This state has the highest infant mortality rates and is in the top 5 for maternal mortality rates.

On the upside, I finally got all 4 bolts through the pet door. I had to step back & think through a strategy. Good thing I had extra bolts that weren't bent. The 3rd bolt went through the outer half, through the door, but wouldn't line up with the hole on the inner half of the pet door. I managed to see where it was coming out and how off it was. Then I wallowed out the plastic on the outer half so I could angle the bolt properly to go through. That worked. The last bolt was a real pain though. It was the hole I'd had to redrill a few times & the foam inside had fallen away too much so the bolt didn't just go straight through, it moved around a lot before reaching the end. It had too much wiggle room inside but not enough wiggle room at the ends. I used a "new" bolt for that one. Had to run it through the wrong way first to see if it would even go, then wallowed the plastic a bit with the drill bit. Ran a drill bit through the hole to clear out debris in the way & test to see if there were obstructions. I used a flashlight to look through the holes to see if there was a clear path. Once I saw that the bolt could go through the wrong way, I put it through the right way & found that the end was crowning at the hole but not going through. I had to prop the door on it's side so I could see both sides easily. I had clamps to hold things tight together to make it easier. When I tried to use the screwdriver to turn the bolt through the final hole it wouldn't go, kept slipping out of alignment. So I resorted to a mallet to tap it through & that worked. I now have all 4 bolts secured with washers, but I'm concerned they will slip into the holes and come loose over time so I got some washers to use under them. Once I have it on tight with the washers, I'll put the caps over the holes on the outer half of the door, trim the ends of the bolts to be flush with the nuts, cover them with white duct tape, and caulk around the pet door with door & window caulk.

I'm really going to have to do something about fixing up my workshop because the exterior is in bad shape. Roof is leaking, outside wall on the barn side is busted open, wasps are getting in somehow (one landed on my sleeve so I slapped it with a glove, then it fell in a paper bag-- I stomped on the bag & smooshed that wasp). I'm going to have to vacuum in there, organize the bags of old toys-- throwing out broken ones and maybe donating intact ones or putting them in plastic bins-- organize the tools, and get the space workable again. Right now it's just a cluttered mess.

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