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I've gotten very little sleep because I've been having to clean up & take care of things. My brother left cheese wrappers all over the place & didn't clean up after the elderly dog the entire time I was gone. He also didn't feed her every day & he forgot to give her water so she looked absolutely horrible & was in pain from dehydration. In fairness, he said he did try feeding her but she wouldn't eat all of her food in one day (but he still forgot the water and the water in the kitchen was empty but he didn't refill it). Poor thing looked like she was on death's door. I got her to eat a little bit but she rejected the fresh can of food I offered her & didn't even finish the small portion of chicken I gave her (this was before I found out my brother hadn't been giving her water). I have to bring food & water to her bc she has so much trouble getting up now. I got her to drink 3-1/2 bowls of water. She managed to stand up & move around a bit, but she kept barking in this pained yelp-sounding bark. I haven't been able to sleep all night bc she kept barking & I had to keep checking on her. Couldn't sleep through it bc my mother kept constantly paging me every time the dog barked (even if I was already tending to the dog). I finally asked her to not page me for the next hour bc I needed some sleep. Dog started barking shortly after that & wouldn't accept anymore water. I gave her a hot dog (sans bun) & she ate it. I then covered her with a towel & got her some more food but didn't add water this time bc she had already been drinking plenty. She started eating it, but she seems weak & has trouble. After I get some sleep in I'm going to take her to the vet to see if they can do anything for the poor thing. I'm slightly miffed that my brother didn't give her water-- I was worried he wouldn't take proper care of her. I did expect him to leave messes for me to clean up so I'm not the least bit surprised about that.

Apparently while I was gone there was an incident involving his new girlfriend, her father, & the police. The girlfriend is 21 & still lives with her father but she works at the same place he does. I believe her mother is dead. She doesn't have a driver's license so she depends on her father for rides. She decided to invite my brother over to meet her father. The father is a majorly abusive control freak & didn't like her having a boyfriend. He shouted at my brother to get out of the house. My brother turned to leave when the father pulled a gun on him like he was going to shoot him in the back. He cocked the gun & my brother grabbed it & pulled it away so it couldn't be fired. The guy kept trying to take it back all the while making threats. The daughter was screaming & crying & the neighbors called the cops. When the cops arrived they made the guy let go of the guy put the gun away & issued my brother a citation for trespassing. The girlfriend wanted to leave with my brother but her father said she wasn't allowed to leave & blocked her. She asked the cops to make him get out of her way so she could leave but the father insisted she belonged to him & couldn't leave & said she was autistic & couldn't make her own decisions. Without checking any medical history or listening to the girl (who has a very mild form of Aspergers that manifests in her not liking eye contact) the cops told her she wasn't allowed to leave. They then left her as his captive when my brother left. The father took her phone away & locked her in the house & wouldn't let her leave for a few days.

My brother informed HR of the situation & called for a wellness check on her when she didn't show up at work. The cops claimed only the person who is supposed to be checked on can call in a wellness check (which I know is absolute BS). HR eventually called in for a wellness check as well & made calls & eventually the father released her & she was able to go back to work. They didn't dock her for missing any days bc they knew she had no choice & she's afraid to try to file complaints against him with the police after the way they treated her before. She feels trapped but is also afraid to leave the father bc she thinks he'll kill my brother if she does. People are trying to convince her to get herself out of that situation & other people have offered her a place to stay but she will have to get up the nerve to leave.

If the cops weren't so corrupt here I'd suggest she file a complaint about the cops not letting her leave & essentially making her a prisoner to her father.

On the upside, my best friend was extremely happy to see me & gave me a huge hug when I went to visit him. I brought him some food so he was doubly happy. He got his new range hood & wall cabinet up above the stove & it looks good. I just need to get a ladder or stepstool and do some touch-up work on the doors. That floor is extremely crooked (and so is the ceiling)
Well lets see, today I put in a couple hunnert feet of cork. Last night got kicked off the www.theliberalgunclub.com again. Went back in using my VPN and re-registered. hehehe Those damned liberals can't take a joke! They want to vote for a dem who wants to take their guns, best of the worst. And they still don't like libertarians. But as luck has it my 30 days in jail over at rugerforum.net has expired just in time.
I have an issue with mods and admins bossing me around.
That's why you come here. ;)

EXACTLY! I have to say they're good people on both those forums.
Problem with the liberal gun forum is some old members are paranoid about new members. Not such warm welcomes. A couple people are insistent about knowing ones location. Not so much as rugerforums.net. And rugerforums has several thousand members. Plus some amazing knowledgeable people. Its prolly the best on the interwebs for guns in general. IMHO.
Some admins are just clearly biased dicks. But I can get into any forum after being banned and they can't track me using a vpn.
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I feel lucky, as I rarely get sick. (Knock on Coretec) :D
If chicken soup doesn' do it, apricot Brandy and egg nog can work wonders with the right ratio. ;)
Hope you feel better soon.
I went & helped my friend out bc he got screwed by his electric company again. Apparently they got bought out and reneged on a longtime deal he had where he could make partial payments instead of paying it all at once. Under the new management they refused to accept & said he had to pay in full within 10 days or he'd have his electricity cut off-- and we've been getting temps down in the 30s already. He's super stressed w/ the bills on top of some relationship issues that I won't get into.

His power bill has been high because he's got some electrical problems in his circuit box & needs to replace the box & everything in it. He's got a whole-house shutoff outside he can use when he switches over & he's worked on boxes like that before. We just need to find one that will fit.

We also went for early voting. It's right next to the courthouse so it's easy to find & has a parking lot with handicap spots. Our regular voting place is way out in the middle of nowhere with no sidewalks, no real parking spots, no street lights, & it's a total pita to find. My friend was supposed to go with us but he had stuff he needed to take care of at home. We got him a Popeyes chicken sandwich on our way back into town.

I just ate some grilled chicken sandwiches & am ready for a nap-- I'm always tired after I eat.

As an aside, I've been thinking about how my friend wants to add a little eating-nook to his kitchen & the dining room chairs for sale all suck and/or are too expensive so I've been looking at online plans for chairs. Ana-White has a nice farmhouse chair that is fairly easy to make-- has a full cut list showing how to get the best use of materials. I think I would make some modifications & have the rails/supports look more like a chair Paul Sellers made with a tapered seat, curved rails, and mortise & tenon joints instead of pocket screws. I also would use the rail positions Paul Sellers used. He has a 4" top rail all around the seat. On the front it looks like he has about a 3" gap & 2" rail (so a total of 9"). On the sides it looks like a total of 13" to the bottom of the lower side rail. My friend is good at upholstering so he can upholster the seat. Ana's plans call for a 4" cushion but other sites have suggested 2". Sometime this week I'm thinking of looking at my scrap lumber & sketching out some of the parts on the wood to see how things would fit. I'd have to use wider boards for some of the angled pieces to get the tenon right.

I'm trying to decide if I should make the seat at the back narrower than the farmhouse plans or make the front wider. Right now the plans call for 19"W x 20"D for the seat. Another chair plan showed a 95° angle from the inside at the back of the seat to the side & 85° at the front. The rear leg slopes so that the lower side rails would have to be cut at 10°. I just have to play around to figure out how to angle the tenon properly to be straight into the mortise (apparently its easier to angle the tenon than to angle the mortise). I don't know what the angle is for the way the chair back leans. Paul Sellers said no more than 7° and no less than 5° is a comfortable slope. He also cut 1/2" off the bottom of the back legs so the seat tips back a tad-- I need to figure out how to do the math to determine the angle I would need to cut to make the feet sit flat. He has plans & videos on making the chair but you have to pay for membership to see it.

I wish I could remember my math skills from college 20 years ago that explained how to figure out the angles of things. The chair that had the 95° for the seat taper had a 19-1/4" front and 16-5/8" back. I think I would have less of a taper to keep the seat wider at the back. Either go from 18 at the back to 20 at the front or 19 at the back & 20 at the front. The less of a taper the smaller the angle for the tenon.

And I'm yawning & barely keeping my eyes open so it's naptime.
Z here is the table I made for my graddaughter.
I also made her 6 chairs to go with it. The table ended up being 54 inches across the top I believe anyway over 50". I went by her instructions to the T but the top ended up with the glue joints coming apart and splitting. When I remade it I doweled and biscuit joined it together. I'll look and see if I can't find pictures on my old laptop or even the destructions on her site. Which is a good site as far as I'm concerned.Here is the chair patttern:
The back of the chair I assemble the bacvk itself after the rest was put together. If I was to do it again I'd assemble the back first and then attach the rest of the chair. It got a little messy with the glue squeeze out.
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I like the chair design. They look comfortable. I remember the table. How long before the joint came apart?
It wasn't long, maybe 3 months at the most. Wood dried out, I thought I picked the lightest lumber out of the pile. Oh well it is fixed now and she loves it, but I think it is to big and wanted to cut it down, but she says NO.
....so you tried my cure method? Knock the ratio to 50percent or less. :D
That sucks.
A month and a half ago, I kept two fingers taped together because I cracked a bone or tweaked a tendon.... or something. Took a week off then worked slow and careful glad it was my left hand.

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