Belated Happy Birthday, Jon and Daris!
Highup, it's good when customers like you & appreciate you.
So, I had a bit of frustration today. I went to go get my mail and my post office box was locked. Last time the clerk unlocked it and gave me my mail- which contained the renewal slip. I didn't know the renewal slip was in there and my mother found it when I brought her the mail. I asked her to hand it to me but she refused & said we didn't need it. I don't know what she did with it after that, but it disappeared. I was told by the clerk that I had to return that slip and that they can't print another one for me. So today I was told that I can't even get my packages if I have a package slip, I can't get any of my mail, I will have to pay a $24 unlock fee to get my box unlocked BUT, I can't get it unlocked until I bring in that paper. There is a good chance it got destroyed by now so I have no idea where it is or how I'm going to get my box unlocked. I tried to renew online but Group E customers can't avail themselves of online services. There were zero forms online on the post office site or anywhere that I searched for renewing a Group E box. There was 3 month renewal, 3 month renewal in Spanish, and renewal of business boxes, but nothing for general renewal. I'm going to have to talk to the postmaster bc my mother gets some of her medicine mailed to her. It's incredibly frustrating that their system is this flawed. A person shouldn't lose access to their box bc of one slip of paper. In the past they printed out a 2nd slip as a reminder. The employee I've been dealing with is new & started to give me attitude about it. I need to find the postmaster and see if he's more reasonable or if something can be done.
Meanwhile, I filled two 55 gallon bags of my mom's trash while looking for the paper.
I brought an old dog house over to my friend's house bc his dogs were sleeping out in the cold on his porch. There is an old fuzzy dog mat inside that I hope will be appealing to them. They kicked their tiny dog out because he kept chewing on walls, chewing on furniture, chewing cords, & peeing/pooping all over. It's been getting below freezing outside and he hates being out there. There are also some dogs other people abandoned who sleep on the porch along with the cats-- one of the cats was abandoned by his owner and the other two are my friends cats that his fiance threw out because one of them crapped on the couch. The cats sleep on top of the dogs to keep warm. Oh wait-- there are 4 cats-- another one that was abandoned by her owner. She hangs out because they put blankets on the porch and feed her.
I get being frustrated by animals making messes and being destructive, but I think it's cruel to put them out in the cold where they could freeze to death. My spoiled kitties are piled on me right now. I got a new fuzzy blanket that they love. It works out because they keep me warm.
I almost forgot that while I was at my friend's house I took measurements in his bathroom and realized his plan to put in a 60"x30" showertub wouldn't work the way he wanted. Would create too tight of a fit and it can't go on the opposite wall because the ceiling slopes down too low. But, if he flips it sideways it will fit-- but he will have to move his toilet over. He actually likes that plan better and I found the shower and tub he wants & convinced his fiance to like it.