Got to have a little chat with HI today. It was about seaming some woven Stanton. Said the directions they have posted on line that they are out dated according to Stanton. No longer has to be handsewn. Nice talking to him. Enjoyed it.
I talked to him a couple weeks ago. Nice guy. Knows a lot more about some carpet than I do for sure.Got to have a little chat with HI today. It was about seaming some woven Stanton. Said the directions they have posted on line that they are out dated according to Stanton. No longer has to be handsewn. Nice talking to him. Enjoyed it.
My daughter hit a rock and broke a tire and Walmart refused to honor the road hazard warranty. They are crooks.I was going to stain some cabinets but got a flat tire. My rear passenger side tire is almost bald on the outside but the opposite tire is fine. I can only assume that when the alignment was done they only did the front alignment & not the back. I took it to Walmart (where I bought the tires and paid an additional $12 per tire for road hazard warranty). After waiting 10 minutes for the clerk to even show up, she told me that being out of alignment voided the warranty (there was absolutely NOTHING in the documentation about the road hazard warranty about it & they never told me that- so I'm going to see if I can get my $12 per tire back due to their BS). I was in a hurry so I couldn't stick around. I went to the other tire repair place in town & they said to park at a specific spot & someone would be right over to check on me. 15 minutes later no one had come out so I went back in & told them I'd have to come back tomorrow bc I had other stuff to do. I put air in the tire about 4 times. Took my friend to Alexandria to pick up a piece of furniture that we got for half the original asking price. My friend is happy.
My old laptop is dying so my mother ordered me a gaming laptop for my birthday. It cost more than my desktop but I still got some good discounts and a free $50 Amex gift card. I hope it works at amazon. My friend is trying to help me find a good mouse for it. I want something simple & comfortable that has darkfield laser so it can be used on almost any surface. I want something with the rubberized comfort grip bc the regular plastic stuff makes my hand sweat.
Tomorrow I have to get the tire fixed & my mother wants me to take her to city hall to see if we can do early voting (but I suspect we'll have to go to Oberlin for that). I'm also going to bring my friend out to try to run the coax for the antenna inside for an amplifier box so we can get cell signal inside. Didn't have the right drill bit for it & had to get one. I'll probably snag some more electrical tape as well.
I'll probably make beef stroganoff for dinner but this time I won't tell my brother & I will hide it bc last time he ate all of what was left in the pan (and it was a lot). He's been bad about eating all of the food lately.
Mom's doctor appointment the other day went well. She got her flu shot. Her kidneys were a bit dry & her blood sugar was high but it was bc she'd been sick. The doctor was upset that the hospital had just sent her home without running tests the day she fell. He went over there to check on her after the fall & found she wasn't there. I mentioned to him that I personally brought back the wheelchair from his office to make sure it was returned & he thanked me & said sometimes they really had to chase it down if it was taken over there. I also told him about the Source Plus Liquidation place where my friend got the range hood & automatic trash can. It's such a nice trash can but far too small for my house & my cats would probably sit on it & mess up the sensor. But it looks good in his kitchen. The doctor said he'd look for the place because he likes finding deals.
If we have time tomorrow I will see about staining the cabinets. But I'll have to move the pantry to do it even though my friend shimmed it already. The cabinets all need to be adjusted anyway.
I'm still a bit pissed off about the warranty on the tires being "voided" when they never said anything about it to me before. I'm also pissed off that I paid to have my tires aligned & they didn't align the front. The walmart people wouldn't even touch my tire even if I offered to pay for the repair. So eff them. I won't buy tires from them again. The other 3 tires are all in good shape though. I still need to take the truck to the honda dealership for maintenance & need to get the new bulbs for the DRL & fog lights. I'm really hoping the bumper won't have to be pulled to fix the wiring for the DRL. The fog light compartment wasn't sealed properly by the repair guy so water got it in.
30s here this weekend. No fall this year. summer to winter.Got to mow my lawn , one of the last times for this year. Had frost this morning so everything will slow down a bit except the leaves falling.
Good point, although after measuring I see that the cabinets will not be that much higher as the ceiling is about 3" lower than I'd thought. My friend was happy with how it looks in the picture & he can store stuff on top of the pantry since it's an 18"x24" spot. The ceiling is also not straight at all so we'll have to go along and figure out where the lowest spot is. I need a thicker measuring tape than the one I was using earlier bc it kept flopping over instead of reaching higher.The height of the upright tall pantry seems very awkward to me. Can you order a small box to raise the lever with the wall cabinets?