Rusty, he wanted to do vinyl plank, but the floor is way too wavy for that & self-leveling flooring would have to be incredibly thick so he wants to go with an Armstrong tape down sheet vinyl. It will be about $200+ for the amount he needs though. I'm hoping that he can make up the hours to start getting ahead on his bills again and that he'll be able to start saving up for it. He recently got a raise, but he's had to miss a lot of work between being sick & the DCFS stuff. But, he now has an understanding with his ex that she better watch the kids bc DCFS has been alerted & he told her the kids will have mandatory counseling. Surprisingly, his ex didn't argue with that & said she thought it was a good idea.
I'm waiting for my friend to tell me when he wants to work on the cabinets again so I can help him. He also wants to build a railing on his front steps so my mother doesn't have so much trouble going up them. He's afraid she'll fall because she's stumbled a few times & we usually have to help her go up & down them.
I'm trying to figure out what to get my mother for dinner because my brother ate the leftovers again (without asking) but he did put the container in the sink. The leftovers were my plan for dinner but now I need to come up with something else. He used too much of the sour cream so I barely had enough for the stroganoff last night so I'm out. I've decided not to go to the store today bc my body needs to rest. I'll go tomorrow & grab more groceries.
Edit: I felt rested enough to actually be somewhat productive. I cleaned the toilet & filled all of the indoor pet waterers (not with the toilet water of course).