So, a few months back-- I think in May or June-- my friend had received notice that his property taxes hadn't been paid (he'd given his mother the $ bc it was in her name but she pocketed the $ instead). They told him he had one day to pay the taxes (to both Parish & city) or his house would be auctioned off. We spotted him the $ & he paid them both. My mother told him to ask them for a homestead exemption so he applied & was granted it. The parish wanted $600+ but the city only asked for $60. There was no auction & he never received any letters from either of them after that. Fastforward to today when my friend tried to put the property up as collateral to bail his fiance out (more on that situation in a bit). The tax clerk at the parish told him that he had not paid taxes to them bc he was exempt (I pointed out that the exemption kicked in AFTER he paid)- the then confirmed it had been paid, but she said the city was claiming the taxes had never been paid & that they had taken possession of the home. His mother went ballistic (bc she still co-owns the house). She went to go yell at the mayor & tried to get things sorted out. They were saying he'd have to pay something like $610 to get his property back. The people at city hall said they had no record of his payment & that he could not make partial payments over time and that every month it wasn't fully paid they added $100 to the price. They are basically stealing his house from him over taxes he paid. Don't know if the clerk just pocketed the $ or just forgot to put it in the system. But he's extremely pissed off now. He thinks the receipt from paying might have gotten thrown out bc he didn't foresee needing it. They never sent him a single letter to notify him that he was supposedly in arrears. I think he's supposed to be given at least 6 months from the time taxes are due & has to be notified in writing- but this place is corrupt AF. I'm trying to get him to see if he can get a free consultation with an attorney to get it sorted out.
Speaking of the corruption, it turns out the judge had signed the warrant at 8:30am on Thursday so they easily could have granted her a bond hearing then but they lied to all of us & claimed it wasn't signed until 6pm bc if we knew the real time, the timer for how long she could be held pending bond hearing would have started earlier. The holiday they closed for did not pause the timer bc it wasn't federal so they detained her for well over the maximum allowed time. Not sure if it's worth him suing over or making a stink about it. They set her bail at $4k. They had put her in genpop in the prison along with murderers & very violent people. Fortunately, one of the more intimidating inmates in there (who's there for capital murder) took a liking to her so no one would lay a hand on her. She saw other inmates fighting & getting beaten up which scared her. The jail "misplaced" some of her property that they'd had before she was transferred to the prison. don't know if they ever "found" it. They didn't give her any of her heart medicine or anxiety medicine the entire time she was in custody & the food made her nauseous. While she was in there another woman was brought in who had a swollen bleeding face, broken rib, & was throwing up blood. The woman had an ectopic pregnancy & needed emergency surgery & should have been at the hospital, but she was being denied medical treatment. She was brought in bc her boyfriend beat the hell out of her & they charged her for defending herself. The boyfriend was also booked in but looked like he didn't have a mark on him.
At least the bailbondsman was nice. He said in all the years he's been in that job, he's never seen someone get charged like that in a situation like hers. He was shocked they put her in genpop given her size & appearance. She looks 12. He cut his fee in half & said it could be paid later but that the stuff the court had to get had to be paid but he'd try to help us figure out how to get it done. Fortunately between us, we had just enough for the fees & bail & my friend can pay the extra stuff to him later. He was very sympathetic and nice.
She also confirmed my suspicions that the phone did not cause the bleeding head injury. She also said the brat stole her shoes. Brat had put them on & when she told her to take them off & give them back, brat refused & threatened violence. She told her to take the shoes off, put her own shoes on, and get out. Brat swore at her and refused. After the kick when she reflexively threw the phone, the brat punched her, slammed her against the wall, pummeled her & tried to knock her down. She grappled with her and managed to get her to the door. Brat was trying to get on top of her so she used her leverage to shove as hard as she could & push the brat out the door & off the porch. Up until that point there was just a white mark on the brat's head. Then the brat threw herself on the ground, wailing, and rolling around. She must have hit her head on something on the ground bc that was when her head started bleeding. Brat's family are claiming she has a hole in her head now- which could not have happened from the little iPhone. But could have happened if she hit her head on the steps or the paving stones.
The brat's mother was one of the people involved in conspiring to attack the girl- and the mother is the one who told her to put her hands on her in the first place to get her to leave.
I want to help my friend out but $610 is a lot of money & I think my friend should fight it-- but he's afraid they will instantly evict him. I don't think they can legally do that though. Not that they care about legality. Hoping something will work out.
The cabinet he wanted to get was sold out so he was bummed by that & he doesn't want to fix anything up in the house until he has ownership back.
On the bright side, the furniture set that matches mine was NOT sold as the lady had said. I guess the buyer reneged. The old man was there & he sold me the one piece I wanted for $25. It's in rougher shape than I realized but for that price, I'm Ok with that. It will still work for storage & will match my set. It's pretty damn heavy though. We had a hell of a time getting it in to the house. I need to clear a path & move furniture around to make room for it.
Speaking of the corruption, it turns out the judge had signed the warrant at 8:30am on Thursday so they easily could have granted her a bond hearing then but they lied to all of us & claimed it wasn't signed until 6pm bc if we knew the real time, the timer for how long she could be held pending bond hearing would have started earlier. The holiday they closed for did not pause the timer bc it wasn't federal so they detained her for well over the maximum allowed time. Not sure if it's worth him suing over or making a stink about it. They set her bail at $4k. They had put her in genpop in the prison along with murderers & very violent people. Fortunately, one of the more intimidating inmates in there (who's there for capital murder) took a liking to her so no one would lay a hand on her. She saw other inmates fighting & getting beaten up which scared her. The jail "misplaced" some of her property that they'd had before she was transferred to the prison. don't know if they ever "found" it. They didn't give her any of her heart medicine or anxiety medicine the entire time she was in custody & the food made her nauseous. While she was in there another woman was brought in who had a swollen bleeding face, broken rib, & was throwing up blood. The woman had an ectopic pregnancy & needed emergency surgery & should have been at the hospital, but she was being denied medical treatment. She was brought in bc her boyfriend beat the hell out of her & they charged her for defending herself. The boyfriend was also booked in but looked like he didn't have a mark on him.
At least the bailbondsman was nice. He said in all the years he's been in that job, he's never seen someone get charged like that in a situation like hers. He was shocked they put her in genpop given her size & appearance. She looks 12. He cut his fee in half & said it could be paid later but that the stuff the court had to get had to be paid but he'd try to help us figure out how to get it done. Fortunately between us, we had just enough for the fees & bail & my friend can pay the extra stuff to him later. He was very sympathetic and nice.
She also confirmed my suspicions that the phone did not cause the bleeding head injury. She also said the brat stole her shoes. Brat had put them on & when she told her to take them off & give them back, brat refused & threatened violence. She told her to take the shoes off, put her own shoes on, and get out. Brat swore at her and refused. After the kick when she reflexively threw the phone, the brat punched her, slammed her against the wall, pummeled her & tried to knock her down. She grappled with her and managed to get her to the door. Brat was trying to get on top of her so she used her leverage to shove as hard as she could & push the brat out the door & off the porch. Up until that point there was just a white mark on the brat's head. Then the brat threw herself on the ground, wailing, and rolling around. She must have hit her head on something on the ground bc that was when her head started bleeding. Brat's family are claiming she has a hole in her head now- which could not have happened from the little iPhone. But could have happened if she hit her head on the steps or the paving stones.
The brat's mother was one of the people involved in conspiring to attack the girl- and the mother is the one who told her to put her hands on her in the first place to get her to leave.
I want to help my friend out but $610 is a lot of money & I think my friend should fight it-- but he's afraid they will instantly evict him. I don't think they can legally do that though. Not that they care about legality. Hoping something will work out.
The cabinet he wanted to get was sold out so he was bummed by that & he doesn't want to fix anything up in the house until he has ownership back.
On the bright side, the furniture set that matches mine was NOT sold as the lady had said. I guess the buyer reneged. The old man was there & he sold me the one piece I wanted for $25. It's in rougher shape than I realized but for that price, I'm Ok with that. It will still work for storage & will match my set. It's pretty damn heavy though. We had a hell of a time getting it in to the house. I need to clear a path & move furniture around to make room for it.