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I think there are people who aren't being tested who are dying from the virus but are being classified as deaths from flu. Testing is very slow where I live. My best friend's fiance's friend is currently in the hospital & has been tested but is waiting for results. She recently had a baby & has been running a fever of 104. I hope she'll be OK. She's in her early 20s but medical treatment in this area is substandard so I worry about her.

All casinos closed here, but security personnel still have to work. My brother was told he has to report for work for an employee meeting at 10am (even though large gatherings are supposed to be prohibited). He was laughing about how dumb it is for them to have everyone gather up like that. Casino is giving employees PTO while things are shut down.

My friend will be getting 70% to 80% of his paycheck during the shutdown, which means he'll probably come up short on some of his bills. At least he'll have time to work on some home repairs though. He said he'll come by and help us with some cleaning & fixing stuff up as well.

I'm still feeling under the weather but had to make another trip to the store bc my brother has been consuming food in large quantities. He had about 7 corn dogs at once (and those are supposed to be for Mom). It's going to be tough to keep food stocked up when he eats so much. I will have to go back to the store again for another prescription. It wasn't ready to pick up when I got my last RX but it's ready now. I've been making sure to wash my hands and to cough in to my sleeve at the elbow.

Anyone noticed that houserepairtalk and plumbingforums are down? Or is it just me?

Was having trouble with my computer shutting off randomly. Earlier I turned it back on but it cut out as soon as I opened Chrome. I noticed 3 of the 4 fans inside aren't working so I need to order new ones. I also opened it up and cleaned out a bunch of cat fur, which I think helped. I do wonder if having too many chrome windows open was causing problems. It started after my Radeon graphics drivers were updated, but that could be a coincidence. I hope it's not my power supply because it's not going to be fun finding a good 1000watt 80 gold plus one for a decent price.

Speaking of price-- when I first looked at the shower Mom wants, it was around $500+ but then it went up to $600+ and now it's over $900+. I'm debating whether to just order it at that price or see if it goes down again, but I'm worried it will go up instead. I'm also noticing it's out of stock at HomeDepot which has more reliable shipping. I might see if I can go to Lowes and get it ordered in the store & have military discount applied. I've also seen some of the pieces for sale (the wall set & shower pan and stuff) but am trying to find the ones that are compatible AND in stock to order. It's the Sterling Store Plus shower with modular shelves but the shelf kit is out of stock and the right hand shower pan is out of stock-- BUT the shower pan that Sterling says will work is the Ensemble one. They have all sorts of different wall heights & multiple different kits so it's confusing. I wish they had it in stock. They have the back wall in stock at the local store, but they only have the 34" side walls and center drain shower pan. 34" is too wide to fit between the wall & the doorway.

I just got brain freeze.

Jon, I hope you enjoyed at least some of the cruise.

I hope everyone else is staying safe and well.
Good morning all.

First off, to Zanne, Houserepairtalk and Plumbingforums went through a Xenforo update, as all our forums are forced to complete. Simply clear your browser cookies and cache, and then come back in and say hello, since all is fine "post" update.

Yes, being 64 1/2, I don't get to go to the grocery stores earlier, as they do with folks 65 or older, but I am nearly as acceptable as them. We went to 4 stores looking for chicken, since I can live on chicken and rice every day if needed. We did have some chicken in the freezer which we thawed, so last night I went out to BBQ it. Wouldn't you know, we had a downpour of rain at that time. Well, I got my chicken cooked, probably with steam from the rain, but it was fantastic. I looked like a drowned rat when I got done, but all is well here as we semi-hunker down for this Covid crap. Well, everyone hang in there, and keep us informed how you kill the time of the day while we are being isolated.
Thanks, Havasu. I used a chrome extension to clear my cookies for those sites (I have problems with logging in to other sites if I clear cookies for all of them).
Feeling nauseous today & am very tired. I need to change the HVAC filters again. I'm also about to go check the truck to see if my brother accidentally locked one of the cats in it. Woke up to a horn honking, looked out the window & saw no vehicles. Also gonna look for my cat Obsidian. He normally stays indoors but he's nowhere to be found. He's a very loud cat so he'd make his presence known. Went outside and called him yesterday multiple times to no avail. I hope he's OK. He's not the one that would be in the truck though-- it would likely be Aminatu bc she's the one who likes to climb into places.
I ended up going to the post office but there were no packages. Amazon has stopped shipping things out due to covid-19. I did get the drain for my friend's tub in & found out they have the tub and surround available in Lake Charles.
I dropped the tub drain off with my friend and visited with the friends he's helping out. One of them is not doing well due to problems with neuropathy. She can't even wear socks and every single step is incredibly painful when she walks. She could barely move. She's on like 12 different medications & I wish there was something I could do for her, but it's up to the doctors to find a treatment. She was feeling particularly bad since she went to go to an appointment only to find they decided to cancel it without telling her. Her boyfriend took off work to take her & now he had lost pay & wasted gas & she was hurting from having to walk. She's got a weak immune system too, so she doesn't need to be out there.

My brother's workplace has decided that all of the cooks, waitstaff, etc from his kitchen are tasked with deep cleaning the casino while it is closed (instead of bringing in the actual people who are supposed to do the deep cleaning bc those people often straight up refuse to do their jobs). My brother said that if they try to make him clean any kitchens other than his own restaurant he's telling them to stuff it because they wouldn't let him transfer to another kitchen so why should he be forced to clean one-- especially since he's a cook and not a janitor/cleaner. He hates cleaning (as evidenced by his refusal to even rinse a single damn dish at home).

I'm still having stomach issues & Mom has been having abdominal pain but wouldn't call the doctor. I think she probably strained something somehow but am not sure. We are supposed to go to Lowes tomorrow but I'm not sure she'll be up to it. It's going to rain the rest of the week so we wanted to get it on a day it's not supposed to rain.
Hav been sitting at our table at home now for half an hour and nobody has come and taken our order for breakfast yet
Very poor service here. I think we might also have to make our own bed and tidy up after us as well but will still wait for awhile to see if anybody does turn up to do it though
Looks like we are back to real life even though we are not meant to leave the house for 14 days
We did home with us a bottle of Champagne, a large bottle of Baileys, along with a large bottle of gin which was for drinks in our cabin, free drinks on Seabourn so we just got drinks from the bars
All dine-in eating/service is banned where I live now. Only drive-through and takeout are being allowed. My favorite restaurant is closed bc it's a buffet. My friend's annoying grandfather checked himself out of the nursing home just in time. They don't have Covid-19 there, but the staff were ready to murder him because he's so aggravating. He schedules about 30 doctors appointments & wants them to take him to all of them. They canceled them bc he didn't need them. He's also extremely needy, complains all the time, and won't let people rest. He called my friend over 200 times this week (thus far). No exaggeration-- he showed me the call log. I get he's a lonely widower, but the reason he's a widower is bc he aggravated his wife into coronary failure.

My friend found out he is NOT getting paid while the casino is shut down. His corporation laid of all but 10 employees (he's one of the ones remaining). They told him to give it a week to see if the company survives. If not, he has to file for unemployment. Not sure what he'll do about bills in the meantime. There is no way the utility companies will give a damn about people not getting paid & they will shut off services (just so they can charge a hefty fee to reconnect them).

We went to Lake Charles to get the tub & surround he wanted (nearest store didn't have them in stock). Mom tagged along so we got the military discount. Also got a tub spout for him. The rest of the supplies (mortar, sheetrock, 2x4s, PEX, etc) can be purchased locally. Just need to get the valve trim ordered.

My computer kept shutting off because it was overheating. I used Speccy to check the temp & it was spiking 76°C. Liquid cooler and all of the 120mm case fans failed. Stopped at Best Buy & they had limited stock, but stuff isn't being sent due to shutdowns so I got gouged on the price for 3 120mm fans plus a CPU cooling fan. The new upper fans have lights & my cat is afraid of them so he won't sit on top of them. My friend cleaned out my computer (I brought a can of compressed air) and put it all together for me. Running at 25°C now.

My brother is pissed off that his work has him coming in to deep clean the casino. He hates cleaning & he didn't sign up to be a janitor. He's also having bad allergies.

I changed the HVAC filter today & managed to cut my finger open on it. It didn't want to sit in right so I was trying to adjust it and somehow the metal was jagged and sliced me. It doesn't hurt though.
Casino closed today ...well, tonight at midnight.
Can't believe how much stuff is gone from store shelves. Beans, soup and paper products are thin as in empty. Frozen food looks ok.
Why are people freaking out? They actually think food production will come to a stop for 6 months.
I guess I don't need to worry about buying food because there isn't any food on the shelves to worry about. 😑
I just heard from a friend in France. People are banned from going outside unless they have a note and/or some good excuse for being out there. Anyone caught outside who doesn't have a reason is given a fine. Buying cigarettes is apparently a valid excuse. She had an excuse because she cleans dishes for the military but she will soon be out of work as stuff is closing down.

One of the parishes here has started a curfew & there was one confirmed case of covid-19 in Alexandria (which is where we go to Samsclub). I got messages from Harbor Freight saying they are shortening their hours to 8am to 6pm. Walmart is now only open from 7am to 8:30pm and they brought back their overnight stockers. I'm friends with one of the managers so he told me they are getting new trucks in soon. I have to pick up my RX in the morning and maybe grab more grocery items and figure out how to hide them from my brother. He ate my mother's leftover burger yesterday.

I was exhausted and achy so I slept all day. Got up when everyone else was asleep and decided to clean up because I was tired of tripping over trash. Mom has been on my brother to take out the trash for the past few weeks and he keeps saying he'll do it and then never does. So I filled up 2 trash bags & emptied the trash, then swept up & halfway filled another trash bag. My back gave out on me before I could finish more cleaning. The whole time I was grumbling to myself about how my brother doesn't contribute around the house but he eats all the food, leaves trash all over the floor, uses up all the internet bandwidth, etc. Next time he asks me to do him a favor he's on his own. I'll give him the same response he gives me when I ask him to help with something.

I'm slightly cranky. LOL.
I just heard from a friend in France. People are banned from going outside unless they have a note and/or some good excuse for being out there. Anyone caught outside who doesn't have a reason is given a fine. Buying cigarettes is apparently a valid excuse. She had an excuse because she cleans dishes for the military but she will soon be out of work as stuff is closing down.

One of the parishes here has started a curfew & there was one confirmed case of covid-19 in Alexandria (which is where we go to Samsclub). I got messages from Harbor Freight saying they are shortening their hours to 8am to 6pm. Walmart is now only open from 7am to 8:30pm and they brought back their overnight stockers. I'm friends with one of the managers so he told me they are getting new trucks in soon. I have to pick up my RX in the morning and maybe grab more grocery items and figure out how to hide them from my brother. He ate my mother's leftover burger yesterday.

I was exhausted and achy so I slept all day. Got up when everyone else was asleep and decided to clean up because I was tired of tripping over trash. Mom has been on my brother to take out the trash for the past few weeks and he keeps saying he'll do it and then never does. So I filled up 2 trash bags & emptied the trash, then swept up & halfway filled another trash bag. My back gave out on me before I could finish more cleaning. The whole time I was grumbling to myself about how my brother doesn't contribute around the house but he eats all the food, leaves trash all over the floor, uses up all the internet bandwidth, etc. Next time he asks me to do him a favor he's on his own. I'll give him the same response he gives me when I ask him to help with something.

I'm slightly cranky. LOL.

zannej you get cranky? :)
Same news here. Pennsylvania is shut down. The university is going online only. 81 professors never used online classes and that amounts to 460 classes that needed to be created online. And our team did it!

I'm part of the IT Help Desk crew. We took our Cisco phones home with a box to power the phones and we got online including the special call center systems. Next week online classes start for some. The rest will go online the week after. Now I really wish retirement was this year instead of 3 years later!

Then again, to quote one of my long ago heroes: Failure is not an option. Millersville, we got this!

I'm so glad I didn't get rid of this huge computer desk. Bought it in the late 80's when CRT's were the norm. At some point though got to put the tower on the floor if we're going to do this for very long.

Going to mow the lawn today. First of the season. Got the new Gator blades for my 46 inch Cub Cadet. All sharp and ready! Lawn looks so much better than last year. Funny, all Summer was renovating the inside. All Fall was renovating the outside, repairing the lawn that was 50% dead.

And to quote an long lost astronomer named Jack Horkheimer from the University of Florida, "Keep Looking Up!"

Stay safe. Stay healthy my friends!

Tom P.

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