Wrote my 'governoris' tonight.
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Promises Executive Action On Climate Change After Republican Walkout.
Democrats have declared this bill an "emergency"
Senators and reps all have check boxes to click to show the topic you wish to address. the Governoris of Oregon has no ckeck box to check relating to carbon, climate, energy..... it anything related to climate change. She doesn't want ant input from us "ordinary" folk.
I wrote.
" No check box for carbon taxes? No Check box for climate? No checkbox for is the Governor smarter than her constituents?
The utter disrespect and arrogance by you, threatening or as it now seems promising to pass a carbon tax via executive privilege tells me one thing.....
The people's view does not matter one single bit to you. You rule supreme I guess, and it appears the we serve the government under your rule.
I thought in America that the people had a voice by voting...... something that you will not allow. I guess we are idiots. You are smart, and we just need to get used to that. Why even allow voting in Oregon.
You know better and override anything we vote on anyway.
I am extremely upset over your arrogance, of you being Queen and knowing better than us worker bees you serve.
I got that backwards. We serve you. I will never in my life vote Democrat again. I have been a registered Democrat since I became of voting age. I'm now 62.
My parents and grandparents were Democrats too. They are gone now, but probably turning over in their graves over how low their party has sunk down to.
If you care, let us servants of yours vote on the carbon tax.
If you don't care, then do with us what you please.
I doubt if you read this because there are probably a million more just like it.
I have recently emailed my senators and reps on this topic. ....no responses in the past two weeks because they don't care either.
Oregon is about to save the earth

via a climate bill regulating and taxing anything that isn't nailed down.
On Tuesday, over frustratio of not getting this bill passed, she has now promised to vote via 'executive privilege' to screw all of Oregon's industry.
Log truck owners and passenger car owners, and anyone else that consumed power from any carbon sources will pay.
Don't worry, because it's OK to "pollute" with fossil fuels as long as you pay a tax.
.... isn't that what Algor does? Plant a tree and take the weight off of your shoulders for a feel good moment.
Rusty, you're the smart one.... What does it say?