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I don't even know what it was like outside today. I stayed indoors. Waiting to go visit my friend. I made dinner & am now sitting with the cats. I'm trying to help plan out supplies my friend needs to fix up his bathroom.
I'm trying to figure out if it's cheaper to just buy a direct drain kit or make one out of pieces. Just need the overflow elbow, drain for the tub, and the appropriate gaskets.
I was pricing out the valve body options for the Delta monitor trim he likes & found that the one that already has the copper tub spout rough-in attached is cheaper than the valve without the copper.
Wrote my 'governoris' tonight.
"Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Promises Executive Action On Climate Change After Republican Walkout.
Democrats have declared this bill an "emergency"
Senators and reps all have check boxes to click to show the topic you wish to address. the Governoris of Oregon has no ckeck box to check relating to carbon, climate, energy..... it anything related to climate change. She doesn't want ant input from us "ordinary" folk.
I wrote.

" No check box for carbon taxes? No Check box for climate? No checkbox for is the Governor smarter than her constituents?
The utter disrespect and arrogance by you, threatening or as it now seems promising to pass a carbon tax via executive privilege tells me one thing.....
The people's view does not matter one single bit to you. You rule supreme I guess, and it appears the we serve the government under your rule.
I thought in America that the people had a voice by voting...... something that you will not allow. I guess we are idiots. You are smart, and we just need to get used to that. Why even allow voting in Oregon.
You know better and override anything we vote on anyway.
I am extremely upset over your arrogance, of you being Queen and knowing better than us worker bees you serve.
I got that backwards. We serve you. I will never in my life vote Democrat again. I have been a registered Democrat since I became of voting age. I'm now 62.
My parents and grandparents were Democrats too. They are gone now, but probably turning over in their graves over how low their party has sunk down to.
If you care, let us servants of yours vote on the carbon tax.
If you don't care, then do with us what you please.
I doubt if you read this because there are probably a million more just like it.

I have recently emailed my senators and reps on this topic. ....no responses in the past two weeks because they don't care either.
Oregon is about to save the earth :eek: via a climate bill regulating and taxing anything that isn't nailed down.
On Tuesday, over frustratio of not getting this bill passed, she has now promised to vote via 'executive privilege' to screw all of Oregon's industry.
Log truck owners and passenger car owners, and anyone else that consumed power from any carbon sources will pay.
Don't worry, because it's OK to "pollute" with fossil fuels as long as you pay a tax.
.... isn't that what Algor does? Plant a tree and take the weight off of your shoulders for a feel good moment.:rolleyes:
Rusty, you're the smart one.... What does it say?
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.....an oh yes,. Oregon's Governor
Kate Brown is California's Jerry Brown's youngest sister. Why does the world hate Oregon?
One other tid bit about government stupidity. Oregon introduces a statewide sports gaming addition to it's lottery system last year........ Projected $16 million in betting wagers. Oregon government lost 5+ million. They don't have a clue. 😑
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Didn't actually have to buy it.


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I wish the Habitat store near me hadn't closed. It had some cool stuff. Priced out stuff & ordered some of it for my friend for his shower. Sadly, tub & shower are out of stock again (but they seem to come back in stock). I just have to keep checking. Saw some cabinet door handles on clearance at Build.com and thought Mom would like them. I sent her the link and she gasped when she saw them and asked me to go count how many handles we have on the kitchen cabinet. I counted about 52 but told her to get extras just in case. The handles we have are tarnished & the porcelain has broken off some of them. The newer handles are much nicer. They are a gold color with white porcelain with a blue thingy on them (I think it's a flower). Blue & white porcelain is her favorite. She got a special coupon code & also ordered the valve for my friend's shower & tub. It comes with the copper for the tub spout already attached. I had to explain to my friend what a slip fit tub spout was and how it uses a set screw to hold it in place. This valve is designed for pex with rings so I got the tool as well (bc someone stole his pex crimp tool & I didn't find out until after ordering the valve).

He replaced all the wiring in his car, replaced the computer, replaced O2 sensors, replaced the air intake, & got it to stop sending 12v where it should be 5v but now he found his fuel pump doesn't work so he's getting a new one. Since the state took almost $4k out for "usage" of the roads (which doesn't make sense-- I've never heard of that for someone who doesn't drive a truck for a living) he's now broke again. In the future, he needs to get a new wiper fluid reservoir & pump (both are completely missing) but that's not a major issue for him right now.

My brother was telling me about what a fracking moron the person in charge of food & beverages is at the casino. Dude never ran restaurants before-- only fast food courts in malls and stuff & he doesn't know what he's doing. They are understaffed & need to be hiring more people but he's actually firing people and causing others to quit. He sent out an ultimatum to all of the sous chefs that they either had to take a demotion and pay cut or get fired. Some of them quit in outrage and others let themselves get fired so they could collect unemployment. Only one took the demotion. The idiot closed down one of the longest running ala cart restaurants in the casino & opened up a fast food kiosk in its place. He wants the food pre-cooked so it doesn't taste as good & the chefs & staff hate it. Customers complain about the food not being as good & it's costing them business. This guy's changes have cost the casino a lot of revenue but his contract is up soon. He's trying to make it seem like he's doing a good job so he's cutting employee hours back and understaffing so they can't keep up with the workload. One of the employees broke her foot & is getting workman's comp bc it was a workplace hazard-- a grate that was sticking up. My brother hurt his back bc of the grate sticking up but was still able to work so no comp or time off for him.

I'm going to have to hit the store today to get bread and crackers since we're out. Also need to remember to get butter. I'm probably going to need more cheese bc my brother had two days off and raided the fridge. I'm also trying to figure out measurements for grab bar heights & placement for Mom when we do her shower & trying to figure out how to get the shower she wants without having to pay $1k for it (it skyrocketed in price for some reason- used to be around $500 and now it's over $900).
Thought you've been pretty quiet. Haven't checked mine for years but if it was 168 I hope I would know it. I think killing you then restarting your heart is like a reboot. Not always fun to try new things but sounds like your going to be fine. Keep us tuned in and don't pat no hineys till you get home. 😁
Sad to see my old Jr High turned to dust. It started yesterday. It was built in '23 and named the Harding School. They are keeping a live video feet from a camera on the roof of the high school to document the destruction.
Here's yesterday, a couple hours after they began.... The north wall tipped over into the bank by the baseball field... not on purpose. oops! :eek:


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