Rusty, I'm glad to hear it was benign! Interesting way to celebrate. LOL.
Been taking care of my mother but she's improved. She's eating solid food, hasn't been throwing up, and hasn't fallen down again. Her back is feeling better but she's still a bit wobbly on her feet. We made two trips to Alexandria this week & tomorrow she has a doctor's appointment. The pantry cabinet my friend wanted for his kitchen was back in stock & 50% off so we went to get it. With her there we got an additional 10% discount. We also snagged a 30x24 cabinet to go above his range. He did the measurements & factored it in for a range hood we saw at a liquidation store in Alexandria. Went up today & got the range hood for $79 (it retails for $189). While we were leaving we saw some kitchen trash cans. His fiance had just broken his new one by falling on it. The one in the store was $35 but retails for over $120 & it's stainless steel. It opens automatically with a sensor & closes automatically as well. We also got some toekick trim & shelf kit for the pantry for the 10% discount. Grabbed some shelf liners for the pantry & batteries for the trash can from Walmart. Meanwhile, we grabbed a vanity light for our guest bathroom for 50% plus an additional 10% discount at Lowes. Grabbed some wire for the range hood as well. My friend saw a ceiling fan he really like at the liquidation place but he wants to save up for that one.
I still need to stain the new cabinets. I thought it was Minwax but I pulled out the can to show the neighbor from across the street because she loved the color. It's Rustoleum weathered gray. My friend is very excited about how his kitchen is coming together & he bragged to the neighbor that anytime he needs a big ticket item, he tells me & I can find a discount for him. I forgot that I found his stove for $200 (it's a $1k stove but needed a touchscreen panel replaced- not hard to do bc he repairs stuff like that all the time). He also had to admit I was right when we were discussing how to fit the range hood to the cabinet. He wanted the hood to go back more but I pointed out that it would cover the top vent (since he's using the ductless application).
The neighbor gave us some more info about the brat who attacked my friend's fiance-- or rather, about the girl she got to lie to the cops about a local man. She got the other girl to say the guy raped her & claimed that the guy tried to rape her (despite not having a mark on her-- when she claimed he tied her up). That guy is in prison with bail so high no one can bail him out & the other girl admitted that she made it all up. I told the neighbor she needs to tell the parish cops about it. We were also encouraged to get the witness who saw the brat trip and fall to tell the parish cops what he saw bc the local cops are morons. He did tell us that he saw the brat getting her a$$ kicked bigtime by his niece. She picked a fight with the wrong girl. He said "Well, she deserves it" and kept driving & laughed rather than stopping to help. Both girls are underage. He said it's the 2nd time this week that the brat has started a fight & gotten her butt kicked. I really shouldn't find a 14-yr-old getting beat up funny, but she needs to learn her lesson-- she needs to stop attacking people & needs to stop lying to the cops.
Meanwhile, my sister just "closed" on what she called her "dream house". She'll be moving in this week. If my mother is feeling well enough we'll try to go out there on the 10th or so. I'll have to make sure my prescriptions are all stocked up, although we're only planning to stay for about a week. The drive there and back sucks but it should be slightly easier with better gps now.
My friend's new trash can:
The range hood (with my brother photobombing)
The pantry cabinet (again with my brother photobombing- he's wearing a shirt I got him plus some hakama pants)