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The other 3 flooring shops are open. The closure was mainly intended for barber shops hair salons gyms in places like that where people are in close proximity to each other. Flooring retailers, tho non essential do not have close contact like those places. Seems like owners disgresion is the true rule right now.
Grocery stores remain open and they might have 50 to 100 people in the store at the same time yet a flooring retailer might have a daily head count of 20 to 30 people per day... totally different.

As of midnight tonight we are not allowed to drive anywhere not even to beach or park or anything. Can walk around the block though
Only allowed to go a shop to get food
We have to stay where we are at the moment, cant split the time between our house and the holiday home, if I had one
Got to stay here as Police and Army will be stopping people asking where they are going
Lumber stores have strips of blue tape every 10 feet so people know how far apart to stand..... at the supermarket you stand 3 1/2 to 4 feet from the clerk. :eek:
I hugged the lady I've been working for this past week and gave a hand shake to her husband as I was leaving. I hope the police don't find out.
As of midnight tonight we are not allowed to drive anywhere not even to beach or park or anything. Can walk around the block though
Only allowed to go a shop to get food
We have to stay where we are at the moment, cant split the time between our house and the holiday home, if I had one
Got to stay here as Police and Army will be stopping people asking where they are going
Is that because you were on the cruise ship, or is that everyone?
Did the census on my phone this morning so they'd stop harassing me.
Got the first notice a couple weeks ago and seems a week later a second one saying if I didn't fill it out they'd come knocking at my door. ....yeah, right. 😁
Maybe they would have brought a complimentary mask and some hand sanitizer for me.:party:
Picked up a couple of 4 by 8 so called 1/4" flooring underlayment and delivered it to a job site. It's just a bathroom in vinyl and carpet in a bedroom.
It's upstairs above a nice new shop the customers added on.
after I got the plywood underlayment up the two sets of stairs and got it into the room to acclimate, I noticed the bathroom floor was in a lot worse shape that I thought. The plumbers had cut open the new floor and patched in a few pieces across the small room. I probably have to fix that, then sand or float it flat before proceeding with the new underlayment.... this is a 5 by13 foot room all butchered up.
long story short, I returned the crappy Integrally underlayment an returned with some 3/8 AC.
the Integraply underlayment was closer to 3/16 than 1/4. I could feel sanding ridges on that crap.
How was your day? 😁
Oh heh, the 3/8 plywood was twice as expensive at $45 per sheet.
highup I did the same as yesterday, I played with the puter checking up on you guys sitting on the sofa watching TV
The day before I played with the puter checking up on you guys sitting on the sofa watching TV
Guess what I have been doing for the last 10 days?
Playing with the puter checking up on you guys sitting on the sofa watching TV
Still got 4 days to go before I can leave the house to be able to go nowhere except to get food with at least another 28 days of that
What is going on here

Glad you're checking up on us Jon. You know how we are when left unsupervised. :ghostly:
I went to three stores twice each today plus to a small repair job 6 miles from town.
Stopped at the flooring shops warehouse also to get some tackstrip, then the minimarket on the way home.
......oh yes, and the tool store to buy a guard for my angle grinder.
......yup, that's it, I think. 🙄

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