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New high for me. $58 per sq yd to install vinyl in a bathroom. šŸ˜
It's new construction in the upper level of a new shop. Gonna be nice guest quarters.
The bathroom is small, less than 6 by 13. Floor is 1 1/4" plywood. They installed the plumbing after the fact, meaning they had to cut open the plywood to run the plumbing. Dead center in the room were two narrow strips of wobbly plywood sandwiched between two 24 inch pieces of plywood. They had cut three openings and had to sister on new 2 by 6's to reinstall the plywood. The new 2 bys we're obviously green lumber because they shrunk a lot and made a dip in the section they cut out. I wanted one nicely attached patch. Theirs was a wobbly hack job.
I ripped out the two narrow strips then set up my router to make the top side of 2x materials an even height. I straightened the plywood edges and made a rabbit joint in the 1 1/4" plywood and fit and glued in two layers of 3/4 inch to fill the void.
I re screwed all the other joints, sanded and filled the seams then covered it all with 3/8" plywood. The job was really all repairs and prep with a couple hours of patterning, cutting and gluing the vinyl...... So my rediculous $ per yard # isn't really honest. :ghostly:
Fun job. I have the bedroom carpet left to do. I'm installing wood transitions instead of metal.... we want it to look pretty, right? ;)


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I felt a little bit better before going to the store, but just in case I put tissues against my face, wrapped my lower face/head in a thick scarf, washed my hands thoroughly, & headed to the post office. I started coughing in the post office but was coughing in to my elbow & one of the employees got mad. I wasn't anywhere near anyone or any object and my entire lower face was wrapped up but people are paranoid. They are so paranoid they are no longer passing stuff over the counter. The employee sniped at a woman who asked for some tape to seal her letter because she didn't want to lick the adhesive to seal it.
My packages were stuffed in to a larger postal box & the key was put in my box. One of the packages was stuck so I had to put everything down and then spend a few minutes prying it out. They put it in the very bottom box so I had to crouch down & it gave me some trouble. The door kept trying to swing shut on me, but I managed to get everything out and to the truck.

Went to Walmart to pick up some more medicine & food. There were a couple guys who chuckled about my scarf. I explained it was to keep me from touching my face. I mentioned I watched a video talking about safety measures and not to touch your face & that I touched my face 5 times while watching the video. The good thing was, I could still scratch my nose with my arm & there was protection from the scarf. The guys were from the woods out east of town & they were looking for allergy meds bc of the pollen. One of them helped me find the right eye drops. They told me that 19 people at the federal prison have tested positive for Covid-19 (in addition to the 4 people that died).

Walmart had some stupid system where they put yellow tape over the fronts of the posts in front of the sidewalk to force people to walk around to the sides & they had carts in the middle to separate people who were entering & people who were leaving. People often go in the exit door. But the thing is, there is a bay just inside where there is no separation & it's where the shopping carts are brought in. They didn't have that cordoned off so it was a bit pointless. The guys I talked to asked me what the point was. I told them it was just stupidity. They had employees (who weren't wearing masks or gloves) standing outside the store to direct people & to wipe down carts with disinfectant spray. They were all friendly though.

A bus full of elderly people was parked right at the front to let people out so I walked around it on the outside to avoid getting close to any of them in case I started coughing. I didn't cough very much though & my eyes are already feeling a little better. I forgot to get some things, but I'll wait until next week to go back.

Highup, is the plywood usually pre-cut for plumbing rough-ins in new construction?

I'm tempted to get some vinyl transitions instead of metal-- that way they will be waterproof, but I will have to see what sort of transitions I need. I want something soft to go from carpet to sheet vinyl in my mother's bathroom/bedroom doorway. Right now there is no transition & the sheet vinyl tucks under the carpet, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get that to work. I'm afraid to pull up the carpet to try to put it over the new sheet vinyl when I install it. Same with my bathroom-- my carpet was actually cut too far back, but I want a soft transition that won't hurt bare feet to walk on & won't stub a toe on.
One thing about the post office, Zan. They can see hundreds of people per day. They are at risk like the people at the grocery store. I would be getting a bit edgy if I was in that much a public job.
If you aren't feeling well, it's best to stay at home. No need to worry people even if you know it's allergy related...... they don't.
Zan, the plywood is supposed to be in place after the plumbing, or on a case like this, installed from below before the sheetrock is installed.
Not sure why...... Maybe the bathroom was an afterthought?
Looks pretty nice now. Even tho the guest room won't be used often, I wanted it to be my typical bulletproof installation.
The guest room is heated as is the shop below....... It's got to be over 90 feet from the house. Customer is spending a pretty penny fixing up this new shop plus adding a 10 foot covered walkway as you walk past the 5 or 6 storage and shop sections of this neat looking building.
It is layed out like it was once 5 or 6 horse stalls at one time, each section is like a small garage, 20 feet deep by 15 feet wide. The floors are all concrete and no horsie smell, so I really don't know.
There are probably 6 guys and me working on the place right now. They are all doing exterior finish carpentry. They also have the roofing to install plus painting. Probably another week or so.
I'm going to finish the carpet tomorrow and be out of there. They might want me to install a room of carpet in their main house.... I told em it arrived, just not sure if they want me to do it yet.
Just a fabulous place and layout. Middle of town and you wouldn't even know it was there. Two lamas and an alpaca... a chicken that will hop in your truck, a few cows and a friend's children are in 4H, so they added fencing for a couple goats.
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I called in my carpenter friend who had a power hammer to chisel out the cinder block they had put in the hole in the basement, apparently to plug up the hole they were going to use to plumb the shower. I thought it as a sump pit but apparently not. Even with it having just rained, it was dry. So I figured to make it into a sump pit for peace of mind. After the blocks were removed, we found a 2 inch sewer pipe that was duct taped closed. Unfortunately the tape had ripped as they filled the hole with stone. I knew I was smelling sewer gas downstairs! Anyway, it was at that point that the sump pit would be more annoyance than peace of mind. We capped the pipe properly, filled the hole with the broken pieces of cinder block to take up some room, and poured in a bag of concrete. Mike had already brought over a bucket of finishing concrete. He troweled it so smooth you would not even realize there was a hole.

Going across the room is where the beam sits. We built a 2x6 load bearing wall under the beam. Because the span was virtually unsupported originally, that was what caused me headaches laying the floor in the living room. We had to shim the joists. We got it close enough and the 1/8 inch dip in the floor is where I put the 300 lb couch. I would assume that one day in the distant future when the couch goes, the Coretec will have developed a memory and hug the floor, even after the couch goes away.

I attached an image.

I'm going to drywall the side of the all showing, plumb that pipe to run inside the wall, and leave a pipe for later attaching of a utility sink on the other side. I need to add some outlets and a light switch for later. I'll build a workbench to hid the pipes and put underneath cabinets using MDF and 2x4's. I can run the cabinet all the way across and the bulkhead too. I'll put pot lights in the bulkhead or something like that to light the workbench.

It's all going to be for model building when I retire in 3 years. I want to build the big models like the Trumpeter Titanic ($300 for the kit!) and stuff like that. Needs lots of room to work. Maybe work on a wooden ship at some point. But out of 4 kits I only completed one. They are tedious.

Anyway, I was bored so I figured to say hi rather than play computer games.

Take care!


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The particular postal worker who got mad has been cranky with people since before the pandemic. She's been a bit rude to me in the past-- I think she doesn't like me for some reason. I might remind her of someone she dislikes, I dunno. I smile & her and try to be friendly, but she always gives me a an annoyed look. The other employees are much nicer. I can understand her being worried right now, but that doesn't explain or excuse her rudeness in the past.

I wish that I could stay home but it's not safe for my mother or brother to go out to the post office and store & the post office won't deliver to our house. I have stuff I'm waiting on that I need & I have to get groceries. I wanted to get cat food but they were out again. Can't seem to find it in stock online to order either.

Yesterday I mostly stayed in bed & used some eye drops (which only helped a little). My eyes keep crudding over and getting blurry. It's worse at night for some reason. I'm going to need more medicine soon because we are going through the stuff to stop runny/stuffy noses. I'm hoping this will be cleared up more by the time my friend is ready to work on his bathroom. It got postponed because he needed to wait for stuff to arrive in the mail.
Z it must be a female postal worker thing. I got one that is nasty as all get out. My regular carrier is the head honcho of the union here and when he is working he always stops and talks and even gives my dog a treat which she looks forward and talks to her through the fence. If it is someone else and she don't get her treat she barks at them until she can't see them anymore. I told her that and she said in a snotty tone "Well don't expect that from me." Coco gave her hell for it.
I called in my carpenter friend who had a power hammer to chisel out the cinder block they had put in the hole in the basement, apparently to plug up the hole they were going to use to plumb the shower. I thought it as a sump pit but apparently not. Even with it having just rained, it was dry. So I figured to make it into a sump pit for peace of mind. After the blocks were removed, we found a 2 inch sewer pipe that was duct taped closed. Unfortunately the tape had ripped as they filled the hole with stone. I knew I was smelling sewer gas downstairs! Anyway, it was at that point that the sump pit would be more annoyance than peace of mind. We capped the pipe properly, filled the hole with the broken pieces of cinder block to take up some room, and poured in a bag of concrete. Mike had already brought over a bucket of finishing concrete. He troweled it so smooth you would not even realize there was a hole.

Going across the room is where the beam sits. We built a 2x6 load bearing wall under the beam. Because the span was virtually unsupported originally, that was what caused me headaches laying the floor in the living room. We had to shim the joists. We got it close enough and the 1/8 inch dip in the floor is where I put the 300 lb couch. I would assume that one day in the distant future when the couch goes, the Coretec will have developed a memory and hug the floor, even after the couch goes away.

I attached an image.

I'm going to drywall the side of the all showing, plumb that pipe to run inside the wall, and leave a pipe for later attaching of a utility sink on the other side. I need to add some outlets and a light switch for later. I'll build a workbench to hid the pipes and put underneath cabinets using MDF and 2x4's. I can run the cabinet all the way across and the bulkhead too. I'll put pot lights in the bulkhead or something like that to light the workbench.

It's all going to be for model building when I retire in 3 years. I want to build the big models like the Trumpeter Titanic ($300 for the kit!) and stuff like that. Needs lots of room to work. Maybe work on a wooden ship at some point. But out of 4 kits I only completed one. They are tedious.

Anyway, I was bored so I figured to say hi rather than play computer games.

Take care!
Did that 2x6 wall replace the jack's you used to level the upstairs?
@DarisMulkin There were a couple rude male employees there before. One was giving me attitude because I complained they wouldn't link my physical address to my post office box so stuff was getting sent back & I was having trouble getting mail. He sniped at me "At least you get a free box!" I told him "No I don't! I pay for my box!" He then told me that I wasn't supposed to be paying if I couldn't get delivery at home. He changed his attitude a bit and gave me the paperwork to file for a free box. Another male employee was angry that I got the free box & said that I was paying a reduced fee & shouldn't get a free box (I looked at the prices & found he was lying). He was nasty to me after that. Neither of them work there anymore though. I do have a favorite employee there, her name is Ebony & she's always polite & patient with people. When she sees me walk in, she will go and get my packages ready for me before I get to the window if she's not too busy.

My eyes are still crudding over but I've ordered some stuff to put on them. It's probably some sort of eye infection. My mother has it now too-- she touched my eyelid to help me put drops in my eyes-- I was holding my eye open but she didn't like how I was doing it. She then touched her eyes without thinking about it. I have trouble getting the drops in because I keep missing my eye. LOL. Took me 5 tries to hit the target this morning.

I'm still tired, but feeling better. Mucus is more under control with the allergy meds. I did some cleaning yesterday and somehow managed to pull a muscle in my shoulder/neck area. It tensed up at the wrong time. My dog stole my blanket & pulled it to the foot of the bed, bundled it up, and crawled under it. The meds I took have me a bit lightheaded so I'm trying to see if I'm up to doing anything productive today. I'm waiting on some stuff I ordered to come in & am waiting until then to make a trip to the store & post office.
Did that 2x6 wall replace the jack's you used to level the upstairs?

The floor was above that wall. However we used shims between the beam and the joists. At first it made it worst. Then we pulled quite a few out and got it close enough. Before, there was no wall there. There was only a pair of 2x4's nailed together "strongback" style. And the makeshift post wasn't nailed to anything. It was semented 3 inches into the ground and the beam just sat on top of it. Wasn't even attached at the top. In the garage, there were 2 posts the same way. There I put steel posts.
All I did today is look at a floor, chat with a good friend for an hour and go get a check deposited. I worked Saturday and noticed my lower back wasn't working like it's supposed to. Took Sunday and today off to let Mr. Ibu Profen assist me.
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My brother is no longer sick so I drove him into town so he could pick up stuff at the post office, do some shopping for me (I gave him a list) and pick up some in-store pickup stuff give the stuff along just in case they refused to give the stuff to him & insisted that I be there, but he told them I was sick so they gave it to him (plus he had my credit card & order number). Picked up beef stew from the local quick stop.

Back home with my cat climbing on me & sitting on my arms while I type.
I had planned on going back to work. But not so sure now. Flooring is considered non-essential. And I don't want to be around a bunch of people. I took no restrictions to mean a lot of naps.
I got free pizza again today. I like being over 6 feet away from people who deliver pizza way over there on the table saw.
I've been pretty fortunate At a time when the local Carpet One closed because of Corona, I have been working on some nice jobs. Not getting rich, but a couple weeks of steady 6 hour days. Still have that much to do. I'm happy to still be deemed essential..... locally anyway.
I was feeling better today & my friend asked for help on his bathroom. I wore a mask the whole time just in case. He was taking his old shower out and installing a tub/shower & needed help with with planning & plumbing. I also brought tools (speed square, measuring tape, jigsaw, handsaw). I knew what parts were called & how to put them together. Good thing I got him a modular drain kit because he needed a direct drain as there was a joist below the overflow.

I gave him suggestions on how to reinforce the walls, give extra support, helped him troubleshoot some problems, handed him tools, swapped out attachments, handed him screws, etc. I showed him a shortcut for measuring as well.

Ran in to a couple of snags though.
First was where I got to say "I told you so" because months ago I told him there was no way the old shower was going to fit through the bathroom door, through the bedroom door into the kitchen and out the front door. He'd brought in through the back when the wall was opened up but insisted it was going to fit. He realized he was wrong so he had to take apart the wall to the back room to get it in, and later will have to move furniture out of the way and temporarily open the exterior wall up to take it out.

The toilet jack I got works great-- it was able to pull the toilet & move it all around & set it down out of the way.

Which brings us to snag #2: The best place to move the toilet happened to be right over a huge beam. If we put the toilet to the right of it, it wouldn't be able to connect to the rest of the plumbing bc the beam was in the way & the ground is very close to the bottom of the beam. If we put it to the left of the beam, people would be hitting their knees on the shower. So we ended up having to cram the toilet in a cubby between the wall & shower (still on it's same flange) but turned sideways. So far it looks good.

I had to leave to take medicine and make sure my mother had food, but his fiance has been sending me updates. Tomorrow will probably be painting day. I have to pick up more cat food because I think my cats are getting ready to eat me. They were trying to spill condiments on me earlier. :p

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