WE are trying. Broke the fever Thursday around noon, but feel like **** since. Karen is still in the hospital and thinking she will be there a couple more day. They took a urine sample for a culture and that takes 3 days for it to grow, What a fricking week. Our daughter has been our Florence Nightinggale but I'm afraid she is coming down with it. Coughing and hacking last night. Can't stop the nose from running, have went through 3-4 boxes of kleenex since all this started. Drink lots of liquids and wash hands when you get the chance. This **** isn't any fun at all.
Sounds like this virus going around but I cant see any chance of you both catching that unless you have been traveling the world or being close to someone who has traveled recently
Get better soon
Guess who is boarding a ship next Saturday?
So if you dont hear from me we will be maybe stuck on a ship for ever as each country might not let us off