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Had an update today
We are essential after all
And guess what else I did?
The same as yesterday and the day before that
We have 451 cases of Covid here with no deaths so far. All come from overseas travelers
Glad we got back when we did from a ship which was clean. One thing about going on a ship with only 450 passengers not like those 2/3 thousand passenger ones. We also stayed in Australian waters


  • Covid update - essential skills(1)(1).pdf
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Just saw on our news that this virus is causing real problems for you guys
Wonder if by having our PM shutting everything down quickly helped
She isnt having a good year, Christchurch shooting, guy has pleaded guilty which will save a lot of grief for lots of people
The volcano at White Island blowing up and now this virus going around
Zannej be careful, Louisiana is the new hotspot.
Yeah, it's particularly bad for a few reasons.
1. The training of medical staff in terms of preventing the spread of germs is not that great, standards are low for qualifying to work in healthcare, standards for cleaning in hospitals is low.
2. The quality of medical care here sucks. The medical personnel aren't as competent here. People often have to go out-of-state for competent treatment. My father had to go to Houston about once a week for several months for treatments that weren't available here.
3. There are fewer hospitals & clinics & much of the area is rural. A lot of the places shut down under the previous governor who totally borked the state. Even GOPers hate that jerk.
4. Many people aren't taking it seriously & think they can either pray for protection or that it's just a hoax & that everyone is getting worked up over nothing. They are in denial & seem to think they don't need to wash their hands or take any precautions. They are ignoring the mandates & still going out to places.
5. We don't have any testing kits in the state & you need to have a fever to be tested (even though people can be sick with it and not have fevers).
6. People can't afford to go to the doctor & the ones who work at places like McDonalds & Walmart can't get time off to go even if they could afford it. Most of the work here is part-time so employees don't get benefits. They work the employees full time for 11 weeks then part time on the 12th week to reset the clock so they technically don't qualify as full-time.
I will say that Walmart has been having people cleaning constantly, has disinfectant wipes & a hand-washing station near the carts so they are trying.
I'm a GenXer and don't like being around people so I've been social isolating since before it was required.
Did the census on my phone this morning so they'd stop harassing me.
Got the first notice a couple weeks ago and seems a week later a second one saying if I didn't fill it out they'd come knocking at my door. ....yeah, right. 😁
Maybe they would have brought a complimentary mask and some hand sanitizer for me.:party:
They hung a bag that said Census2020 on my gate. I don't know who in the household took the paperwork inside or what happened to it, but I haven't heard anything from them.

Decided to patronize a local business to help keep it open after hearing an employee lament about business being bad. They were out of the beef stew so my brother got me some boudin balls with cheese. Big mistake. I haven't had them in years & have actively avoided the types of spices & onions and such in them. My digestive system couldn't handle it. Turned my back end into a faucet for a few hours and gave me severe nausea. I'm still slightly nauseous but feeling better.

Local hardware store is still open so if we need supplies anytime soon we can get them. My friend was asking me what he'll need to move his toilet over. I came up with a list of things based on what I recall of his plumbing. Not sure if he has 3" or 4" stuff. He's got some cast iron piping he'll need to cut out. He's going to tie in the shower later on so he'll need to plumb it with that in mind. No roof leaks since he got the metal roofing on, which is great. We had some nasty rain & flooding. The river is high up pretty high right now.

Daris, as annoying as waiting is, medical professionals are the ones getting hit the hardest by the virus. I've heard of multiple doctors/nurses in their 30s dying from it. A few of my friends are nurses & they report that people have been stealing masks & they are being told to re-use equipment because they don't have enough.
Had an update today
We are essential after all
And guess what else I did?
The same as yesterday and the day before that
We have 451 cases of Covid here with no deaths so far. All come from overseas travelers
Glad we got back when we did from a ship which was clean. One thing about going on a ship with only 450 passengers not like those 2/3 thousand passenger ones. We also stayed in Australian waters
That looks more reasonable. It's pretty easy to distance yourself in a flooring store.
Oregon has close to your number of cases, but 12 deaths.
About 9000 tests have been done.
They hung a bag that said Census2020 on my gate. I don't know who in the household took the paperwork inside or what happened to it, but I haven't heard anything from them.
I got two in the mail to either fill out online or to order paper ones to fill out. The second one they sent said if I didn't fill it out they would send a census taker to do it in person.
Good to hear from you Zanne. Many of the other forums miss you and your posts, and were worried when you weren't there on a daily basis.
Thanks. I hate to worry people but it's nice that people care.
I'm very concerned about Gary & his wife. Haven't heard from him in ages.
My allergies are kicking my tail because I went outside for 2 minutes. The pollen is everywhere. The blackberry bushes (which are taking over the yard) are in bloom. As pretty as the flowers are and as much as I like blackberries to eat, they are starting to creep up on the porch and the thorns are a nuisance.
I broke up a cat fight last night and then tripped over my brother's stuff in the hallway & fell down. I had trouble getting back up at first & my brother didn't hear me calling for help even though I was right next to his door. Fortunately there's a lot of laundry and soft stuff that I landed on so I only hurt my ankle a little bit & it's recovering already.
I'm going to head to Samsclub in a bit because we are on our last case of water & we need more. The website shows it in stock in Lake Charles but when I called to confirm the automated message said they won't tell you if something is in stock & you have to come to the store. They don't have curbside pickup options & the menu doesn't let you speak to a real person. It did say the hours so it's still open.
There's always newspaper, but don't use the digital version.
Started working on my router table again. Making decisions take longer than doing the work. Drove by a cabinet shop Saturday and the owner was there. He gave me some Formica to use for the top.
Being bored, I find myself mowing my lawn every other day. Damn, sure looks great, especially after all of our rain. One of my cameras on my security system is down. I tried, unplugging/rebooting/ unplugging modem, but still on the fritz. Alarm company is coming this Friday to fix it. The tech asked me if I will be home on Friday, between noon and 5 pm. I laughed and said, "Is this an honest question, since we are all locked down?"
There's always newspaper, but don't use the digital version.
Started working on my router table again. Making decisions take longer than doing the work. Drove by a cabinet shop Saturday and the owner was there. He gave me some Formica to use for the top.

Used to remember using newspaper before toilet paper came out but you probably arent old enough to remember those days :)
I've been having to stay inside because the pollen is wrecking my sinuses. I had a sore throat last night and early this morning but it's gone away now. Took my brother for his court appearance but they wouldn't let us in. There were no notices saying court was canceled-- only notices saying only the defendant would be allowed in & a bunch of legalese. After 10 minutes of waiting, someone inside came to the door and said "There's no court today!" The windows were tinted so it was very hard to see inside. As we were leaving another couple pulled up & were about to go in & I told them what they told us at the door. Lady was pretty mad because she'd called ahead & been told there was court. Her husband went to the door & pulled the handle. He then took photos of the notice on the door. The guard inside walked up and sprayed disinfectant on the inside of the door as if someone outside was going to get him sick. There is still nothing on the website for the court saying court was canceled. No public notices, no letters in the mail: Nothing. So we exchanged information in case we needed witnesses to corroborate that we showed up & were denied entry. The woman kept saying that they better not issue a warrant and claim he didn't show up when they wouldn't let him in. Turns out we're from the same town. I wonder if they will ever update the website or if they plan to accuse anyone who was turned away of not showing up so they can charge them more fines.
They should have at the very least put a sign up on the door saying court was closed. Hope the guy inside wasn't lying for some reason.
My brother threw up on the way home I had to pull over and let him out. The mucus buildup is really getting him. I'll have to grab some pepto bismol next time I I hit the store for groceries.
It's starting to get too hot in the house so I've had to turn my fans back on max speed, but I've still been sweating. Didn't help that one of my cats decided to sleep on my head. LOL.
Hav I reckon you miscounted
Try again as I think you dropped a few on the sofa from the second bag
I am going to the shops today for the first time in lots of days
I want a Big Mac but they are shut along with everything else. Can get petrol though even though you have to stay in your "local" area so thats not use
Our count of virus is the same as yesterday I think
Got that wrong its 708 cases now and still one death
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