Jon, the cops didn't report that the other driver was drunk. They were his friends so they left that out & didn't do a sobriety test even though he told me he'd been drinking & I told the cops. They acknowledged it but lied on the report to say he didn't smell of alcohol. They also lied & said he was going 55mph in a 55 zone but he was going faster than that in a 45. They didn't ding him for crossing in to the wrong lane (oncoming traffic) in a no-passing zone. The cop did say in the report that he was "completely at fault" but they also lied & said that I was "inattentive"- which really really pissed me off. I told them I wasn't looking at that side of the road bc there should not have been any traffic traveling in that lane in that direction & I was focusing on where I was turning in the frickin' dark with no street lights. The other driver decided to try to pass me even though I had min indicator on, he also chose to speed up rather than brake when he saw me turning. Then he chose to hit my truck rather than keep trying to go around bc he didn't want to hit the trees. He should have gone to jail but the cops figured that having his vehicle totaled was punishment enough.
Today was busy- I got the control arm replaced & alignment done. Had my transmission & oil checked (they both need changing asap- doing that tomorrow). Cleaned up, took my brother to the casino to get his ID but his dumb butt forgot to bring his old ID, picked up mail, dropped Mom's walker off at friend's house so he could reupholster the seat w/ materials I provided, went to Sams to stock up on cat food & water, picked up my prescription, cooked dinner, & am currently transferring data to a 4tb drive to put on my laptop. Around 4pm my mother mentioned she wanted me to do her laundry bc she told my sister last night that we were leaving tomorrow. I had a minor freakout bc this was news to me & I don't even know where our luggage is. I told her there was no freaking way I could be ready to go tomorrow & she should have at least told me. I figured Friday or Saturday would be better so we called my sister to tell her.
I'm providing my own filter & oil for the oil change bc they use crappy oil at the dealership & their OEM filters are garbage. Got the stuff that's supposed to last a year. No idea what filter to use for the transmission fluid but was told their OEM filter is ok. I still need to order an inner fender liner & the clips. Hoping to do that tomorrow.