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With my luck, I may have cut it in the top. LOL.

It was raining & there were a few tornadoes touching down in towns north and south of me. I was going to go to the workshop during a lull in the rain (to put the washers on & take pictures) but my friend's fiance called & wanted me to take her to the store to get groceries and prenatal vitamins. I grabbed a rotisserie chicken for them but apparently she didn't want it (but she wanted the fresh bread we picked up). This girl goes to the ER over having a cold so I'm worried about how she'll handle pregnancy. My friend's ex is already being a total turd about it. My friend devoured the chicken when he got home. I asked him if was seasoned properly (because the one I got myself wasn't) and he said he didn't taste it, he just shoveled it in.

Tomorrow I'm going to see what the weather is like & if my mother feels like getting out of the house. She needs the exercise.
Here you go Z.

I'm going to nominate you "funny guy" O-da-night.
We're 36, but no precipitation today.
Starting late Wednesday through Sunday were supposed to get a ton of rain. We'll see how the weather guessers do..... maybe just 1/2 a ton.
I've been playing with my photos on the PC. Can't get em from the confuzer to the phone so I can put em here.
I still don't have service to the PC, so I'm living on the phone.
There is probably a way to sync up the newer phones with monitors somehow (or larger tablets). I'm resisting the urge to upgrade until its really necessary. I like my Note 4.

I was just thinking about Nick today. I had a technology question and wished I could ask him. I really miss his humor. I could use some humor today.

Friend who was supposed to come cut my weeds just had his house burn down. He got his kids out, turned around to go get his pets & the roof fell in. He lost everything. My friend who had his house burn a few years back went over to help him. No idea what caused the fire, but it came at a really bad time. The guy was just getting back on his feet. He's the one who had an ex clean out his entire bank account & steal his truck. She'd talked him in to putting her name on the truck in case something happened to him at his new job & she had full access to his bank account. He was doing an out-of-state dangerous (but high-paying) temporary job & she was cheating on him with his best friend. Totally cleaned him out of every last dime. House wasn't insured because it was one of those fixer uppers that wasn't in good enough condition.

I also discovered a lump on my elderly dog's chest. It feels like either fat or fluid around a hard lump. It's either an encapsulated infection or cancer. I've been giving her antibiotics that had no effect so I'm guessing it's cancer. Poor old thing was really having trouble last night & this morning. I had to keep bringing her water and encouraging her to drink. She didn't have the strength to get herself up to stand and walk around a little so she was yelping. I got her on her feet and stayed with her for a long time just supporting her (that's when I found the lump-- while lifting her). Cancer would explain why she's not keeping any weight on. It also looks like she might have blood in her urine. My mother is nagging me to take her in and have her put down but she's still eating and drinking & doesn't seem ready to give up yet. I almost took her in to have it done today with the way she was feeling this morning, but she perked up. I brushed her, petted her, & made sure she ate all of her food & she was able to get up on her own and move around more. She's completely incontinent so she wants to move away from the wet spots after she pees.. The puppy pads slip too much under her so they are useless. She mostly just goes on a mat we have down for her. I'm going to wash it again tomorrow.

The upside is I got the washers on the bolts on the pet door, trimmed the bolts, covered them with white tape, and got the caps over the holes on the exterior side. There must be something wonky with the one bolt hole that gave me the most trouble with the bolt because it also gave me trouble with the cap. I had to lay the door flat and tap it with a mallet. By the time I was done it was dark outside and the temperature wasn't ideal for caulking. Gonna wait until tomorrow when it's warmer.

I think I'm going to use automotive filler primer on the deepest scratches on the door and use a little regular primer as touch-up where primer just got lightly scratched off. Even though HD doesn't have the paint I want in stock, Behr said I can have it mixed in the store (said satin deep base #9453 and pigment P500-6).

Update: The pedialyte seems to be helping the dog but she's still very weak. When she didn't want food or water this morning I realized she wanted to stand up so I put her on her feet & steadied her while she took a few steps and moved around a little. She likes the pedialyte mixed with warm water. I'd bring her into my room but she doesn't like it in here & it's colder than the other rooms and hallway. I've been going out every couple hours to check on her & get her to drink & eat. She normally wanders around the kitchen eating cat food but she hasn't gone into the kitchen in days. Today she's had some dry dog biscuits, a large can of wet dog food (some kind of chunks of meat in gravy) with a little warm water mixed in, some soft dog biscuits, a hot dog, and some rotisserie chicken. I think she would eat a whole can of just the gravy from the dog food cans because she seems to really like it. I'm going to give her a 2nd can tonight to see if she'll eat it and if it will help.
I also went down to the workshop and caulked around the pet door with DAP door & window caulk while the temperature was still warm enough. I took pictures but my phone battery is low so I am charging it before turning it back on to upload pictures. The battery has been draining super fast for no apparent reason. I suspect it's built in obsolescence and that the software is either reporting it as lower or deliberately draining it to try to force me to upgrade to a newer phone. The cold weather probably isn't helping any.
Now I just need to get the primer & paint. The really tough part is going to be prepping the house itself for the new door.
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Congrats to your granddaughter, Rusty! Seems like you've got a good clan going.

My dog has put on a teeny bit of weight but not enough. I've about tripled her feeding & am now warming her food and water to encourage her to eat it. It was very cold (for here) last night. I left my door open so the cats could come and go & had 7 cats and a dog piled up on me. A couple of the cats were under the covers keeping me warm, another one sat on my head (I'm sleeping in a hooded sweater), and they were piled up on and around my legs. The dog burrowed under the pet pillow. She's sleeping on the couch in the living room which is the warmest room in the house. My room is the 2nd coldest in the house but I have soft blankets, pillows, and body heat to draw the cats in. There are 6 in here right now. It's already down to 46 degrees & the sun hasn't even set. That may seem like warm weather for the folks up north, but it's cold AF down here. LOL.
Wierd weather. 59 degrees at 6am and the high is supped to be 60. Wind is whipping pretty good outside. On the weather stations along the coast, the highest I saw was 38mph. 28 at the airport. 57mph offshore and 25 to 30 foot waves... not a good morning for a boat ride.
Tomorrow and tonight a couple inches of rain. They keep changing the forecast so we'll see.

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